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Gorgons, can we make them work?


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Hey all,

Kriegsman here... now I was wondering how to best get usage out of our gorgons and what sort of lists we'd put them in.

To me, to make them worth it, one would need have their entire army advancing, with other threats abounding also.

Came up with a very basic list..what are our thoughts? 

Death Rider Commander w/ Lance 45
Marshall Venner 60
Commissar Yarrick 130
Quartermaster w/2 Servitors 47
4x Death Rider Command Squadron 60
4x Company Command w/ Reg Banner 33
5x Engineers w/2 Flamers. Heavy Flamer 71
5x Engineers 40
Misitorum Priest 35
5x Grenadiers w/ 2x Plasma, Plasma Pistol 62
5x Grenadiers w/ 2x Plasma, Plasma Pistol 62
10x Kriegsmen 50
10x Kriegsmen 50
Squadron 1, 10x Death Riders w/ Lances 160
LoW Detachment
Vulcan Macharius w/ Twin Heavy Stubber, 2x Heavy Stubber 365
Vulcan Macharius w/ Twin Heavy Stubber, 2x Heavy Stubber 365
Gorgon Transport w/ Gorgon Mortars and 2x Twin Stubber 364

Now the dream here..and is proably that... well for starters.. 3 drops is pretty solid... so hopefully you can get first turn.

Now to me you'd move the gorgon, advance it then pop smoke as far as possible forward. Have the Vulcans Try and chew up the biggest AT threats.
Turn 2 if you're still alive, drop the guys out of the gorgon as well as outflank all the death riders.

Now I realise they are only guardsmen, but I feel if you could even get the 2 infantry squads into combat... if they where currectly supported (all the 6" bubbles where going off) they have 3 attacks a piece, rerolling 1's. They have a 6+ FNP and a commisar nearby also. 

Probably an army that either wins or loses at the top of turn 2..but it is the only way I can figure out how to get a gorgon working for us...

Any other thoughts?

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I too have a Gorgon and have been brainstorming ways to make it effective. I play mixed regiments but i use death korps units so I can somewhat relate to your army.


I think your list could work especially with almost assuring 1st turn, which most players won't expect fighting Guard. I like the target saturation and the flanking death riders for support.


Personally I would run a more mixed force with an artillery tank line and maybe a few russes or a flyer or two. That way you can still have the long range supporting fire whilst maintaining your advance with the Gorgon. Scout sentinels would compliment it well to deter deep striking.


I think a good way of looking at the Gorgon is like 4 chimeras glued together. You sacrifice flexibility of spreading your units with durability. Hence why I feel like it would be good to fill out the force with more mechanised units to fill your deployment zone but to also to spread across the board.


Really glad you started this thread as I've been dying to get my Gorgon on the table but it seems to be an ignored unit by the community.

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Never owned one, but I was under the impression that the gorgon also had rear hatches (could be wrong) so you can use it to act as a type of land bridge ferrying units pretty much from your deployment zone to the edge of his. So you could drop a macharius for MOAR TROOPS that you use to sit in reserve behind the gorgon until you need them to embark/disembark them to support the first wave of boyz guardsman. maybe add some arty to soften targets up. 

Edited by Mechanicus Tech-Support
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Real problem for me is the low impact that plain infantry will have if assaulting everything with T4. Even with the buff of attack and re-roll I fear that it's bot enough... ok maybe you win your first assault, but you became suddenly a sitting duck in the heart of the enemy line... I love Gorgon and the idea, but... it sound like a waste of points/money
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Yarrick, Command Squad with Regimental Standard, Ministorum Priest, Quartermaster, and all the Engineers you can shove in there.  If you take them as 5-man squads, that's a lot of demo charges and special weapons and Sgts swinging bunch of times with power weapons.  Rerolls from Yarrick.

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Withershadow that's a good idea with the MSU engineer squads. I would probably skip the specials in that case since it could get pricey, especially since the shotguns are so good and they're not likely to survive many turns after they disembark so a bunch of demo charges sounds like a good idea.
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Yarrick, Command Squad with Regimental Standard, Ministorum Priest, Quartermaster, and all the Engineers you can shove in there.  If you take them as 5-man squads, that's a lot of demo charges and special weapons and Sgts swinging bunch of times with power weapons.  Rerolls from Yarrick.

Sound better than assaulting party, especially because in this way you offer lot of targets and not just a couple, But How many points in one basket?

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This is my next project army when I finish my Elysians and sell more of my other crap. I was thinking a Gorgon and piles of engineers and a few characters, a couple HF chimeras with base infantry squads, escorted by a pair of malcadors, probably an infernus and defender. Rear line would have a hydra and a couple wyverns and fill in the rest of the points with death riders and a couple scout sentinels. Basically a mobile spear head that drives up the table.

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I'd try to pack as many DKoK elite units in there with a priest as I could.
I'd park "Yarrick" in the back with earthshakers.
I'd fill the midground with conscripts, dkok 10 man units with flamers mixed in, in case someone got saucy. 

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I feel that is a waste of Yarrick.  He is very good in close combat and helps morale in melee (Krieg doesn't care about shooting moral, remember), and you get a lot more rerolls with a bunch of infantry units nearby than the the handful of shots earthshakers get.

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