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DIY Successor Chapter - Void Angels WIP


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To start with, let me say that this is solely a fluff/world building exercise at the moment; I do not have an army and am not likely to get one any time soon. You folk and your expensive hobbies....


Regardless, I have the desire to create a custom Space Marine Chapter, and it fell between the Sons of the Lion and Sanguinius. I've elected to write up a Dark Angels successor chapter, and could use some input from those versed in the lore, and those who are creative.


Void Angels

Chapter Banner: Unknown

Chapter Colors: Midnight Blue and Silver Trim. Robes of Undetermined Color on Veterans (Seeking suggestions that look good paired with blue and silver). Terminators are completely Silver.

Chapter Homeworld: Taranis

Battlecry: "Void and Flame!"


Ideas: I would like them to place emphasis on the knightly aspects of the Dark Angels character, as well as create a chapter which is slightly more humanitarian, along the veins of the Lamenters or Salamanders. This of course comes into conflict with their duties as Unforgiven, though it could be an interesting opportunity. One idea I had was that Azrael decided to have one Unforgiven chapter play the role of PR in order to deflect attention, but I'm fully open to other ideas.


For combat tactics, I was thinking of a chapter which relied principally on aerial assault, using dropships to land troops and support. Since the Unforgiven are known to have access to a lot of interesting goodies, I was thinking they could have a fleet of Storm Eagle gunships at their disposal.


Was wondering what the general consensus on name structures are for Unforgiven Successors. They all have similar structure, but are their Raven and Deathwing equivalents all named as such? Presumably, their chapter master is not the Supreme Grand Master, given the secret meaning of that title. 


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Ideas: I would like them to place emphasis on the knightly aspects of the Dark Angels character, as well as create a chapter which is slightly more humanitarian, along the veins of the Lamenters or Salamanders. This of course comes into conflict with their duties as Unforgiven, though it could be an interesting opportunity. One idea I had was that Azrael decided to have one Unforgiven chapter play the role of PR in order to deflect attention, but I'm fully open to other ideas.




Man, I did something so close to this with my Successor Chapter!


I named them the Angels of Deliverance, in my local gaming group.


They are virtuous marines that value human life a lot more than your average marine (just like the Salamanders), and although this wasn't the reason for their creation, they have been tasked at present, by Azrael, to work as a form of front Chapter, designed to display good PR, ally themselves with the Ultramarines and other chapters, and try to deflect unwanted attention to the Dark Angels; even learn -through their political and diplomatical actions with other chapters- of any leads that could endanger secrets of the First Legion to be called into public light.




My color and battle tactics are totally different though. Green armor with blueish grey shoulder pads, full grey and gold on the terminators, and with the chapter banner being a vertical stripe of green over a grey field, with three winged swords running across it. Very different to the color scheme you want to go with here. I take this guys to war with waves of infantry, and a lot of bolters, heavy bolters, and missile launchers. Superiority in numbers and overwhelming firepower, whenever possible, is the flavour of the chapter.

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First Company - Ironclad Host*

Colors - Shining Silver plating, Midnight Blue robes on Ironclad Knights. 

Organization - Based on Deathwing of the original Dark Angels legion

Banner - WIP

Motto - "Forged in Flame, Tempered in Void"



Second Company - Tempest Host

Colors - Solid Midnight Blue

Organization - Based on Ravenwing of the Dark Angels

Banner - WIP

Motto - "Descend like the Lightning Bolt"



Not a whole lot here, but I wanted to get something done.

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