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Scout rule

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As I understand it (haven't played 40k in a while)

the scout rule allows you to deploy anywhere upto 9" from the enemy, whether in cover or not.

Does the scout rule include a pre game scout "move" like in 7th, I couldn't see it anywhere in the rules.

Has that been removed from this edition?


As the land speeder storm has he scout rule, can that also deploy the same way?

So if my entire army had scout id deploy last and anywhere I wanted essentially?


cheers guys, sorry for noobish Qs, I missed the last couple years and have returned with a new edition and rules

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There is no scout rule anymore. The LSS has the scout keyword but nothing allows it to deploy like the scouts unit does (which is called concealed deployment)


You are allowed to deploy your scout units anywhere that is more than 9" from the enemy deployment zone. And there is no prole first turn move.

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Welcome back, GC08.

Has that been removed from this edition?

In the present edition all these such abilities so far have been characteristic of the unit and defined there rather than the stripped down rulebook. We've seen the end of USRs.


On pg 149 of 'Dex Marines we find that scouts have the 'Concealed Position' rule described on that page. This is what they have and all that have for deployment tricks.


Scout bikers and Land Speeders Storm now lack deployment such deployment rules.

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