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I have fallen in love with the Deathwing Champion


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So, last saturday I ran a 25 power level list for Fate of Konor. I brought this guy along, to have someone to act as pressure point in the table, and serve in a pincer move to catch advancing Chaos forces between my gunline and a hard place (sort to speak).


I had never used this guy before, and the statline, although impressive, was not enough to convince me entirely of the usefulness of the character. Terminators move slow, drop far from the enemy, and without guns, I expected this guy to teleport in, do nothing, and get shot.


I thought, well, he will at least give me a turn or two, keeping my enemy focused on him, if I position him correctly. And with Astaramis objective for Chaos being to cross my defense line, that felt like a good deal.


But, man oh man. This guy did a lot more than just attract firepower.


In the two fights I used him, he not only survived over 4 rounds of sustained shooting (counting shoothing phases and overwatch, that I took on a lof of due to bad charge rolls) with little more than scratches, but that halberd of his? I wiped down entire squads in seconds.


I gotta say, he outperformed every scenario I had thought out for him.


I am, in a very strategic sense, in love with this character now.

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I'm anxious to try him out myself. We'll see how I change my opinion of him, although he'll accompany an Interrogator Chaplain, an Ancient and a squad of DW Knights.


I'm sure he becomes a different character when brought in as part of a bigger formation.


Due to the size of the games we played, I brought him in as a lone warrior to face off against stragglers in my enemies armies, and to work as a small arms fire magnet. I had him drop far from artillery type units, and near infantry, to make the most of the Halberd of Caliban. That way, I could focus my missile launchers and lascannons on the big stuff, and worry about the blobs of infantry later in the game.


In this fashion, he worked wonderfully. I am sure that, against more melee-centric squads, or against just more infantry or larger squads, in larger games, he alone would do little, as he becomes to easily shot en mass. Putting him behind a small wall of bodies would be best, yeah.


The AP-4 of the weapon is what makes it great. You simply cannot save against it. Sure, invulnerables are there for a reason, but even so, with just one or two hits that mange to get through, you are looking at some serious damage.


Like I said, I expected little of this guy, and now I can't wait to bring him in another fight.

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Next Konor week at my local game store, is going to be capped at 30 power levels. With elites being the theme of the week, I am planning to try this guy again. This time, with more Terminators to join in with him at the front lines. Lets see how he performs when attached to a whole retinue of Deathwing badasses.

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