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Augustus challenge: A chaplain joins the fight


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So I decided to participate in the August challenge and I'd though I's shar the final result with the rest of the chapter so I can have some critics / tips for the future.


I've been some years without painting and the pictures don't capture all of the contrast in the metalics mainly, guess I took the pictures too close to the model...


anyway, here it is:


The official thread


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Very very Nice skull helmet, And power crozius, And blue light effect near helmet. But i must say that i don't lukę white bolter.


How you made This skull effect?


The bolter does seem kind of...unfinished I tought about doing the checkered white and black pattern but the space was too small and it woulf probably look worse that plain white.


the skull was kinda tricky lots of layers to get it right.

Started with the chaos black basecoat - fortress grey undercoat - very thin layer of skull white

The glow effects were a mixture of watered down layers of enchanted blue, ice blue and skull white.

Then I gave it a ogryn flesh wash just to pick out the small details on the skull and add some contrast with the area touched by the glow.

Finally I highlighted part of the skull with a drybrush of skull white (our left, his right side).


It may sound simple when I write it down but there was a lot of trial and error and picking on the small details as I felt that this should be the more striking part of the model along with the scrolls, the rest of the armor just look plain.


Glad you liked it. :smile.:

Edited by Drac0
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Right. I use nearly the same tehnique of making glowing effect. I can see that you spend a lot of time on This model, but effect is worth it. Good job:)


P.s What is actual name of ogryn flesh wash.

Edited by Aegir_Einarsson
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Right. I use nearly the same tehnique of making glowing effect. I can see that you spend a lot of time on This model, but effect is worth it. Good job:)


Thanks. Indeed I am pleased with the result.

Now I'll have to get cracking on his terminator buddies, maybe I'll go for another challenge to get the motivation hehehehe


EDIT: To answer you question it is an actual citadel wash called Ogryn Flesh


Edited by Drac0
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Not part of the challenge but might as well use this thread to post updates to my crusade rather than create a new one.


so here it is the update on the squad that will follow chaplain [insert name] into the fires of battle:



Still wip, experimenting on the danger stripes and leaving the base to dry overnight.





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