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I'm considering running these when I start building my 'nid army and wondering how people are finding them this edition. I really like their rules and can think of a number of ways to use them, but have no tabletop experience with or against them. I'm thinking of running a biovore artillery battery of maybe 3 plus a Malanthrope to babysit them.

I also have a rules question about taking spore mines as a fast attack option. I know the Living Bombs rule makes them not count as normal units for many things. I want to make sure I'm reading it correctly. If I float them down and don't start with them on the table, do they count against my 50% in reserves total? Do they count as true Fast Attack choices for meeting formation requirements for say, a brigade? As I read the Living Bomb rule I assume yes and yes, but I want to be sure because I often misread these things.

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