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Malefic Lord PSA


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You can add a supreme command detachment to any of your Chaos lists consisting of 3-5 Malefic Lords for 90 to 150 points. This will give you +1 command point, as well as 3-5 people who can cast Warp Flux. Assuming they all get it off that's 5d3 mortal wounds per turn or 5d6 mortal wounds against vehicles. It also gives you a bunch of attempts to Deny the Witch.

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No clue what Malefic Lords are, but in matched play you are restricted to casting the same power only once per phase. ;)


Tho it sounds you could do the same just with Smite if you position yourself properly.

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I thought it was once per psyker per phase? Rulebook says, "A psyker cannot attempt to manifest the same psychic power more than once in a turn". This is 3-5 different psykers. Malefic Lords are an HQ choice in the Renegades and Heretics list, that cost's 30 points and hulks out after a perils of the warp.


Edit: Nevermind, I see it in the matched play. You could still smite 5 times, which is pretty dangerous. Or one Warp Flux and 4 smites for 150 points. Either way its a lot of mortal wounds, and a lot of chances to hulk out via perils.

Edited by micahwc
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Yep. Add troop choices of 9 brimstone horrors and 1 blue horror for a grand total of 23 point per squad. t3 4++ and can cast smite on a 5+ on a single dice. Best bubble wrap in the game, and with the Malefic lords you can start making batallions and brigades to rack up the command points. 2 Malefic lords and 3 squads as above = 3 command points.

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Excuse the ignorance, but which book are these in?



Imperial Armour - Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum.


Yes, this is the Forgeworld Imperial Guard index for 8th ed, but it happens to include rules for Renegades & Heretics.  There are some pretty crazy combos there.




Edit: Nevermind, I see it in the matched play. You could still smite 5 times, which is pretty dangerous. Or one Warp Flux and 4 smites for 150 points. Either way its a lot of mortal wounds, and a lot of chances to hulk out via perils.



I've been looking at this (alongside other stuff), is this confirmed?  Basically 1 Malefic Lord casting Warp Flux then everyone else can Smite?


Besides being an awesome way to dish out mortal wounds, this would be a really fun painting project.

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Rulebook says smite is the only exception to being cast only once per turn in matched play. So yeah, one could cast warp flux or whatever it wanted to, and the rest could all cast smite. Unless the target is a vehicle smite does more damage than warp flux and it's easier to cast. Still though, with 3 of these guys you can deal out 3d3 or 2d3 and 1d6 mortal wounds per turn, for less than 100 points.

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If you are within 12" of your enemies Warp Flux can be situationally better than Smite, since you can target whoever you want rather than the closest enemy squad. Basically it can snipe characters or vehicles at the cost of higher warp charge and shorter range. Still, Warp Flux is likely going to be better than the other two R&H psyker abilities which are even more specialized. 

Edited by Azekai
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The official models for these Malefic lords, are the Renegade psyker dudes (the 2 guys, 1 which actually looks like a malefic lord, and one who looks like he is being overtaken by the warp) that Forge World sells, correct? Do they also sell models for the psyker squad or do they need prozying? I couldn`t find those.


Reason why I am asking is that I am very interested in fielding 3-4 of these Malefic lords in a supreme command detachment

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