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Terminators: Which ones and how should i use them?


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Trying to figure out the best way to use terminators in the Crusade. 


In 7th i would usually use a LRC to transport a TH/SS unit with a chaplain.  Now it seems like deep striking them in is the best use of our chapter tactics.


I was thinking of the following:

10 man Terminator squad

2x Assault cannon

2x Chain Fist

1x Sword Brother with PS/StormBolter

5x Storm Bolter/PF


Combat squad them as needed then deepstrike, shoot and assault.  They get addition shooting over the TH/SS and they should hit almost as hard.  I'm a little worried about the lack of a 3++ but if they get into assault, there shouldn't be much left to hit them back.And, I can Teleport homer them back if things get bad. 

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They are a good unit for dropping behind enemy lines, i did it with a 5 man squad and they became the priority target for the necron destroyers who were 9" away, meant the rest of my army was saved from them and it felt very good when the terminators punched them off the table.
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Ever since 5th I would teleport in behind enemy lines and shoot at then try and charge a enemy needing it. Depending on army I was facing 10 or 5 man squad. Usually assault cannon. Have always loved termis so I recommend the same. 5 Hammernators seem to do fine so drop them in and let them hurt something big let your regular termis shoot (especially with more shots from Assault bolters) and let them distract or hurt personally. Haven't gotten an 8th game in yet though so take that for what its worth.

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Assault cannon is not good.


When you arrived on battlefiled then you´ve moved and after that you want into close combat, so you just have 4+ to hit.

---> 6 shots, 3 hits,...  instead of 4 shots, 2,66 hits...


I am already sure that Terminators are just good if have an 3++

So i would just play 7-10 Terminators (7 to drive in a LRC) - and 1-3 with LC and rest with SS,... A Chaplain with Terminatorarmour and our Relic and maybe an Apothecarius.

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How would you kit out a Tartaros squad of five?


I have an unassembled squad from Prosporo that I forgot about until now. I was thinking of giving the Sergeant a plasma blaster and adding maybe one or two chainfists.

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I've had decent experience with Deep Striking standard Terminators with Assault Cannon and a Cataphractii Marshal with them... they're slow if your target gets away, but that initial volley of 16 shots plus the 6 shots from the Assault Cannon usually tears a hole already on the enemy lines, and that's before they charge in...


They're tough as nails as well, but if getting into melee is your thing, then Land Raiders are still your best bet, since you can get into melee more reliably than trying to close that 9" gap.... even with rerolls it will get pretty difficult...


Chaplains won't do you so well if your using Deep Striking Terminators... chances are that if you miss your Assault, then they'll be running away from you... Chaplain's buff becomes useless then...


I've tried Cataphractii Squad Terminators, but being limited to Heavy Flamers only and Deep Strike being 9" away makes them more of an Assault Terminator type that benefits more from getting stuck into melee... better use Land Raiders...


Tartaros Terminators are used similar to standard shooty Terminators, but are a lot faster so you could catch up to enemy squads trying to run away... I'd suggest a Marshal with them too and the Reaper Autocannon if you plan on Deep Striking...

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I'm with tactical terminators, preferrably with a cyclone. Doesn't cut the stormboltering, adds okay AT (though expensive these days) and gives enough reach to contribute when fielded on the board or after returning to the home beacon. They still pretty much smash anything on a charge. And you still get to do something if you fail that deepstrike charge. And i jsut love the models :Elite:

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For shooty Terminators I would think a Marshal would provide more benefit than a Chaplain.

You're right, and I play that Too, but right now I really like my Chaplain model! Lol. Also the way I like to play the shooting is only to thin out the ranks ... then it's all in with the power fists.

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Yeah, I saw a TDA chaplain in pewter for like 70% off yeeeaaaars ago when my local Hobby Town stopped selling GW stuff.  Still regret not buying him to this day. :sad.:

I managet to get a cheap one in a sale like that and a baneblade for the price of a rhino. Best deal ever!!!!


On topic, I've always used the chaplain in TDA to lead the Assault terminators.

As for shootinators I've always been a sucker for assault cannons, blame the schwaznegger movies if you want, but I just love picturing the damage an assault cannon would do to infantry.

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I love the combo and it has worked really well for me so far. Shoot the heresy out of a unit with 4 stormbolters and an assault cannon, then move in and finish it off close up!! #hulksmash Edited by Stemplar
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Do you guys recommend upgrading to chainfists?


Depends really if you plan on facing armor with them... I kit them out with an Assault Cannons, and imho, they become pricey enough already, so I tend to leave the chainsfist unless it's a pretty massive game... The Armor hunting is usually done by other things that can do it better: Razorbacks, Dreads and Stormravens


Powerfists are usually enough to knock down dreads a peg or two, and even then, Armor usually avoids going melee with Terminators, now that they are 2 Wounds a piece...

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10 pts per model to get AP-4 instead of AP-3, that really seems pricey just to deny armour saves on 3+ models


I'm not familiar with non-marines units, so besides Land Raiders and a few special characters, are there many models running around with a 2+ ?

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