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SIA and Deathwatch combi-weapons

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Are you looking at the right section?  The only Deathwatch units without SIA listed in their abilities are terminators and the Corvus Blackstar.  Also, all those units that can take items from the Deathwatch Equipment List have access to all the weapons from that list.

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If you look at a standard Deathwatch Veteran from a killteam, they have the SIA rule, that's not in question, however the SIA rule lists the bolt weapons it is compatible with and combi-weapons are not amongst them. So my question is how are people using SIA with combi-weapons? What am I missing?
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Keep reading down the list.  If you pick from the top of the equipment list you can pick two things.  If you pick from the bottom of the list, you get one.  The bottom of the list has combi weapons. It is in two parts but it is all the Deathwatch Equipment List.

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I'm referring to the listing of bolt weapons in the Special Issue Ammunition abilities section on the left page, pg170. "When this unit fires a bolt pistol, boltgun, twin boltgun, stalker pattern boltgun or guardian spear you can choose for it to fire special issue ammunition".


Combi weapons are not specified unless they count as bolters?

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Depends on who you ask and play with. If you play against a hardcore RAW player they'll probably have a fit and in that case I'd probably find someone who doesn't take GW writing as dogma when they've already released 2 FAQ updates and the SM Codex which have all changed things a bit...
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To me this is like saying if the US Army issued special ammo for the M-16; M-16s with grenade launchers would still benefit. Sure this is just a tabletop game, and RAW ppl will cry for days, but I haven't had anyone I play with or other members on Dakkadakka veto SIA on combi-weapons for DW.
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... I haven't had anyone I play with or other members on Dakkadakka ...

I'm over joyed that you've got a play group you can talk into house ruling things with you. This is fantastic, but the rulings in your house remain house rules.


You'll also find that in our little corner here, we care little for the fickle opinions of the members of other websites. The Dakka-ites can think what they like. Just like your house's rules, unless you can demonstrate their root in the text they ain't 'official'.


Continued disparagement of those who seek to understand exactly what the book says, and then possibly work to reconcile it to their imagination, may be interpreted as 'Trolling' and dealt with accordingly. We expect discussion around here to revolve around the texts first, flavour analogies are considerably further down the list.

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To be literal, the Index does NOT specify nor differentiate between "when this unit fires a bolt pistol, boltgun, twin boltgun..." as being explicitly a weapon vs weapon profile. The assumption is a weapon and weapon profile are mutually exclusive, not one-in-the-same, when determining if SIA can or cannot be used with combi-weapons. Edited by N00BST4R
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This seems RAW vs. Common sense and is going to come down to your opponent.As written No a combination weapon isn't a boltgun by name but as anyone who has played can tell you combi weapon is a standard issue Boltgun that can also function as a "combined -weapon" .
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