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Khorne Berzerkers and consolidation

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Surely this scenario has come up by now, so: If unit of Khorne Berzerkers wipes out a unit with its first fight, then consolidates and ends up within 1" of another enemy unit, does it fight again against that new unit? And if it charged the first unit that turn, would it still count as a charging unit (since it did charge that turn), thus getting to fight before the new unit can?

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Yes, it can fight the unit it is now engaged with EXCEPT if the Berzekers had charged that turn but did not declare the. SW unit as a target, as it does remain a unit that charged that turn - which answers the second question, in that yes, its second fight would still be with charging priority.
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I think people do need to get into the habit of occasionally declaring more targets for this sort of reason. In my game on Wednesday my opponent charged a character who was near 2 others. I heroically intervened with both of them and ended up destroying the charging unit. If they had declare the other 2 characters as well then maybe I might not have intervened or if I had then I could be attacked.
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  • 5 weeks later...

*Casts thread necro on thread*


So if I'm to understand correctly, regardless of how many units you declare a charge against, if you make it within 1" of one of those targets, your unit can fight against any it declared as targets during that turn, should they have the chance to fight against them through consolidation etc.?

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*Casts thread necro on thread*

I trust that at nearly 5 kilo-posts you already know that Threadomancy is a sanctionable heresy. What I'll tell you now is that around these parts we frown on 'mea culpa' statements. If you know it's poor form, don't do it. If you didn't know, you couldn't know to acknowledge the guilt.

So if I'm to understand correctly, regardless of how many units you declare a charge against, if you make it within 1" of one of those targets, your unit can fight against any it declared as targets during that turn, should they have the chance to fight against them through consolidation etc.?

That would be the implication. Keep in mind that such subsequent targets had to have an element within a foot of the 'zerkers at the start of the charge phase to be an eligible charge target in the first place. A limit to how far an assault could roll up in one turn.
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