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Sooo I'm thinking about starting a Raptors force...


Can anyone point me in the direction of the 'official' heraldry of the Raptors - if such a thing exists?


I know the basics - operational speciality and squad number on right pad, company number on left knee etc. But are there colours for sergeant / veteran helmets - or any colours / iconography specific to certain companies?


I have some ideas of my own, but would like to see the official take of it is documented.



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Pretty much every artwork is on the wikia page about Raptors. No special colours for anyone, as it would break the camouflage, and flashy markins tells the enemy who to shoot first (usual practice on some RL military in warzones to leave them off).


My personal take on this is to mark special guys with more off-white markings (stripes on the helmet etc.) or just give them special gear few others have (camo cloaks, optics, gun customizations,...).

Edited by MajorNese

That makes sense. My own ideas were around black helmets for sergeants (so a subtle difference), and off-white for veterans (just cos it will look cool). Maybe off-white shoulder pads on characters, stripes on vehicles etc.


As they were in the Badab Wars I wondered if there might be more images in the Forge World book..?

The most hereldry for the Raptors was in the Badab books. Based on those images, my pattern was:

Sgt - black stripe (shoulder, helmet, wherever)

Vet - grey helmet

Vet Sgt - grey helmet, black stripe

HQ - yellow stripe (shoulder, helmet wherever)


In the end, it is what you want them to be on the suggestion that "whatever works, works". The Chapter is well-known for their practical applications.

For my own Raptors I use this way for heraldy and squad marking:


Sergeant: Right shoulder trim black

Veteran: Both shoulder trims black

Commanders (of all ilk, including Issadon): Metal or Bronze trim, yellow faceplate


I try to make my marines to keep a lot of green camouflague on them as much as I can, with yellow markings and small patches to break up the colour a bit. The main colours to use though really depends on what you like honestly. Most people use yellows, blacks, whites and greys for markings, but use a ton of camo colours too, up to you really.


"Stop blindly obeying the words of the book and look at the situation. You have completed your training, but you must now learn to apply it. Regurgitation is not the answer, simple analysis and thought must be used to solve the problem!" — Captain Maodes Karib, Raptors 5th Company

The fw book shows veterans sergeants with a mustard colour stripe on the helmet and no special standard sergeant markings. However i went with yellow for sergeants full stop. I just added a white thin stripe to the lieutenants yellow strip.



I use no markings at all. Chapter symbol in grey. No specilisation markings as they all have studded shoulder pads. Squad number on right greave. Veteran/command status on left greave. I keep markings to a minimum as Marines don't need to identify each other from markings as they have HUDs in their helmets. My guys are stelthers and rarely interact with anyone not in their company.

on the FW plates the main vehicle markings are a diagonal black stripe, quite wide. Not sure what relevance this has but it is on all vehicles from a Thunderhawk to a tarantula.

Its something I put on a few of my own vehicles actually, breaks the green up really well. Too much yellow on the tanks looks a bit off usually


It works with the Chapter logo or tank number over it too, a bit hard to see here I could take a better picture if needed.

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