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Berserkers- wait for possible new models?

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Long ago I had a big Khorne army but in my silliness I sold it off ! Now I am thinking about getting back into them and I need to think about the berserker models. Is it worth buying them or is there a possibility that they will get new models in the future? Edited by Lord Morgrim
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I would say that it is highly likely that they will get new models at some point, in the same vein as the Thousand Sons and Death Guard. When that would be, however, no one knows. Will surely be at least 6 months; likely to be even longer. So I guess the question is how long are you prepared to wait.


Honestly, I would avoid buying the Berzerker kit - they are some of the most outdated models in the range. Forge World makes a great upgrade kit though, for 40k World Eaters, so in the meantime you could mix that up with some 40k/30k plastics and build your own. Alternatively, you could start by buying things that aren't likely to be getting new models - mainly vehicles as most of the main range is in desperate need of an update.

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If you like the models- yes

If you dont like the models- no; mod models you do like. I am slowly building a berserker force but i like the Tsons and their story line so im doing Khenentai beserkers.

I've seen some good conversions of CSM troops with Space Wolves axes and weapons and some bits (just shave the wolf bits off)

I've seen some GREAT conversions of CSM troops with daemon bits

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They will almost certainly get new models in the mid range future (6 months to 2 years), what with GW revamping all the cult lines.  I say only 'almost' and not 'certainly' because GW seems loathe to update already existing plastic kits, no matter how old and terrible they are.  While they're very likely to be coming, they won't be within the next 6 months, and are likely a year or more away, based on the fact that the World Eaters are included in the new CSM codex this time around, which indicates that they're not on the short list to get a separate codex of their own.


If you want berzerkers sooner rather than later, but hate the current models, fantasy blood warriors make an alright basis for conversion.  How much effort the conversion will take depends on whether you'd feel the need to replace their chainmail soft armor with rubbery ribbed space marine style soft armor, and in particular whether you'd feel the need to replace their leather boots with power armor style feet.  Apart from that, it's mostly a matter of weapon swaps and adding CSM style backpacks.

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Forge World still sell the World Eaters Conversion Kit for the power armoured fellows. The Terminator version went OOP sadly, but then at least the vanilla Termies aren't running on a fifteen year old kit I suppose. 


With that being said, with Thousand Sons and Death Guard down it does seem inevitable we'll be getting the World Eaters (and Emperor's Children) in short order. There's been nine-ten months wait between the two however, coupled with the potential 'vanilla' CSM revamp down the pipeline you may be waiting a while yet. Still, it's less a case of 'if' and more 'when'.

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It's frustrating, because they should be updated eventually, and they're undoubtedly going to look awesome. But probably not any time soon. If your friends don't mind proxies, you can use any old marines to have the chance to play with the unit, at least.
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The current Berserkers are outdated and vertically challenged compared to newer models (let alone Thousand Sons, Death Guard and now Primaris). I'd suggest kitbashing using AoS Khorne bits and Primaris. You could make some awesome Berserkers that would fit the new true scale height and would feel more updated. Tons of great bits. The only downside may be the price of doing so, but can you put a price on awesome?

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I made a Hound of Abaddon conversion a while ago using one of the Dark Vengeance Chosen and a FW Berzerker head. I'd love to have an army in this style, but I'll probably wait for GW to release some new minis. Trying to make an entire army using the Dark Vengeance minis feels like it would be more trouble than it's worth, especially with the snap fit Chosen.

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I think the berserker kit is fine, it has some awesome head, torso and leg options, some of the arm positions are a bit weak though. Kit bashing a box with some regular Csm will look great.

Both the Berzerker and CSM kits are pretty poor and mixing them together won't make them much better. They're not bad considering how old they are, but they're pretty old... I think the Berzerkers are from 1998, and the CSM received an updated command sprue in 2006, but the majority of the kit was released around the same time as the 3.5 ed Chaos Codex (2002).

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I am building mine out of AoS Blood Warriors, with Berzerker parts and some other tweaks. They are Primaris-scaled (which works with 1k Sons and especially the new Death Guard), which works well for me since all my CSMs are being converted from primaris.

They are also really quite excellent models.

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I am building mine out of AoS Blood Warriors, with Berzerker parts and some other tweaks. They are Primaris-scaled (which works with 1k Sons and especially the new Death Guard), which works well for me since all my CSMs are being converted from primaris.

They are also really quite excellent models.


I think this is the way to go. I went for Bloodcrushers with berzerker bits to make Khorne Lords on Juggernaughts.

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I am building mine out of AoS Blood Warriors, with Berzerker parts and some other tweaks. They are Primaris-scaled (which works with 1k Sons and especially the new Death Guard), which works well for me since all my CSMs are being converted from primaris.

They are also really quite excellent models.


I think this is the way to go. I went for Bloodcrushers with berzerker bits to make Khorne Lords on Juggernaughts.



Also probably on the cards, yes :)


Honestly, the AoS stuff is lightyears ahead of the 40K Khorne models. Its kind of sad.

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Nothing wrong with kitbashing some from the CSM kits just now. I've made a few recently using the Raptor kit and bits from vanilla Marines and the Zerkers heads.



I'm really looking forward to the kit getting updated, in the meantime though this is my recipe for Berserkers. :tu:


I use the same method on my Jugger Lords as well.



Edited by Biohazard
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Your conversions always blow me away. I just have no patience for it. I love to paint... very slow, but I still love it.


Right now I'm just throwing various FW conversion bits back into my KDK berzerker force. There's nothing special about it though compared to yours. I'm red with envy... and zerker rage!

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