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Fire support? What is in your crusade?


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I have to say, I've started fielding two RL/LC squads to sit in my backfield and take out vehicles/MCs and it's been working very well. The wound output is very solid, but more importantly they've been great backfield objective holders while the rest of my army drives forward and deepstrikes.


They're low priority when I have a packed LRC with Helbrecht/EC, plasma bikes, deep striking vanguard vets, and a drop pod loaded with melta.


I think Sigismund will forgive a few heavy weapon teams considering the 30+ marines with CC weapons charging up the table with zealous abandon.

Edited by T-Rock
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3 fully magnetized predators

3 fully magnetized razorbacks

2 land speeder typhoons

2 storm talons

1 fire raptor

1 lrc

2 Las cannon bros

2 heavy bolter bros


Assault cannons seem really good on razorbacks right now. Their high burst will help with having -1 to hit from moving. perfect for units that want to move up to mid field support.

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With captain on bike 6" gets re-rolls of one is also nice:)


But i'm a. It confused about razorbacks AC are good but capacity of 6 is quite small. 6 Man ini squad can't stay long outside transport... or my thoughts are incorrect?

Edited by Aegir_Einarsson
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My AA it's a mess but i can tell you what i use to soften up infantry before my Crusaders charge in.


All squads go into LRC and 2 Rhinos with 2 SB each and those put out lots of shots unless you get charged or blow up first turn....it's incredible how 2 SB makes a Rhino move up the priority order.

Unless there's many Psykers or Snipers around I'll have Helbrecht running behind the LRC rerolling all that firepower from turn 1 and i usually try and deploy him in range of Las Predator and possibly Ven Dreadnought to have at least 1 good round of AA shooting.


The squads of 10 in Rhinos will have 2-3 Bolguns on Neophytes to lay more fire when disembarked or help with Overwatch, they'll be the first to tank mortal wound leaving me with CC models. 


I also sometimes deploy a Melta Drop with Deathwind Launcher, the squad it's dead meat but forces the opponent into having to deal with the Pod or suffer shots every time they move about (with good placement).


Will shortly add a Stormhawk Interceptor for added anti infantry shots and an easier way to deal with enemy flyers, feedback on this model much appreciated :)

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I'm actually quite dismayed by the beating that Drop Pods took in 8th.... (massive points hike, can't transport Dreadnoughts and can't go full Pods in matched play...) since I've had 12 of them and they usually form my light AI and anti-horde while the Crusaders and the Sternguards perform the surgical removal of vehicles and transports.

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But if you're looking for pure anti-armor and putting Lascannons on Talons, they cost a bundle. Skyhammers are good, but if you're like me and mostly have anti-infantry stuff, looking for something to bring a proper, hardcore tank killing unit, Talons seem pricey. They do however come with the extra survivability of being flyers and speed, but don't have a strat like Killshot that Preds do. Actually, I don't think there are any Strats at all specifically for our flyers?


Though I actually have kits for Talons, which I can't say for preds, so I'll end up trying them one way or another some day. :tongue.:

I use Talons with Assault Cannons and Typhoon missile launchers. I like the flexibility of the high damage krak and horde clearing frag. I've found it to be pretty effective. I fell in the trap of thinking 'wow, these are expensive' but they seem to be worth their points.

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