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Hey everyone!


So, with the new chaos codex and my horrible indecision I have been jumping from army to army. Black Legion focus released today and I really like what I'm seeing there. I was curious, do you think it would be okay to kitbash and convert Roboute Guilliman into Abbadon?


I mean, Abbadon is supposed to be a giant beast. Would the model be too big? Some of the iconograpy is already kind of chaosy with spikes and stuff on the plating. I would just need to remove some of the imperial Iconography and green stuff in a more chaos look.


Anyway, what are your thoughts on this? Could the model be used? If so, do you think it would be okay in competitive play? The base is pretty big.

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Hmmmmmm, While the size wouldn't be a problem, I've always though Abaddon would be primarch size by now with the influence of the warp. However, I think it would be a major conversion, after all he wears terminator armour and Guillimans looks more like power armour.

Guilliman may be a touch too big. It'll look awesome though, so it had that going for it. Awhile ago I made an Abbadon with standard chaos termie, with them claw and drachnyen from the Abbie model that looked decent. More in contemporary scale than old scale without being huuuuuuge. May be more appropriate. Though a giant Abby would be pretty cool.

That is a conversion that I'd love to see :tu:


You would need to build it into termi armour (at least the rear of torso), probably using plasticard. Not being quite up-to-date width the Dark Imperium fluff, if Abadizzle hasn't been done in, it's hard to believe he won't get a new model. Using FW's Horus as a base to convert from is also a valid idea....




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