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Returning player's 1st stab at 2k DG

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Battalion detachment

HQ. (284)

Typhus. 164


Necrosis the undying. 120


Elite. (461)

Blightbringers. (80)

-plasma pistol.

-cursed bell.


Blightbringers. (80)

-plasma pistol.

-cursed bell.


Chaos terminators (301)

5 men.

Champ w/


-combi melta

Heavy flamer/chainfist.

Combi/power fist.

Combi/power fist.

Combi/power fist.


Troops. 480


20 zombies



20 zombies



20 zombies



20 zombies


Super-heavy detachment

Lord of war (470)

Renegade knight.

Ironstorm missile pod

RF battlecannon.

Heavy stubber

Reaper chainsword


This is my first attempt at a 2k death guard list currently sitting at 1695 points. Strategy is pretty self explanatory typhus, nercosis and blightbringers buff the poxies as they close with the enemy. Termies go after heavy hitters, knight kills everything in between. Thinking about dropping a unit of poxwalkers Maybe add some plague marines or more termies Looking for C&C

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Seems solid enough. I would consider getting rid of the Blightbringers; I have not been impressed with their abilities. You can slightly speed up your poxwalkers, but the zombies are mainly there to screen your (also slow) characters. If you scrap 2 Blightbringers, you can add a blight drone. You still have a few more points, so another drone might be in order for two total. With your remaining points You could add to your terminator unit,  or you could get rid of some of their toys so you could squeeze in one more drone. 3x 2d6 auto-hitting flamer attacks is nothing to sniff at, and something tells me their anti-vehicle weaponry will be turned on your knight, so your drones should be able to get nice and close.  

Necrosius seems like a solid pick. He isn't a great fit for my warband, but having two psyker powers and three (!?) deny the witch attempts is very cool. Between him and Typhus your psychic phase is very strong.

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Revised list with azekai suggestions


Death guard 40k 2000k(1990)



HQ. 284

Typhus. 164


Necrosis the undying. 120


Elite. 440

Chaos terminators 220

5 men.

Champ w/


-combi plasma

Combi/power axe.

Combi/power axe

Combi/power axe.

Combi/power axe.


Chaos terminators 220

5 men.

Champ w/


-combi plasma

Combi/power axe.

Combi/power axe

Combi/power axe.

Combi/power axe.


Troops. 480

Poxwalkers. 120

20 zombies


Poxwalkers. 120

20 zombies


Poxwalkers. 120

20 zombies


Poxwalkers. 120

20 zombies


Fast attack 316

Blight drone. 158

-2 plague spitters

-1 plague probe.


Blight drone. 158

-2 plague spitters

-1 plague probe.


Lord of war 470

Renegade knight.

Ironstorm missile pod

RF battlecannon.

Heavy stubber

Reaper chainsword

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