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Heya folks,


I am working on a batch of vehicles lately, and my old flat brush just isn't cutting it anymore, it is very cheap and worn out. I am guessing it is in the neighborhood of a #8 or #10 in terms of size. So here is what I am in the market for:


I want to find a Flat Angle brush, preferably in a larger size (suitable for applying layer coats over large areas on tanks/drop pods/etc). I would prefer it be Flat style and have the angle/taper, and it is very important that is very soft so as to avoid brush strokes. I don't believe Kolinsky Sable is something that fits the bill given that 1) Most brushes I see of that material are rounds, and 2) Even if someone does make it, it would probably cost more than my army (if the cost of W&N S7KS rounds are anything to go by on Amazon).


I am not opposed to a synthetic sable, in fact that is what my old one is. My trips to hobby lobby searching for something have been very disappointing thus far, so I want to take my search global (as it were).


So far my best result is GW's Large Base brush (https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/L-Base-Brush)


Thoughts? Opinions welcome!

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Get a no hair loss synthetic decorators brush 1/2" or 1" the ones for painting window frames.


For drybrushing or slapping base coats on models they work really well as long as you don't need to fine a control on where the paints going.


The 1/2" is not much bigger than the old round GWS tank brushes.

I'd say have a look at your local/national art shops, and see what watercolour brushes they have*.  Whilst you can get some sable "flats" (e.g. Pro Arte Renaissance), they're about 3 times the price of a synthetic brush (e.g. Pro Arte Prolene), and I don't really see a need for them.


From my experience of artist's flat brushes (I have some of the Pro Arte Prolene ones, and some art store own-brand ones), they do tend to be "square tipped", rather than angled (I'm guessing "sword liner" type brushes are too exaggerated), and they tend to have longer bristles than the GW-type ones.  They are perfectly usable, though, and about 40% of the price of the GW ones.


Having said all that, I'd honestly suggest looking at airbrushes, if funds allow, especially if you have multiple tanks to base coat - they can put down a fine coat over a large area very quickly.


* if the American shops are anything like the English ones, flat brushes are generally sold in "inch widths" rather than sizes (so 1/2" instead of "size 8", etc).

Rosemary & Co make a number of good-quality ranges at a variety of price points. The Eclipse Angular range sounds like what you're after. 



Good catch.  They also do a nylon version (might behave similarly to the prolene synthetics I have..?), as well as a sable one.

Thanks for the suggestions gents. The rosemary stuff seems especially encouraging.


I currently have a Badger Patriot 105, but I just don't feel comfortable masking off large blocks yet on tanks/pods/etc. I use it to get my primer and first coat of color down, but then after that there are usually large blocks of color that are quite large for my Winsor & Newton sable brushes.


The cost of the Rosemary sable stuff is quite reasonably priced. 

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