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Starting 40k 500pt DKOK Army

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If you play at an official Games Workshop store, or intend to participate in many tournaments, then your army is going to have to consist mostly of Games Workshops models, so Ebay is your friend if you're looking to pick up models for cheap(ish). If you're playing just at a regular gaming store, or a hobby club, or a school wargaming club, then you can take advantage of third party model makers. Anvil Industry came out with their Trench Fighter line in their Regiments series which are dead ringers for DKoK. I've bought a few heavy weapons teams from them and I was pretty happy with the quality.

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Definitely GW stores would not look kindly upon having non-GW models.
Tournaments I find are really a case, by case basis. Some Tournament Organisers (TO's) are friendly towards, others not so much. Also much less of an issue if you dont plan on competing in any! :D

Given you're just starting out and at 500pts not something you'd have to worry about right away, but definitely something to considering long term. 

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  • 1 month later...

Well everyone, so far all my money has gone to car insurance, food, and supplies for Hurricaine Irma, (I live in Florida, Tampa no less, the new apparent target) so for now, and probably for a large amount of time, this project has been put on hold. If/When I return, your responses and this website will be(and have been) very helpful. Thanks guys!

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