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Chaos Space Marines Codex Review

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Hey guys,


I just ran across this on Youtube. I can't promise that everything the gent doing the review says is correct (so take his commentary with a grain of salt), and in fact, I haven't even finished watching the whole review myself, but it is worth watching, I think, if you want to get a closer look at the codex. Anyway, here's the link.


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Just watched this myself, here are some key points I picked out form what I could read on the pages:



Word Bearers Stratagem: Dark Pack

Re-roll any summoning dice and no mortal wounds on doubles/triples!

Word Bearer Warlord Trait (if I read it right)

+3” to Warlord’s auras.


Generic WT’s

+1 A; Opponent rolls 2 dice for morale within 6” and picks highest; re-roll to wound rolls of 1; +1 Wound and 6+ (I think) FNP; additional Mortal Wound on 6+; re-roll failed to wound in fight phase against Adeptus Astartes.

Exalted Champions

Same Profile / Wargear as SM Lieutenant except they gain +1 Attack and lose the Boltgun

Better rules than SM version however…

Re-roll failed wound rolls in fight phase within 6” – SM was only re-roll 1’s

Model can re-roll failed hit rolls when targeting a character


Bloodletters, Pink Horrors, Daemonettes and Plague Bearers are Troops choices.


All ‘cult’ troops are in still.


Boon Table Stratagem 1CP

Used in Fight Phase when your Character kills enemy Character, Hero or Monster

Spawn; +6” range; +3” move; +1 attack; choose; enemy -1 to hit in fight phase; +1 saving throws; +1 toughness; +1 wound; Daemon Prince


Nurgle Stratagem 2CP

Heal D3 wounds or return 1 model to life with single wound.



End of movement phase, remove a unit of Cultists and return them to the battlefield (6” from table edge, 9” from enemy) at full starting strength.



Axe of Blind Fury (+3 / -3 / D3 + Special) and Murder Sword (+1 / -4 / 1 + Special) are in! Black Mace too.

Plus 4 God specific ones (Khorne gets 2 AoBF + new one)

K = Advance +Charge and re-roll failed charges

S = +1 S+A

T = +1 to Psychic Test for Smite

N = Puscleaver Weapon

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Look at the weapon options for Plague Marines. You can see a bunch of new ranged and melee weapons. Plague Spewer, Plague Belcher, Bubotic Axe, Flail of Corruption, Great Plague Cleaver and Mace of Contagion. They all sound highly interesting, but I'm more intrigued by how packed with options the multi-part kit will be.



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I'm so incredibly excited about that Plague Marine page.

Kinda sad to see that they did not get the +1 W alot of people were hoping for.

So for all that have a hard time reading the page -

Plague Spewer - 8" / Heavy D6 auto hits / S5 / AP 1 / D1 / Plague Weapon

Plague Belcher -8" / Assault D6 auto hits / S4 / D1 / Plague Weapon

Flail of Corruption - +2S / AP2 / 2D / Plague, D3 hit rolls, damage carries over

Great Plague Cleaver - x2S / AP3 / D6-D/ Plague, -1 to hit

Mace of contation - +2S / AP1 / 3D / Plague, -1 to hit

Bubotix Axe - +1S / AP1 / 1D / Plague


Also: Vectors of Death & Disease: Plague Marine euipped with two plague knives or

a plague knife + bubotic axe has attack 2 instead of 1.

Edited by Nurgleprobe
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Well, my Crimson Slaughter got nothing useful for me again, surprise surprise. I will probably have to run "Night Lords" with Crimson Slaughter colors and markings. There are no rules against this right? Night Lords kind of do what Crimson Slaughter used to. Edited by ThanatosMalleus
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Yeah, nothing specific for CS, but advance + charge for Renegades is pretty :cuss good, depending on what units you use.


Otherwise, as you say, you can use whatever trait you want.

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@Juggernaut, Im using transports and Raptors, advance and charge won't help too much, it is not useless though.


@Raven, You aren't talking about the 8th ed. update to Dark Vengeance are you? That was something of a let down, since the only model that wasn't a basic Index model was Vrosh, and he didn't have a point value. If not, yay.

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Just watched this myself, here are some key points I picked out form what I could read on the pages:



Word Bearers Stratagem: Dark Pack

Re-roll any summoning dice and no mortal wounds on doubles/triples!

Word Bearer Warlord Trait (if I read it right)

+3” to Warlord’s auras.


Generic WT’s

+1 A; Opponent rolls 2 dice for morale within 6” and picks highest; re-roll to wound rolls of 1; +1 Wound and 6+ (I think) FNP; additional Mortal Wound on 6+; re-roll failed to wound in fight phase against Adeptus Astartes.

Exalted Champions

Same Profile / Wargear as SM Lieutenant except they gain +1 Attack and lose the Boltgun

Better rules than SM version however…

Re-roll failed wound rolls in fight phase within 6” – SM was only re-roll 1’s

Model can re-roll failed hit rolls when targeting a character


Bloodletters, Pink Horrors, Daemonettes and Plague Bearers are Troops choices.


All ‘cult’ troops are in still.


Boon Table Stratagem 1CP

Used in Fight Phase when your Character kills enemy Character, Hero or Monster

Spawn; +6” range; +3” move; +1 attack; choose; enemy -1 to hit in fight phase; +1 saving throws; +1 toughness; +1 wound; Daemon Prince


Nurgle Stratagem 2CP

Heal D3 wounds or return 1 model to life with single wound.



End of movement phase, remove a unit of Cultists and return them to the battlefield (6” from table edge, 9” from enemy) at full starting strength.



Axe of Blind Fury (+3 / -3 / D3 + Special) and Murder Sword (+1 / -4 / 1 + Special) are in! Black Mace too.

Plus 4 God specific ones (Khorne gets 2 AoBF + new one)

K = Advance +Charge and re-roll failed charges

S = +1 S+A

T = +1 to Psychic Test for Smite

N = Puscleaver Weapon


This has taken me from being very "meh" about the codex, to actually acutely interested in it again. Still think I'm more likely to run a devised renegade chapter, than one of the Traitor Legions as my Iron Warriors have given me feeling of dissatisfaction from Tactics/Strategems.


But I might be able to have some fun with this. 


What is the consensus on using different chapter tactics for your army? For example a Renegade Chapter using the World Eaters one rather than the Renegades one?

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Also, it's good to see they fixed the kit for the champion, as this guy was technically illegal in the Index:




Along with half of the Dark Vengeance Chosen. Funny enough, the 8e update for it doesn't do anything about it except pretend they don't have the bolters strapped to their backs. The wierd exception being the Power Fist Chosen who for some reason is alowed to have 3 weapons by the update, but has no point value and connot be duplicated with the index. Edited by ThanatosMalleus
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Anyone knows if rhinos can take MM?

I doubt it, don't see why GW would give us an option like that just because it's a thing in 30k. Plus it's not a weapons option in the rhino kit so that makes me further suspect it's not a new option.

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The new weapon options for plague marines sound great but where's the scythes?

Honestly the flail sounds like it could be just as well a scythe rules-wise. ^^

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