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Friendship ended with GK. Now CF are my best friends.

Kastor Krieg

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Maby, maby, maby..... I'll buy a model If it will be Nice sculpted. As i can see on This blurry picture model is quite Nice. The one with skull helmet near LR.


But. Chaplain psyker is nothing good, it fluff wise mapy it's some point because Every GK i psyker, And i think that They need some eclesy too.

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Yeah, this fluff needs purging.


Aboard the Eternal Crusader, the Battle Barge that serves

as High Marshal Helbrecht’s flagship and mobile fortress

monastery of the Chapter, lies the Hall of Records, a vast archive

where a legion of scribes and servitors toil to record the history

and deeds of the Black Templars’ far-flung forces. Such duties

of record keeping would normally fall to a Chapter’s Librarians,

but the Black Templars Chapter boasts not a single psychic Space

Marine amongst its ranks.

It is uncertain how, or when, the Black Templars ceased to field

Librarians, for with their disappearance, much of the Chapter’s

history was also lost. Outsiders suggest that as the Chapter came

to worship the Emperor as a god, they took his decree at the

Edict of Nikaea to disband their Librarius divisions as holy law.

Others whisper that the Black Templars’ gene-seed has somehow

deteriorated, or that their Librarians were slain during a great

war in the Chapter’s history. Some scholars point to the Black

Templars’ final battle to end the Catelexis Heresy of M34, and

the apocalyptic psychic death-screams that tore through the

warp after the slaying of the Cacodominus, as another possible

explanation. Whatever the truth, the Black Templars have come

to accept the loss of their Librarians as part of the Emperor’s

divine plan. If the Emperor decides to once again bless the Black

Templars with Librarians, they will embrace it, but until that

day, they will wage battle without these powerful warriors at

their side.

Outsiders mistakenly interpret the lack of Librarians within the

ranks of the Black Templars Chapter, and the fury with which

its battle-brothers slay Chaos Sorcerers, as an intolerance of all

psykers. This is not the case; though the Black Templars do not

traditionally number psykers amongst their ranks, they hold

special reverence for Astropaths, seeing them as holy disciples

who have actually communed with the Emperor. Navigators

are similarly honoured, for their psychic blessing allows them

to see the divine light of the Astronomican and guide the Black

Templars through the warp to deliver righteous retribution

against the Emperor’s enemies.

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Maby, maby, maby..... I'll buy a model If it will be Nice sculpted. As i can see on This blurry picture model is quite Nice. The one with skull helmet near LR.


But. Chaplain psyker is nothing good, it fluff wise mapy it's some point because Every GK i psyker, And i think that They need some eclesy too.


The model featured is a limited edition model. I doubt it'll be available for general release, given the ridiculous amount of hoops you had to jump through to get one.


Yeah, this fluff needs purging.


Aboard the Eternal Crusader, the Battle Barge that serves

as High Marshal Helbrecht’s flagship and mobile fortress

monastery of the Chapter, lies the Hall of Records, a vast archive

where a legion of scribes and servitors toil to record the history

and deeds of the Black Templars’ far-flung forces. Such duties

of record keeping would normally fall to a Chapter’s Librarians,

but the Black Templars Chapter boasts not a single psychic Space

Marine amongst its ranks.

It is uncertain how, or when, the Black Templars ceased to field

Librarians, for with their disappearance, much of the Chapter’s

history was also lost. Outsiders suggest that as the Chapter came

to worship the Emperor as a god, they took his decree at the

Edict of Nikaea to disband their Librarius divisions as holy law.

Others whisper that the Black Templars’ gene-seed has somehow

deteriorated, or that their Librarians were slain during a great

war in the Chapter’s history. Some scholars point to the Black

Templars’ final battle to end the Catelexis Heresy of M34, and

the apocalyptic psychic death-screams that tore through the

warp after the slaying of the Cacodominus, as another possible

explanation. Whatever the truth, the Black Templars have come

to accept the loss of their Librarians as part of the Emperor’s

divine plan. If the Emperor decides to once again bless the Black

Templars with Librarians, they will embrace it, but until that

day, they will wage battle without these powerful warriors at

their side.

Outsiders mistakenly interpret the lack of Librarians within the

ranks of the Black Templars Chapter, and the fury with which

its battle-brothers slay Chaos Sorcerers, as an intolerance of all

psykers. This is not the case; though the Black Templars do not

traditionally number psykers amongst their ranks, they hold

special reverence for Astropaths, seeing them as holy disciples

who have actually communed with the Emperor. Navigators

are similarly honoured, for their psychic blessing allows them

to see the divine light of the Astronomican and guide the Black

Templars through the warp to deliver righteous retribution

against the Emperor’s enemies.



I don't play Black Templars, but if I did I wouldn't use witches. Stay zealous my friends.

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Why...just why do they need a chaplain? I don't get it.


They're fighting demons for eons and not one did faulter. They were meant to be the epitome of psionic warriors. Since when did GW decide that they need a morale boost? This contradicts everything the GK stood for, imho.


Don't like it.


Glad that I don't play. This way, I'm able to ignore "certain" parts of fluff. :P


Regarding the "BTs would use psykers". Well, although I wouldn't do, I can see that the BTs would accept them IF the Emperor would resind Nikaea. But still, I abhor the witch since ever. I never emphasized with wizards, always being the Knightly / Paladin guy. :P

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There is only one reason for this occurring that I can see. In these new darkest of times, a brighter, more incendiary starter is needed to ignite the massive pyres of witches we will create.


Perhaps witch chaplains just burn faster and hotter than typical witches.

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Acorrding to the new space marine dex were not meant to hate SM psykers anymore and should the emperor decree it we would be happy to have them back...... oh dear......


You mean 6th ed.?

The one whose lore was mainly written by Matt Ward? they brought that back?

Yeah, I don't care much for that...


They fixed that with Fall of Cadia books... there was a moment there when the Templars found out Greyfax was a witch and it took some effort to stop the Marshal from putting a hole through her face and just stopped because of her rank within the Imperium... that's the one I'm sticking with... not the "I wanna Librarian" nonsense... 4+ Deny the Witch ftw!!!!


imho, I read through the old Ben Counter GK: Omnibus, in there was a GK Chaplain and imho it made more sense for them to actually have a Chaplain than a Librarian... the Chaplain's job was to inter fallen GK, bless their weapons and wargear, clear their minds, aid them in meditating to find their focus during the assailant of daemons and sorcerers and be a keeper of lore for the banishment of daemons and the secret names... They had the job of Librarians and Chaplains in a normal Chapter, since they are already all technically Librarians and they need a compass for whenever they Exterminatus an entire planet just because of 1-2 daemons... A librarians job was just mainly to keep the Librarius functioning, and in a Chapter full of psykers, he had the most redundant job...


I would actually prefer if GK didn't have Librarians in an army already full of them, and instead had Chaplains, which would instead act as Librarians and Chaplains in the tabletop for GK... it would just make 100% more sense... 

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They fixed that with Fall of Cadia books... there was a moment there when the Templars found out Greyfax was a witch and it took some effort to stop the Marshal from putting a hole through her face and just stopped because of her rank within the Imperium... that's the one I'm sticking with... not the "I wanna Librarian" nonsense... 4+ Deny the Witch ftw!!!!




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Originally, during the great crusade, weren't chaplains supposed to be the ones who made sure that the legion were following the emperor's edict against librarians?

Partially, yes, but not only. You have to remember that the institution of the chaplains was started by the Word Bearers...

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If I recall correctly, chaplains were originally made after the edict of nikea to uphold the Imperial Truth and help maintain the purity of an Astartes Legion's dedication and fidelity to the Emperor's commands. And among those were the banning of librarians. So chaplains were originallyamong things, an anti-librarian police marine sort of. (Anyone correct me on this if it's off) hence why a librarian-chaplain is extra offensive to us witch-haters. 


It does make sense though given that every GK is a filthy witch :p

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That fluff is utter trash. Next campaign, an EC will have a vision from the Emperor and unlock his latent witch powers. Between this and Primaris contradicting the backwards Imperium mentality of "no new tech, the older the better", 40K is moving away from what I fell in love with.
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That fluff is utter trash. Next campaign, an EC will have a vision from the Emperor and unlock his latent witch powers. Between this and Primaris contradicting the backwards Imperium mentality of "no new tech, the older the better", 40K is moving away from what I fell in love with.

If the fluff changes to much, i'll make a splinter chapter imposing the oldest beliefs. Or just choose to ignore the modern changes, stating we didn't get the memo.


I'm all for the game changing, but i believe the core aspects of each army should stay the same.


I'm still not running scouts or devastators. If they impose librarians on us, i'll not run them either.

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