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"Eeevil" Dreadnoughts or hellbrute discussion


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Our favorite family of big stompy guys depending on what you want to call them. We have quite a few different weapons systems than the "good" guys so I figure its worth its own discussion including the FW guys.


I use almost 100% Contemptors in my lists that use them along with the Doritos Dred. They havent taken the field yet this edition.

Different topics I would like to see discussed:

Regular Dred- armament and use?

Contemptor Dred - armament and use?

Deredo Dred- Armament and use?

Leviathan Dred- Armament and use?

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I'm actually planning a iron warriors hellforge Hellbrute Army. So I think I'm going with some of them with Lascannon and missile launchers, two from snap fit version of multi melter and fist and some with power scourge and reaper or plasma canon. What would you take?
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I am really keen to use a Hellforged Contemptor in my Word Bearers army and am very much leaning towards the following:

- Butcher Cannon (No idea if it is as good as I think it is, but I liked it in 7th, and still like it now. -2 Ld seems powerful too against the right targets)

- Hellforged Deathclaw (Other than having the far cooler name, I prefer the look of the fist to the chainfist - generally speaking though, the Hellforged Chainclaw is the better option as it is only 5 points more for +1 S and AP)

- I would pair the Deathclaw with a Soulburner (My first thought was the Ectoplasma Blaster - and the Hellflamer is nice - but I think the range on the Soulburner pairs much nicer with the Butcher Cannon. Plus, you don't have to roll to would: every successful hit - with a 2+ BS at full power - equals a Mortal Wound. Which you can't save...)

- Probably stick a Havoc Launcher on there too just for fun.


As for the Leviathan, I think it has to be the Grav-Flux Bombard and a Hellforged Siege Drill. They are the best pairing I can see and are very strong anti-vehicle. 

I can see a use for a Soulburner Ribaudkin (or two) for dealing out Mortal Wounds, but I would always go Grav and Drill.

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I have been using a Deredeo of late with Butcher Cannon array, Heavy Bolters and the Greater Havoc Launcher and he has proved a beast - a lot of dakka for about 260 points. The Butchers have been great, lots of shots but the H/Bolters and Havoc haven't done half bad really with the new wound system. (I have to say his tag team partners have been a Sicaran with H/Bolter sponsons and Rapier Laser Destroyers at 2k)
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Is there a way to deep strike somehow a Leviathan. I would like to bring the twin bombard version(especially after today's game) but the range kind of stops me. I dont think a deadnought drop pod can drop one right?


Soulburners even with the price increase, holy crap. I was on the receiving end of 3 Devastators with twin soulburners today, The evaporated a squad a round each.

Edited by Galron
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