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Hell forge Hellbrute army


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I'm planning a Hellforge army, build around some brave individuals that are willing to overcome the limitations of physics and create new wonders.

Some warp smiths that use a massive amount of Hellbrute to defend their forge. Maybe 30 cultists to unlock a Battalion, but that's it.


What would you equip them with?

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Limiting yourself to just helbrutes when we have numerous other daemon engines that warpsmiths would have available to defend their forge seems a bit restricting, not to mention units like the forgefiend have far more firepower than a helbrute. For your helbrutes I'd probably focus on higher number of shot weapons like autocannons so they can advance and still get off some hits with their ranged weapons, while you could have some forgefiends backfield to provide fire support. 


Maulerfiend is also pretty good if you want some more variety. 

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A forgefiend seems like a nice idea for backup. I´m not really sold on the engines thouhg, since their performance is getting worse when they take damage. 

Let´s compare against a T7 Save 3+ vehicle (majority, right?):

8 Hades shots -> 4 hits -> 8/3 wounds -> 4/3 going through armour -> 8/3 damage = 2.666

2 Lascanon shots -> 4/3 hits -> 8/9 wounds -> 40/54 going through armour -> (with each hit doing 3.5 damage on avg) -> 140/54 = 2.59


And that´s without the missile launcher.

I thing I´m going to take the helbrute. And I think it would be nice to convert everyone of them.


The battle automata idea is brilliant! Too bad I have to chose a mark of a chaos god, so I´m not sold on them. Maybe later and convert it into some kind of demon prince warpsmith with a bunch mechatendrils. Thanks for the input.

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Have you considered Contemptors and Leviathans? Or Decimators? I take a Contemptor or Decimator in just about every game. I am not a fan of the hellbrute, largely due to its lack of invuln save. They are big and smashy, and tend to roll over and die to few lascannon shots. 

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A forgefiend seems like a nice idea for backup. I´m not really sold on the engines thouhg, since their performance is getting worse when they take damage. 

Let´s compare against a T7 Save 3+ vehicle (majority, right?):

8 Hades shots -> 4 hits -> 8/3 wounds -> 4/3 going through armour -> 8/3 damage = 2.666

2 Lascanon shots -> 4/3 hits -> 8/9 wounds -> 40/54 going through armour -> (with each hit doing 3.5 damage on avg) -> 140/54 = 2.59


And that´s without the missile launcher.

I thing I´m going to take the helbrute. And I think it would be nice to convert everyone of them.


The battle automata idea is brilliant! Too bad I have to chose a mark of a chaos god, so I´m not sold on them. Maybe later and convert it into some kind of demon prince warpsmith with a bunch mechatendrils. Thanks for the input.

If you go for the DP idea and want in winged, maybe put, say, the jet engines from a Land Speader or Blight drone on it?

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Why not just take Hellwrights? Then you get some decent shooting and can keep your daemon engines up to par with repair. It's very much the HQ this type of army should look to. You could even consider a couple of them.
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I honestly can't decide. I have had middling success going with a hybrid butcher cannon + siege claw. I get the suspicion that it is better to better to specialize for long range or cc rather than trying and failing to be all things to all men.

The butcher cannon is a great weapon, shoots four times and wounds MEQ on 2+. The storm laser seems to have potential, but is only 24" range and only fires once more than the butcher cannon. The soulburner is both short ranged and overpriced post-FAQ; could still be fun to run double soulburner with Prescience buffs, I guess, but you'd pay through the nose for such a combo. I dislike the conversion beamer for a lot of reasons- it isn't super cheap, you have to be very far away for it to even equal the butcher cannon in strength, and it only fires once.

Double claw with twin hellflamers seems decent, especially if you can warptime the monster into combat unexpectedly. 20" move +2d6" assault is nothing to sneeze at. A few decent rolls and you have a first turn assault on your hands.

Edited by Azekai
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I was actually thinking of using my 30k Archmagos and a couple borrowed Leviathans in a tourney next Saturday, thoughts on loadout? They're all fully magnetized, so I have free choice.
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They Are just an elite unit, therefor I'd take a vanguard Detachment or two and/or a Battalion with cheap cultist troops.


What the heck is a Hell Wright?


I'd need to greatly convert the warp smiths, so They don't look too mono pose.

The same with the brutes.


Would you paint them as iron warriors or dark mechanicum black / red?

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They Are just an elite unit, therefor I'd take a vanguard Detachment or two and/or a Battalion with cheap cultist troops.


What the heck is a Hell Wright?


I'd need to greatly convert the warp smiths, so They don't look too mono pose.

The same with the brutes.


Would you paint them as iron warriors or dark mechanicum black / red?

Imperial Armour: Forces of Chaos index. Gets you rules for all kinds of dread variants courtesy of the folks at forgeworld. The hellwright is a FW take on the warpsmith.


If I were you I would choose to go with Iron Warriors, but I really like the sons of Perturabo.


When you start cutting up your plastic feel free to post pictures on the board!

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Hellwrights are like a Magos Dominus but for chaos and can be either Dark Mech or part of a legion. They are basically a better Warpsmith, and can take an abeyant which makes them tougher, bigger and gives them another ranged weapon.


They'd be able to keep your daemon engines running well. A HW along with a couple decimators with either soul burner, or butcher cannons, and some 'fiends could make for a great army that would be just what you'd find at a hellforge. Dark Mech and daemon engines.

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Can be a herectic Astarte or a dark mechanicus so it up to you, unfortunately you can only get his rules if you buy the FW chaos index but the book is worth it. Even if he is isnt buffing your hellforged stuff he is quite a beast as he has a flamer, chaos style meltagun, a pistol that can inflict. 2 mortal wounds (though you suffer one yourself if you roll a 1) a decent axe that has -3 ap and 2 D plus he can heal a wound every turn
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Is it a space marine? Are those rules available for free?


Can be a herectic Astarte or a dark mechanicus so it up to you, unfortunately you can only get his rules if you buy the FW chaos index but the book is worth it. Even if he is isnt buffing your hellforged stuff he is quite a beast as he has a flamer, chaos style meltagun, a pistol that can inflict. 2 mortal wounds (though you suffer one yourself if you roll a 1) a decent axe that has -3 ap and 2 D plus he can heal a wound every turn

Also keep in mind that the book also contains rules for other Chaos Dreadnoughts like the Leviathan, Contemptor, Dredero and so on

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I am also working on something similar. Only the idea is to focus on a nurgle dark mechanicus army.. so hellwright, warpsmith, daemonprince and alot of daemon engines:). Also it looks like obliteratos got they guns buffed to assault 4 in the new csm and they fit the army feel aswell.  One of the reasons i am going nurgle is because i love blight and bloat drones:P.

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