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A new warpsmith enters


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Want to try to essentially put together the hellforged hunting pack in 8th Edition to see if it works. Love the look of the demon engines. Got 2000 point tournament to get ready for Labor Day weekend. I've run ordnance tyrant renegades but not played Chaos Space Marines before. My group has all essentially started new armies as we go into 8th Edition. Any help/comments/strategies shared would be very much appreciated. 


So we begin. 





hellforged hunting pack


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Daemon engines are rad. Any plans for converting them up? And do you have any particular interest in a legion?
I second the hellwright idea. You are going to want an HQ or two; the hellwright buffs daemon engines, offers lots of close-range shooting and can repair the metal beasts to boot. I am not sure if it will be better than a discount warpsmith when the new codex hits, but for now I much prefer the hellwright. Soulburner pistols are fun.  

Edit: I know hellwrights are FW, but you can do a good job of making your own out of techmarines and chaos gubbins.

Edited by Azekai
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Keep in mind you don't need to just stick to those boxes for Daemon Engines either - I've got a conversion waiting at home with plenty of greenstuff, gubbins and the like, to convert the Everqueen's Beetle into a Maulerfiend

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Small update. Have my first Maulerfiend completed. Am doing 4 (2 maulers, 2 forge) fiends so I am trying to make them look a little different. First One is below. Magnetized at connection to body, also magnetized at gun and head as well. 


Question about painting scheme. I have a heldrake already painted that I have had for a while. About the same shade of red as the borders on this website. I like the color but wondered if I should continue with that one, or I found a can of blue spray paint that I like. would it be ok to paint each fiend different or should they look like one warband? My intent is to have a list of 4 fiends, two heldrakes, the hellwright for hq, and a brass scorpion. So a lot of monsters. 


Pic below. 



maulerfiend magnetized


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Sure you could paint each one different tho I wouldn't suggest it.

Unless you are playing with an army with like less than 10 models at 2k points you want them to look more or less uniform or else your army would look way too busy on the table.

And even in an army with such few models you usually want at least some similarities between the different kind of color schemes.

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Models are assembled. Magnetization almost complete. Pic is below. 


Thinking about this list. 

Brass scorpion

2 x forgefiend with autocannon

2 x maulerfiend with magma cutters (not sure if cutters or tendrils yet)

2 x heldrakes with bale flamers

HQ is helwright on abeyant to keep up with maulers


Let me know what you think. How do you think this kind of list will fare?




hellforged hunting pack assembled


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Not sure how competitive the list will be overall, but in regards to magma cutters vs lasher tendrils, go with the tendrils. In the new codex it got a large buff. Now if equipped, they add 6 attacks, not d6 like before. Also, a nine point decrease. I think they are on par with blood slaughterers now.
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