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Brothers, help me out. I cannot decide which warband to take

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I need your help, my brothers. I can't actually decide on which legion/warband to do for this new edition. Here are the ones I like the most.


Night Lords


Love their background and the possibilities to model gruesome stuff are near endless. One of the best legions.


Iron Warriors


Something about them and their style of war (Hammer of Olympia meatgrinder style) warms me inside. No heroes, no glory, just the savage grittiness of war.


Word Bearers


My first CSM model was a Dark Apostle conversion, to spread the word. Their warfare style is (in my mind) close to the IW too, with the auxiliary being daemonic stuff in this case. Their fanaticism is lovely, and they like grisly trophies too.


Red Corsairs


They're space pirates, which is a theme I love. Huron is great, love them some skulls and astartes savagery.


Dragon Warriors


Those renegade Salamanders have an ok-ish background, and an amazing scheme that keeps me hypnotized, but that's something that I can also say about the others. And love flamers and melta weapons, and indeed, dragons.


So please, convince me about your legion/warband, sell me what's in your heart because for the life of me I can't made up my mind.

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Keep in mind that gruesome stuff is stuff you can do with CSM overall. Iron Warriors are less known for it, but Word Bearers or Red Corsairs keeping their enemies heads, or a Dragon Warrior holding onto the charred corpse of the enemy commander are all possible.


As for convincing you... well, what I can say is that Word Bearers have possibilities for conversions. We benefit each other over larger distances, sure, but that's mechanical, model wise you can make so many interesting conversions. Want a Jump Pack lord or fluffy Raptor Alternatives? The Ashen Circle from the HH line look fantastic, especially if you have items like wing parts from the possessed to make wicked looking characters or unique jump troops. You want your own commander to stand out? It's as simple as adding a Chaos Warrior Head sometimes, but parts like from Plague Monks, Falagellants or the like can give you so much and leave you with cultists left over. Heck, I recently converted the HH Traitor Librarian in Cataphractii armor simply by replacing his head, with one hand outstreached and summoning a demon, implying that even in battle he chants and commands the darker powers to assist!


Follow Lorgars word!


... or failing that, Dragon Warriors. Because who doesn't like dragons?

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Of  the options listed, Iron Warriors are the best. Take scads of recyclable, fearless cultists to feed into the enemy's jaws while pounding them with the big guns, courtesy of the Renegades and Heretics list from FW. Have your ragged hordes fall back after being savaged and then shoot the enemy all over again. Whatever is still standing dies to hellbrutes, new and improved obliterators, and massed marine fire. 

Or, that is what I would do anyway :P

People talk about how lackluster the Iron Warrior trait is, but I don't buy it, unless you play without terrain. Buildings, ruins or even just a dense brake of trees makes it hard to dig out the Iron Warriors... while they can shoot their foes with impunity.

Edited by Azekai
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IV Legion: no gods, no masters, all the artillery. Daemons belong in the fuel tanks of robots or the breaches of big cannons, and mutations are for suckers because bionics are where it's at. Perturabo is super annoyed at pretty much everyone and nobody even knows why, but that's at least better than being dead. Or Lorgar. All the Imperium's best fortresses were either made by the Iron Warriors, or blown up by them at some point in their history. Simple and elegant colour scheme, cool hazard stripes where ever you feel like it, and a ready made excuse to convert any Imperial model you fancy. Also carte blanche to make any crazy tank, gun, or robot you can imagine.


Iron within, iron without.

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The next step is picking what models you want and what color scheme you want to paint them in. I love spraying marines with lead belcher, painting 1 shoulder pad, highlight, wash. Done!


Or you can also be like me and leave your models in primer and play as every legion!

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I couldn't possibly give you good advice here lol

Night Lords sound like a fun army to play with their new rules and their Primarch was one of the best.

Word Bearers have the best color scheme of the ones you've listed there.

Red Corsairs are just badarse (seriously, Space Pirates!) tho...just another Chaos warband with red as main color (that doesn't look as great as WB :tongue.: ).


So the only proper advice would be.....Emperor's Children of course! :biggrin.:

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From the options you've presented, I vote Dragon Warriors.  Canon they might be, they're rare; I've never heard of anyone playing Dragon Warriors, much less painting them up or building lore around them.  I always enjoy seeing something new and different pop up.  Plus, they're Renegades, and the new Renegade Legion Trait is pretty awesome.

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Cheers brothers, thanks for your input!

@CptMetal & Angry Nomad; Well, it's hard to argue against that lol I also find this theme very inspiring and with a heavy Iron Warrior feel:


@Leonite, wow, you're a true demagogue, aren't you? Thank you for the reply, very inspiring. My inspiration for doing them (and the add of gruesome trophies) come from the legendary Razakel's Word Bearers, although I'm afraid I'm not going to do them the justice they deserve. they are still anchored in my mind, so who knows? And yes, who doesn't like Dragons? They're growing on me every minute. Consider the idea of a charred enemy promptly stolen just in case :happy.:

@Gratan, sorry. I feel your pain. Thanks anyway :sweat:

@Plasmaspam; Athrillay, Vylas. Tosha amthilla van veshi laliss, kosh’eth tay.

@Azekai; Certainly that's how I intend to play the IW if I finally decide to pick them -which I may anyway at some point. Cheers brother!

@Warsmith Aznable; Hey, you got me at the "no gods, no masters"! Great points all of them (poor Lorgar, lol). Would not forget those, thanks! :biggrin.:

@BrassClaw; That's one of the reasons I love both of them, (almost) nobody plays them. And there is a strong competition in my heart between these two. This is the Dragon Warriors scheme:


@bozo69pd; I have all the models I need (more or less, barring few bits here and there) as I have plenty of marines (~80 IIRC, 30 of them being the still to be assembled BaC ones). Picking the scheme is hard to me tho, and while painting IW may look simple, I tried Apologist's tutorial back in the day on painting IW and is a bit time consuming, here's my result:


@Gosford; Nice try brother! But alas, I'm not ready for the black. Thanks anyway, tho!

@micahwc; Nice too meet you :teehee: I love the alphas, but they're not a priority to me atm, despite how powerful they are (and they are really powerful now!). Cheers.

@sfPanzer; haha, nice try buddy! Curze was indeed among the best primarchs, and for the WB having the best color scheme, you're very right. Luckily for me, it can be applied to the Corsairs or the Dragons too! And heck, yes, Space Pirates! That's why I can't decide!

@IFF; Great points about the Dragons, sir. Many reasons to play them, being their rarity one of the top tempting, besides their badass paint scheme.

Here's how things are ranking at the moment:

Dragon Warriors/Red Corsairs

Iron Warriors

Word Bearers

Night Lords

Here's what I have in terms of models/army list concept for the project at the moment:

Undecided Chaos Lord/Huron

Exalted Champion

Termie Sorc

2x9 zerkers in a rhino (maybe 8 instead if we can take Multimeltas for the rhinos)

5 Meltatermies with axes and a CF, probably khornate, with IoW

Chaos Deredeo

2x5 Slaaneshi flamer havocs in a rhino

2 Xiphon Interceptors (this two I don't have them actually, so I need to buy/kitbash/convert them) or 1 Xiphon and one Heldrake (if I end with the Dragons, a Helldrake would be very fitting I think)

Cheers and thanks everybody! :happy.:


@MoK, Don't worry brother, there's plenty of that in my list ;)

@Leonite, Roger that, cheers!

Edited by Brother Aiwass
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Cheers brothers, thanks for your input!

@CptMetal & Angry Nomad; Well, it's hard to argue against that lol I also find this theme very inspiring and with a heavy Iron Warrior feel:


@Leonite, wow, you're a true demagogue, aren't you? Thank you for the reply, very inspiring. My inspiration for doing them (and the add of gruesome trophies) come from the legendary Razakel's Word Bearers, although I'm afraid I'm not going to do them the justice they deserve. they are still anchored in my mind, so who knows? And yes, who doesn't like Dragons? They're growing on me every minute. Consider the idea of a charred enemy promptly stolen just in case :happy.:

@Gratan, sorry. I feel your pain. Thanks anyway :sweat:

@Plasmaspam; Athrillay, Vylas. Tosha amthilla van veshi laliss, kosh’eth tay.

@Azekai; Certainly that's how I intend to play the IW if I finally decide to pick them -which I may anyway at some point. Cheers brother!

@Warsmith Aznable; Hey, you got me at the "no gods, no masters"! Great points all of them (poor Lorgar, lol). Would not forget those, thanks! :biggrin.:

@BrassClaw; That's one of the reasons I love both of them, (almost) nobody plays them. And there is a strong competition in my heart between these two. This is the Dragon Warriors scheme:


@bozo69pd; I have all the models I need (more or less, barring few bits here and there) as I have plenty of marines (~80 IIRC, 30 of them being the still to be assembled BaC ones). Picking the scheme is hard to me tho, and while painting IW may look simple, I tried Apologist's tutorial back in the day on painting IW and is a bit time consuming, here's my result:


@Gosford; Nice try brother! But alas, I'm not ready for the black. Thanks anyway, tho!

@micahwc; Nice too meet you :teehee: I love the alphas, but they're not a priority to me atm, despite how powerful they are (and they are really powerful now!). Cheers.

@sfPanzer; haha, nice try buddy! Curze was indeed among the best primarchs, and for the WB having the best color scheme, you're very right. Luckily for me, it can be applied to the Corsairs or the Dragons too! And heck, yes, Space Pirates! That's why I can't decide!

@IFF; Great points about the Dragons, sir. Many reasons to play them, being their rarity one of the top tempting, besides their badass paint scheme.

Here's how things are ranking at the moment:

Dragon Warriors/Red Corsairs

Iron Warriors

Word Bearers

Night Lords

Here's what I have in terms of models/army list concept for the project at the moment:

Undecided Chaos Lord/Huron

Exalted Champion

Termie Sorc

2x9 zerkers in a rhino (maybe 8 instead if we can take Multimeltas for the rhinos)

5 Meltatermies with axes and a CF, probably khornate, with IoW

Chaos Deredeo

2x5 Slaaneshi flamer havocs in a rhino

2 Xiphon Interceptors (this two I don't have them actually, so I need to buy/kitbash/convert them) or 1 Xiphon and one Heldrake (if I end with the Dragons, a Helldrake would be very fitting I think)

Cheers and thanks everybody! :happy.:


@MoK, Don't worry brother, there's plenty of that in my list :wink:

@Leonite, Roger that, cheers!

I hate fascism, but I like you, I am very weak for Triiari. Damn cool music. Usually fascistoid music sucks, but Triiari certainly doesn`t !

As for the topic, go for Iron Warriors. They have superior fluff ;)

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@Plaguecaster, sorry brother, I've never been a fan of DG outside the Horus Heresy. But I'll be more than happy for my nurglite fellows if/when they get Morty!


@Iron Sage, while I prefer to leave politics out of this forum, I'm on your side here, and that's part of the reason I hate imperials :P Iron whithin brother, we'll see how this trip ends!

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I would humbly suggest Warp Ghosts. Eerie paint scheme, don't see them often and they have great fluff that makes them a cross between the Ferryman of Greek myth and The Flying Dutchman.


Ghosts of Renegades cursed to wander the warp and only able to remain physical if they possess a body. They are fleet based and transport other Traitors in exchange for fresh bodies to use when their current ones wither away. They will deal with any and all who pay their price...and they solidly fit within the "Dark Raiders" paradigm of the new Renegade trait.

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I'm a demogogue because I like the angle, what can I say? Mind you, I also paint my Word Bearers in their Heresy Era colours, dark red, black shoulderpads, silver accents, and it makes for a great look in my opinion. Not to mention you can really go to town with conversion opportunities given that you can freely mix in elements of Chaos Warriors from AoS, Possessed Mutations, demonic parts and so on.


And while we have gods, we are the masters of faith! We will not break or flee the battle easily, we can call forth a flexible portion of allies from the warp, we will not go quietly and we will not let the filthy loyalists win! We might not seem as potent as other legions, but never doubt the power of a zealous warband striking out!


Although again, Dragon Warriors sound like a great idea.

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