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Brothers, help me out. I cannot decide which warband to take

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I would definitely go for the Dragon Warriors, I've never seen someone do them and look like they could be really cool. You made Blackshields once, so then you like doing something unique, something of your own. If you join one of the Legions you'll have a set fluff, paintscheme and even expected way of playing. But what info do we have on Dragon Warriors? We know they like burning people and one of their possible colour schemes... That gives you A LOT of room to be creative and do a really personalised army. Seriously brother, I' think you would be missing a great opportunity if you made anything else, I know the Legions have inspiring novels and a lot of cool background, but renegades allow you to invent your own cool background. So basically I think that it reduces itself to Black Library coverage vs. Freedom. In my opinion, freedom wins.
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Then so be it, Dragon Warriors here I come!*


Thanks everybody for your advice, I was on the edge about the DW, but I'm sure going to do the other ones at some points, even if they're only minor forces.


@OnboardG1: I joined the ranks of the VIII while ago. I even have the legion badge inked in my left shoulder :P



*Well, in September, when I'm released from my slavery.

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In case you were unaware, the Dragon Warriors are antagonists in Nick Kyme's Tome of Fire Trilogy about the Salamanders.  If you're looking for a little extra fluff on them, that's where you can find it.  If, that is, you're capable of wading through Kymes atrocious prose.

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Lol thanks xD


I,'ll try to find a TL;DR then. Maybe wikia or lexicanum, but I'm mostly do my own «after Nihilan» fluff (already started with concept names for units such as Drakengard, Dragon Knights, you know, stuff like that) :D

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