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2x Chainswords


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While looking over the new codex it looks as of our Sword Brothers / Veterans are able to take 2x chainswords or power weapons. Has anyone tried this? How did it work?


I tried a search and couldn't find anything. Any thoughts would be appreciated. I did notice that lieutenants can take two pistols and a melee weapon as well, I might have try that for fun.

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It was brought up in the Vanguard thread.  It basically comes down to if you want weight of attacks or quality of attacks, which is decided by what you want those units to go after: anti-infantry and anti-elite/tank respectively.


A re-roll buff is always useful, but it seems more important if you're relying strictly on weight of attacks.  With a unit armed powerfully, you don't need every hit to land.  If a unit relies on forcing a lot of saves, every dice matters.

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I intend to play around with a squad of those as well at some point. Seems fun, though I do think (but thats personal) that I like them better with a ranged option for more versatility.


Still, don't know until you try :)

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Other than "it looks awesome" (which i grant you is a super important reason!) is there some benefit i'm missing in taking 2 power weapons or Thunder Hammers? You don't gain anything do you?



If you take 2 different power weapons, you could choose which one are you using to attack. But no, double weapon of the same kind doesn't do anything

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Actually, the one exception to that is a techmarine's servo-arm. Each servo-arm can only be used to make 1 attack per phase, and a techmarine has 3 attacks. Therefore the techmarine can do :

  • 3 axe attacks
  • 2 axe attacks and 1 servo-arm attack if he has 1 servo-arm
  • 1 axe attack, 1 attack with servo-arm (1) and 1 attack with servo-arm (2) if he has 2 servo-arms (ser-harness, basically).
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Other than "it looks awesome" (which i grant you is a super important reason!) is there some benefit i'm missing in taking 2 power weapons or Thunder Hammers? You don't gain anything do you?



If you take 2 different power weapons, you could choose which one are you using to attack. But no, double weapon of the same kind doesn't do anything



Thats what i thought, thanks. Just wondering if i was missing something awesome :)

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