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Emperor's Children and World Eaters not getting codex?

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I quote from the Warhammer Community


The Chaos Space Marines codex is nearly here, and with it, rules for seven Chaos Legions as well as Renegade Chaos Marines. We’ll be previewing these in detail in the coming week, as well as looking at some of the new Stratagems and the best units in the new codex for each Legion.  We’ll be looking at the Emperor’s Children, Iron Warriors, Night Lords, World Eaters, Alpha Legion, Black Legion, Word Bearers and the Renegade Chapters. If you’re wandering where the Death Guard and Thousand Sons are, don’t panic! Both these armies are getting Codexes of their own.


So it would appear that CSM codex is meant to cover EC and WE? So no new codex for them and no new models?

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We're just in the first two months of 8th edition 40k, far too soon to come to conclusions like that. GW needs to release codexes for all the old armies which just means that the newer possible factions like WE and EC are not going to get their own codex for at least a year, maybe more. DG are an exception because they get their own models in the starter set so they were bound to get some love before WE or EC. All GW is saying is for the foreseeable future WE and EC are going to be part of the standard CSM codex but two years from now who knows maybe both of those legions will have their own codex. 


Unfortunately that all means for EC and WE fans, the standard rules will have to do for now. 

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No, the EC and WE won't be getting new codexes - at least not soon.  Thousand sons got their stuff fivish months ago.  Death Guard are getting theirs next month.  If the pattern stays, then EC or WE will get their sixish months after that, then the other sixish months after that, and probably all of that before generic chaos marines get a big wave of new models.  Clearly that's too long for generic marines to sit on their index, so they get a codex-for-the-codex's-sake now, and since EC and WE are both at least 7 months away, they might as well tag along for the ride.


Hence why they're in the generic book this time. But that doesn't mean they'll never get new models or rules, just that their new models and rules aren't right around the corner.

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I don't see why that means EC and WE don't deserve a codex. Sure other legions are not as well organized but given WE and EC are focused each on one god there's plenty of opportunities to make new units for both of them. 

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We had a KDK book last edition so I am a little surprised WE aren't getting one straight off the bat but I'm not worried.


To be honest I'm a bit gutted they are releasing them so quick anyway. I like having all the chaos rules in one book. Now I need to buy a minimum of 4 (CSM, DG, TS, CD) for all the rules for my Chaos models. 


At this rate I will need another book shelf! 

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They'll get one eventually, but for now they don't have the model lines that TS and DG do.


Expect the chaos big 4 to mirror r loyalist big 4. Unique terms, new basic troop box set, specific plastic HQ options, +/- legion specific vehicle.

Edited by Xenith
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They'll get one eventually, but for now they don't have the model lines that TS and DG do.



Thousand Sons have more than a handful of units and model's that are unique to Thousand Sons and which can't be taken in a regular CSM-list. Magnus, Exalted Sorcerers, Scarab Occult Terminators and Tzaangors. Add Ahriman and Rubric Marines even-though they can be used by all CSM-armies.


Death Guard, likewise, will probably get a handful of new and unique units that no other Legion can field, in their release.


What does World Eaters and Emperor's Children have currently? 1 unit and 1 character each, and nothing unique to their Legion. Hardly anything to build a stand-alone codex on (I personally think that giving TS and DG stand-alone codeci is a stretch, but I won't complain), so they might as well be embedded in the CSM-codex, at least for now. I hope they get their own codeci in the future, but I understand that they don't get them now.


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We had a KDK book last edition so I am a little surprised WE aren't getting one straight off the bat but I'm not worried.


To be honest I'm a bit gutted they are releasing them so quick anyway. I like having all the chaos rules in one book. Now I need to buy a minimum of 4 (CSM, DG, TS, CD) for all the rules for my Chaos models. 


At this rate I will need another book shelf! 

I actually have been pondering that myself. Started physically playing the hobby in April 2013 and quickly spent a thousand dollars in codex and books for 6th and 7th edition. 8th drops all books instantly get immolated... but I was ok with it because the rules were being condensed, streamlined, simplified. I was only going to need to bring 2 books to each game now yayyy!


Now here we go time to spend on replacing all these books and bring a stack to each game. That is actually kind of a crazy amount within a 5 year time frame?

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I more or less don't need a WE codex unless there are new units in it, and I'm not sure what we need, exactly. Some new melee weapons a la Plague Marines would be cool, but tbh chainaxes and swords spamming attacks seems sufficient to kill things that are reasonable for Berzerkers to kill. Shoot, with VotLW active it's already ridiculous in some cases.


Wild card: proper lord on juggernaut and chosen on juggernauts. I'd spend an extra bit of cash on a book with those, although still, they could just add datasheets as errata to the CSM book.


I guess a case could be made for more artifacts, stratagems, warlord traits, etc.

Edited by Juggernut
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Yeah nobody is forcing you to buy all the Codices. It's your choice if you decide to play more than one army.


Also GW always only talked about streamlining and condensing the core rules. If you'd paid attention to how it works in AoS then you'd have known that there will be many more faction books than we had before. :wink:

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Yeah nobody is forcing you to buy all the Codices. It's your choice if you decide to play more than one army.


Also GW always only talked about streamlining and condensing the core rules. If you'd paid attention to how it works in AoS then you'd have known that there will be many more faction books than we had before. :wink:


Yes and yes. It is my fault that I play Thousand Sons and Death Guard. However about 6 weeks ago I bought Index chaotica, an excellent all inclusive book at a good price. Now I must buy another book Codex CSM which is absolutely ok because it is going to add more "Stuff" and do some numbers tweaks for balance. Now within 30 days I must once again buy another Codex which is Death Guard. Why could they not have simply added those changes in Codex CSM? Is the content so massive that they warrant their own book? The same goes for Thousand Sons when they eventually get their own book.


I am just using this as an example where people are upset that their legion does not have its own codex, it actually goes both ways. Aww man I have to buy and carry another book for the 2 datesheets I am going to use >.<

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They were open from the beginning that codexes were going to follow shortly afterwards, and we also knew from the beginning that DG and TS were going to be their own factions. The reality is also that your armies are going to be getting far more content and model releases from separate lines than they would have were they folded into the vanilla CSM codex.


At least in 7th edition we bought masses of books that had to be used together, now in 8th there are masses of books available for different purposes. Well worth it.

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Considering the amount of new units Death Guard are getting and have got is massive so of course both them and Thousand Sons deserve a seperate codex excatly like the multitude of loyalist chapters who get ones. If TS and DG were bundled in the chaos codex not only would it be annoying as the price would go up massively but they would get even less traits, strategems etc compared to getting a seperate Dex where they'll probably get the same amount plus a full psychic power chart
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