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What are Chaos Space Marines like when NOT In Battle?


What do they do in between battles, and not getting ready for a battle?


What do Noise Marines do when not in battle?


What do Berzerkers do when not in battle?


What do Undivided Space marines do when notin battle?



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The answer to your question varies greatly between different warbands/legions. I'll use Word Bearers as an example since that's the legion I'm most knowledgeable about. WBs tend to spend hours daily in prayer and their outside of battle habits pretty much revolve around worshipping the chaos gods. That's just the zealot legion though, others like Night Lords are completely different, spending no time in prayer and instead doing NL stuff likrba good old flaying or something.


It's also worth mentioning that I'm sure almost all chaos marines spend time maintaining/tinkering with equipment and practicing for battle. Most I imagine have slaves to repair their armor, but more technical minded marines like Iron Warriors probably tinker with their own armor.


Last thought, I'm sure a lot of marines spend time delving deeper into the mysteries of chaos and the freedom that offers compared to the strict life of a loyalist marine. Slaaneshi marines might explore new pleasures, more tzeentch minded marines might delve deeper into the mysteries of psyhic power. Lot of possibilities really.

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We do see some Chaos Marines during their down time in the Night Lords Trilogy; First Claw seemed to spar quite a bit.  Some of them went into the slave quarters of the Covenant of Blood and walked among the serf population while others hunted said serfs.  It's by no means universal, of course.  The truth is that we don't really see much of the sort of interaction in official publications because this is a war game, so the "war" part -- the much-maligned (for some reason) "bolter porn" -- is what gets focused on the most.

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Noise Marines? Well the same as all Slaanesh dedicated worshippers do. Try to stimulate themselves however possible. Also when they are EC Noise Marines then they spend a good chunk of their time searching for Fulgrims Pleasure Planet (no joke).
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Would it make sense for say, A war band of Berzerkers to party like Slaaneshi Emperor's Children searching for pleasure and fun, perversion and joy when NOT In Battle, and act all normal like Undivided if they are not World Eaters and never got Butcher's Nails, but when going into battle they dedicate all their fighting to Khornate  styles and offering the skulls and fighting like the other Berserkers? For example they would have fun with wine, women, and song, having normal fun and such and particularly having sparring maches and fun in arenas and pit fights as well as other more naughty and lewd fun.


Also, as a side note in an old comic called Blood Quest, there was a Berserker Champion who said that He wanted to slay the Blood Angels and give them to His Daemonette Wives.



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No. Any thought that doesn't involve rage or violence causes Berzerker unspeakable pain thanks to the nails. Their freetime activity is pleasing Khorne by killing stuff like it's for Noise Marines pleasing Slaanesh by 'having fun'.

Any Berzerker has Butcher's Nails, not just the World Eater ones. If they wouldn't they'd be just normal Mark of Khorne Marines (Chosen or whatever).

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Well if they want to prove that they can be just as bloodthirsty, they won't act any different than the ones with Nails. Tho much of old lore got retconned over time so I wouldn't dig too deep to find arguments. :D

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Ah. I HATE Retcons and prefer the old lore. The majority of lore within the recent 9 years sucks so much and I go by the GOOD Lore instead of the new garbage. The mainy lore aspect from new lore that might be cool is one of the Primarchs returning and the Eldar getting a new place to put souls.


I meant no offense at all, but I prefer the old lore. Not the new garbage from within the recent 9 years specifically.



Also some of the old codexes even said they can seem normal and like others and even enjoy fun and all that when not in battle, but are like a frenzied warrior in battle.



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Ah. I HATE Retcons and prefer the old lore. The majority of lore within the recent 9 years sucks so much and I go by the GOOD Lore instead of the new garbage. The mainy lore aspect from new lore that might be cool is one of the Primarchs returning and the Eldar getting a new place to put souls.


I meant no offense at all, but I prefer the old lore. Not the new garbage from within the recent 9 years specifically.



Also some of the old codexes even said they can seem normal and like others and even enjoy fun and all that when not in battle, but are like a frenzied warrior in battle.



Well you should've specified that in your post/title then. I know there are some people who prefer the old lore but the standard is to go with the most recent lore.

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So? It's not exactly news that there are Khorne blessed warriors. It's called Mark of Khorne. That has literally nothing to do with Berzerkers tho.
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As above. In multiple codexes there are accounts of Berzerkers being made by 'Berzeker surgeons ' - they're important enough for Abaddon to secure some for his cause. That anecdote is more than 9 years old. Conversely, there are frothing madmen who do not have the nails (the descent of Uzas in the NL trilogy for example). In any case, all World Eaters have the nails.


Perhaps initially warriors could sway towards Khorne and act relatively normally as you asked above, but depictions in novels, whether they involve the nails or not, pretty clearly show that as people (or marines or whatever) fall to Khorne, they gradually lose their grasp on reality and spend less and less time being lucid, even if they're not intentionally offering worship.

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I'm not sure what I'm trying to ask, but a good example reference includes blood quest, and other comics and lore sections where in battle they are berserkers, but when not in war scale battles they have demon worlds that have vast arenas where they either engage in battles and duels for glory and to shed blood, or for fun and honing skills. Where some of them have wives and children and some of them have married Daemonettes or similar Female Demons of a Patron or Undivded. Where they might not be raging madmen, but are still always eager for the fun and thrill of a battle. And when they aren't in battle they are in arenas and pit fits.


Sorry to be repetitive but I'm not quite sure what I'm trying to ask. But in the lore of 9+ years ago they seem to be able to be relatively normal but still extremely aggressive where they can be sane, but are always eager for battle. Sort of like Orc Mentalty of always wanting to fight for the fun of it, but with added intelligence and experience.



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Additional opinions, confirmation, conversation, and tossing around ideas for lore that would be plausible.


I'm not trolling or trying to be offensive. I apologize in case I was.


I'm extremely indecisive about the kind of lore I want to make and was trying to rationalize and fit lore together in a way I might find acceptable.







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I'm not sure what I'm trying to ask, but a good example reference includes blood quest, and other comics and lore sections where in battle they are berserkers, but when not in war scale battles they have demon worlds that have vast arenas where they either engage in battles and duels for glory and to shed blood, or for fun and honing skills. Where some of them have wives and children and some of them have married Daemonettes or similar Female Demons of a Patron or Undivded. Where they might not be raging madmen, but are still always eager for the fun and thrill of a battle. And when they aren't in battle they are in arenas and pit fits.


Sorry to be repetitive but I'm not quite sure what I'm trying to ask. But in the lore of 9+ years ago they seem to be able to be relatively normal but still extremely aggressive where they can be sane, but are always eager for battle. Sort of like Orc Mentalty of always wanting to fight for the fun of it, but with added intelligence and experience.



If you want your warband to be more human, that is cool. However, becoming a berzerker or worshipping Khorne is not really compatible (long term) with rationality. If you take the nails, or worse, court daemons of the god of slaughter, you are going to start wanting what Khorne wants. And what Khorne wants is skulls, and blood. Whatever your needs or desires once were, they get subsumed by the agenda of your chaos god. That is why some undivided factions like the Iron Warriors reject such things...


A servant of Khorne would also likely not fraternize with daemonettes. That seems pretty out there.


I think everyone has said this, but your can certainly be aggressive, but you can't be a Khornate berzerker and still be 'ok' mentally. They are damaged psychotics... that is what the butcher's nails do. And if you manage to act like a berzerker *without* the nails? I mean, I am not exactly ADB, but you are probably even worse off, since that means you are so far off your rocker you didn't need psycho-surgery to make you constantly, insanely angry.



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In Talon of Horus, the Worldeaters when 'resting' are itchy and nervous. They sit there cutting themselves and banging their heads against the wall. I'd say a Berzerkers down time is spent sparring, either with or without weapons. Possibly polishing the skulls of their recently slain foe. Edited by MoK
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In the Heresy era, that was how they spent their time off. Sparring. They did little else. Sparr, argue, fight, prepare for battle, do battle, collect trophies, clean up and prepare trophies, mount trophies, show off trophies. Then back to sparring. I'd imagine they would eat at some point, maybe meditate, when not doing anything else.
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