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A Guide to Slaying the Heretic


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Once I finish my Storm Raven, I'll be heavily considering some Assault Centurions as my next project. They seem to be a very attractive heavy hitting "dragon slayer" unit, equipped with melta guns and really nasty CC weapons. Stuff three of them and Helbrecht in a Storm Raven and your opponent will be forced to make some choices about targeting priority. 


I too despise the Centurion sculpt. However, I found really awesome conversions not too long ago, can't remember where from, the guy used the Forge World Iron Hands kill bots, the ones that the Iron Warriors Primarch used as body guards. Basically they looked like giant Thunder Hammer Storm Shield Terminators. Super cool. If I can find the picture again I'll post it up. 


I'm going to try the unit out via proxy a couple times first with some Kastelans I have for my Admech army before I sink the cash and time into the project. I'm thinking two of them with hammers, then getting the unit's Sergeant a Dreadknight sword. Yeah... that sounds good... 

Edited by SydonianDragoon404
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You mean This:




Tes they're Great models:)


Those are more of Contemptor Dreads than Centurions... they're massive!





There's the conversions I was talking about. Now I'm not so sure that's the model he used. But I know these are definitely conversions of some kind. 


Those are just the basic Centurions with a lot of Greenstuff work, a lot of plasticard work and a lot of talent... :thumbsup:



Yes I'm not fond of the bulk and static pose of the dev cents. Plus they're not very templary in concept.


The static pose and bulk is understandable (although I like the bulk...) but their concept is very much less of Templars and very much more of the Imperial Fists... which Templars originated from... I feel that Templars who feel more inclined towards defense and heavy weapons shooting would band together to form semi-Devastator Squads or Devastator Centurion Squads... they just feel that "FORTIFY EVERYTHING" urge that Rogal Dorn seems to always have every few weekly cycles :p

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Anyone have a picture or can take one of the two side by side?


They're the same height as Primaris... and Primaris are the same height as Centurions... so they would be a decent substitute if you can go past the Starcraft armor design...


Personally, I don't like them... too sci-fi futuristic... I prefer staying steampunk, gothic grimdark design...

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Another bit of information to consider. Leaks on the Chaos codex seem to indicate that specific units (such as noise marines for EC, plague marines for death guard) are elite and unlike in V7 do not get changed to troops if the warlord/detachment is of the relevant god.


This means that to avail of their version of objective secured they will need cultists or regular chaos marines, that will be much easier to shift.

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I've played against summon-heavy Word Bearers. Summoning daemons isn't nowhere as annoying as it was before, it's just a way to deploy a unit you need in a right situation, not spamming free squads. Non-Khorne Chaos Lords are weak, basic marine Captain has better weapons and better retinue options as well. Daemon Prince with two claws is a beast though, he's harder to kill than in 7th and has more attacks. Cultists hordes look menacing, but with new LRC we can wipe dozens of them in a single volley of fire. Big squads with low morale are harder to use and easier to kill. Chaos marines lost an option to take additional CCWs, so they can't rely on high number of attacks in close combat.

My vehicle-heavy list worked quite well. I think that a single Crusader squad with chainswords supported by a Chaplain is a decent counter-charge, but I'm not sure about taking more melee squads. It looks like "go full melee or don't take melee at all" situation, with the amount of shooting in 8E you need to put a lot of points into melee squads to reliably get into close combat with space marines.

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