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Breaking up a Chaos Collection into Khorne/Nurgle?


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Hi, I hope this is going to make sense.

I've been collecting Chaos for a while but with little direction. I vaguely had a Black Legion thing going on but I think it might help me to get it painted if I split it in two.


Would really appreciate any feedback you might have on splitting them into two roughly sensible armies. I've had a go at splitting them as you can see. Apologies for the formatting, I did have them in a spreadsheet but could not work out how to post it.


I would also really appreciate any ideas on how to use the Chosen models from DV. I ended up with 4 sets but have never found a good use for them apart from proxying the Maul guys as Dark Apostles. I considered using the Lords as Khorne berserkers sergeants maybe, the claws guy as Warp Talons and the bolt gun guys as extra Plague Marines.


Any help would be much appreciated!


2 Helbrute Elite Khorne

10 Old Metal Terminators Elite Khorne

1 Heldrake Flyer Khorne

1 Maulerfiend Heavy Support Khorne

1 Defiler Heavy Support Khorne

1 Predator Heavy Support Khorne

Daemon Prince HQ Khorne

1 Aspiring Champion HQ Khorne

1 Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor HQ Khorne

1 Khârn HQ Khorne

40 CC Cultists Troop Khorne

16 CSM Boltpistol & Chainsword Troop Khorne

28 Beserkers Troop Khorne


2 Helbrute Elite Nurgle

5 Terminators (Converted from Black Reach) Elite Nurgle

10 Possessed Elite Nurgle

1 Noxious Blightbringer Elite Nurgle

1 Blight Drone Fast Attack Nurgle

5 CSM with special weps (Havocs?) Heavy Support Nurgle

2 Land Raider Heavy Support Nurgle

1 Malignant Plaguecaster HQ Nurgle

1 Chaos Lord (Black Reach Conversion) HQ Nurgle

1 Lord of Contagion HQ Nurgle

1 Typhus HQ Nurgle

40 Shooty Cultists Troop Nurgle

20 Poxwalkers Troop Nurgle

10 CSM with boltguns Troop Nurgle

7 Plague Marines Troop Nurgle


4 DV Chosen Lord

4 DV Chosen with Maul

4 DV Chosen with Claws

4 DV Chosen with Pistol & Fist

4 DV Chosen with Pistol & Axe

8 DV Chosen with Boltgun


1 Obliterator Heavy Support (Can't use)


1 Abaddon HQ

1 Ahriman HQ

1 Huron HQ

1 Fabius HQ

1 Lucius HQ

1 Cypher HQ

1 Chaos Lord in Power Armor HQ

1 Chaos Sorcerer in Power Armor HQ

1 Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armor HQ


1 Warpsmith (Kitbash) HQ





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I'd hold off on splitting your force until the DG codex drops as you can't really be sure what will work best with DG. However if you're just running Nurgle renegades, then your split seems fine. 


Most of my DV chosen function as squad sergeants and I think they are great for that task. I only have one unit of DV chosen though so I don't have to worry about duplicates. Splitting them evenly between your Nurgle and Khorne force would probably help with the duplicates problem, then further spread them out across the army by using them as sargeants.  

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