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Shouldn't all Legions get special characters/HQ choices?


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I was looking at my Night Lord army and the new rules and it really struck me. Why doesn't every Traitor Legion get a special character and HQ choice? You can get generic lords/sorcs but it doesn't give you great bonuses or the fluff appeal. I'm hoping GW will show Chaos more love by introducing more HQ and character choices for the Legions who currently have nothing.

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Yeah, they should. At least one each. Pretty sure each of the big loyalist chapters do, but I wouldn't hold my breath for any more chaos characters other than daemon primarchs.


We can only hope. I mean in game terms it really does create a disadvantage on the tabletop. Abby is a walking nightmare in the new codex but his stuff only clicks with BL lists. Same thing with Typhus and Khârn. You roll over to Night Lords, Iron Warriors and Alpha Legion...and you get nothing. Even Renegades can use Huron...

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Yeah, they should. At least one each. Pretty sure each of the big loyalist chapters do, but I wouldn't hold my breath for any more chaos characters other than daemon primarchs.


The Iron Hands don't have one, and I don't mind.  I find more enjoyment in building my own characters and writing my own fluff about their worthy deeds, so long as they've got some decent relic gear they can take to make them stand out a little from "power armor + power weapon."  If they put an Iron Hand character or an Alpha Legion character into the game, I wouldn't complain, mind you, but I don't feel like we need them.

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No, Red Corsairs can use Huron. Try to be mindful by not just assuming the only renegade warbands are Red Corsair and Crimson Slaughter


I think you understood my point. Three iconic original Legions have zero special characters and HQ choices but Renegades get one in Huron.

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No, Red Corsairs can use Huron. Try to be mindful by not just assuming the only renegade warbands are Red Corsair and Crimson Slaughter

I think you understood my point. Three iconic original Legions have zero special characters and HQ choices but Renegades get one in Huron.

Renegades are a huge portion of chaos space marine, far parger than many of the "legions".

It is rather sad that many legions and space marine chapters do not have characters, but it would appear that that is in flux with so many new releases.

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I feel the same way as Iron Father Ferrum, I actually would rather not use special characters because I'd rather convert my own model, make my own back story and design my own character builds. It actually bothers me when a certain special character is so  good for a particular army that it would be considered a bad choice to ever make an army without that special character. I do understand though not everyone feels that way so yes it would be nice if the 4 undivided legions besides BL got their own characters, but since we are just about to get our codex I doubt that will happen. 

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Yeah, that's an appealing perspective too. I'd just be thrilled to see the likes of Erebus on the table. Maybe a full range of relics/stratagems for each Legion like we had in Traitor Legions is the answer, but it seems GW is trying to rein in the options.
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Arkos is funny because he can infiltrate... by himself. Which I always thought was kinda dumb for a character, to sneak up solo only to be the first thing to get shot. Now that other AL elements can infiltrate with him (and he grants bonus CP!) I think he is a pretty respectable choice overall.

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I've been waiting years for GW or FW to produce Talos/First Claw as special characters/HQ for Night Lords.


I think the Dark Vengeance Chosen are actually a pretty good stand in for first claw with some conversion. I'm planning on making an Uzas lookalike Exalted Champ for my warband from the power axe marine. 

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As I am rereading ADB's NL trilogy it occurred to me that the NL have a character GW can easily do for 40k: Sevatar. He's not reported as being conclusively killed in the HH and Mercutian and another NL believe he is still alive in 40k. Since he already has a FW model, would it be that hard for GW to release a 40k version of Sevatar and give the NL (finally!) their own 40k character?

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As I am rereading ADB's NL trilogy it occurred to me that the NL have a character GW can easily do for 40k: Sevatar. He's not reported as being conclusively killed in the HH and Mercutian and another NL believe he is still alive in 40k. Since he already has a FW model, would it be that hard for GW to release a 40k version of Sevatar and give the NL (finally!) their own 40k character?


It's fairly likely that Sevetar died at the siege of Terra, plus if he had survived into the 40k era he would have been the one Night Lords captain who could of pulled an Abaddon and united his legion, so I think it's quite unlikely he's still alive. 


Yes it would be nice if all the legions had special characters, in particular I would love to see an Erebus model, but it's just not gonna happen. GW has clearly decided to focus on god specific legions, and only two of them at the moment. 

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Off the top of my head Zho Sahaal or Decimus would be the obvious choices for special Night Lords characters with the Lord of Terror and Curse of the Primarch traits respectively. Decimus feels like a buff character while Sahaal would likely be a combat monster. I'd also be a sucker for rules for Malcharion. He's weirdly lovable for twenty tons of steel and ceramite.

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Alpha Legion have Lord Arkos in Forgeworld, and he is pretty neat; although they need to remove his buff from The Faithless, and swap it to Alpha Legion. The Faithless were an Alpha Legion warband after all.

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Alpha Legion have Lord Arkos in Forgeworld, and he is pretty neat; although they need to remove his buff from The Faithless, and swap it to Alpha Legion. The Faithless were an Alpha Legion warband after all.

Yeah all suffer from that very strange approach to design. I guess FW thought a Keyword <Warband> was comming up aswell, or something... Would love to have a reason for the FW Special Characters to be part of our armies.

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I wonder if this is something we might see once the Legion books are all out, as there will then be a lack of SCs in the future Codex: CSM (Abbaddon, Bile, Cypher, Huron will be all that's left). Leaves plenty of room for a Character for each "Undivided" Legion, maybe even more than one for a few fan-favourites if its filling a unique archetype.

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