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Shouldn't all Legions get special characters/HQ choices?


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I'd love me some Decimus for Night Lords. With the re-roll Warlord trait and Talos' Double Tap Bolter, the Sword of Angels and being able to cast Prescience like Sevatar can in 30k. Yes please.


Other favorites are of course Erebus, Khayon, Rhodaan (IW Raptor hell yeah) and finally real rules for Kranon. Also wouldn't say no to Eidolon, though I'm not sure he's still alive at this point.

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Don't get your hopes up. Iron Hands still don't have their own special character. ^^



Thank the dice gods for that.


This doesn't seem like sarcasm... why do you not want a character for your chapter? Do you think the rules/fluff would end up being silly?


Now I am curious, hah.

Edited by Azekai
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Don't get your hopes up. Iron Hands still don't have their own special character. ^^



Thank the dice gods for that.


This doesn't seem like sarcasm... why do you not want a character for your chapter? Do you think the rules/fluff would end up being silly?


Now I am curious, hah.



Allow me to re-post what I said on this topic on the first page of this thread, then:




Yeah, they should. At least one each. Pretty sure each of the big loyalist chapters do, but I wouldn't hold my breath for any more chaos characters other than daemon primarchs.


The Iron Hands don't have one, and I don't mind.  I find more enjoyment in building my own characters and writing my own fluff about their worthy deeds, so long as they've got some decent relic gear they can take to make them stand out a little from "power armor + power weapon."  If they put an Iron Hand character or an Alpha Legion character into the game, I wouldn't complain, mind you, but I don't feel like we need them.


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Also wouldn't say no to Eidolon, though I'm not sure he's still alive at this point.


Eidolon is definetly dead, killed during the Heresy so you're never going to see him popping up in 40k. Not to mention EC already have a special character. 

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Don't get your hopes up. Iron Hands still don't have their own special character. ^^


True, but Codex: Space Marines has more than 4 Special Characters in it!


Not sure if it is 40K or 30K Night Lords, but there was a Night Lords Apothecary character, which is what I meant by cool archetypes potentially giving a Legion more than one character. Maybe that would stop one or two Legions from getting a Character at all, who knows.

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Also wouldn't say no to Eidolon, though I'm not sure he's still alive at this point.


Eidolon is definetly dead, killed during the Heresy so you're never going to see him popping up in 40k. Not to mention EC already have a special character. 



Technically,  Eidolon is undead at last I was tracking.   Bile stapled his head back together and Fulgrim reintroduced him into the legion, at least as far as I am tracking.  If Eidolon died a 2nd time, then good riddance.

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Don't get your hopes up. Iron Hands still don't have their own special character. ^^


True, but Codex: Space Marines has more than 4 Special Characters in it!


Not sure if it is 40K or 30K Night Lords, but there was a Night Lords Apothecary character, which is what I meant by cool archetypes potentially giving a Legion more than one character. Maybe that would stop one or two Legions from getting a Character at all, who knows.



Variel the Flayer?

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Technically Zso Sahaal isn't an ADB character :P


But yeah, there's a lot of them. And I wouldn't mind to have some of them released as models. Or at least rules (we can always convert them).


But we can more or less do some rules wise, nothing too fancy, but hey!


Zso - Chaos Lord, jump pack, claws of the black hunt, lord of terror.

Khayon - Tzeentchian sorc with force axe that loves summoning.

Decimus - Lord with the NL trait, random equipment (?) don't remember his gear.

1st claw - Chosen (sadly no marks)

The bleeding eye crowd - chaos raptors :P

Variel -  count as Bile


Anyway, yes, I do think we need some legion characters.

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I kind of like the idea of Warmahordes Character units. I think 40k would greatly benefit from it, first Claw could be such unit. The only thing approaching this so far was this deathwatch box set with Cassius as a leader. Bland and unimaginative in execution, true, but nevertheless.


I wonder why after all this years CSM didn't get any special charcters except Huron. I know that CSM codex is always done as a sad neccesity for GW team (because hey, we can always focus more and more on loyalists). Right now I was hoping to make some AL or renegades strike force but this codex is quite dissapointing (for me). I don;t have your experience guys so mayby I judge it too harshly. CSM codex feels like beggar version of SM with drastically less options (weapons and units) and dumb(er) fluff. No special characters except X god favorites (ok, fabius and Huron, great).


Am I too critical? (sorry for hijacking the thread)

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Yeah, I think more legions should get special characters.  Here's a few I'd particularly like to see:


Word Bearers - Sargon Eregesh


Night Lords - Zaidu Vorolas, or maybe the daemon prince Dhar'Leth


Iron Warriors - Valicar the Graven


The Alpha Legion already have one.  FW just need to faq their CSM special characters to use legion keywords in their special rules, instead of the names of particular warbands from those legions.

Edited by malisteen
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This is probably the best chaos codex since third edition. I'd say you're being a bit overly critical, they gave us much of what we've been asking for since the chaos heyday. This is the first time in a very long time it doesn't feel like worse loyalists, however all space marine dexes are a spectrum of the same thing. We aren't a dark mirror, we are another play style for the same basic forces with a different skin. I for one am thrilled with this dex, with only a few minor annoyances. It's lightyears better than the sixth edition version we came from.


We know each cult legion is getting an eventual dex, so by extension we know CSM is getting another one too. While I hope we see more special characters in the next iteration, I'd rather see updates for the kits we are in need of first. I'd love to see some exalted champ special characters and I'd like them to bring back Kranon. He is one of the most fleshed out special characters right now, it's a shame they dropped him, even if I thought the ruff was a little rough for his boys. They could bring him back as another black legion lord. Kind of how there isn't just a Calgar, but also a Sicarius. I think out of all the characters I'd like rules and a model for though, is Eliphas in power armor. Maybe Forgeworld will do him soon.


But, again, I want all the random finecast gone and the old plastics updated far more than special characters. We don't even have models for all our basic headquarters in plastic.

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Both Marduk and Honsou are the two characters which would be awesome having as special characters though it makes me immensely curious what they are both up to in the Primaris Era.There is also the jerk Erebus though I feel if he was a special character I would just throw him at the enemy and be extremely satisfied when he dies horribly


Edited by Plaguecaster
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I'd love to see a return of Doomrider for EC, but I fear GW is too afraid to deal with copyright stuff since it's pretty obviously a Ghost Rider homage turned 40k. :P

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If it makes sence they could do it. But frankly speaking I still don't think there is anything more on the horizon as Death Guard for Chaos. However these are quite a lot of releases anyway so I do somehwat understand it. Likewise I think that the Thousand Sons book will not come with any new models in particular. Again it seems to me that 40K Chaos isn't popular enough for GW (which doesn't apply to AoS Chaos at all).


GW could easily include a 'biker' character with a warpflame head ;)  Just put him on one of the flying bikes and it's "totally different".

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I think we're likely to see a lot of special characters coming out in FW resin while Gdub focuses on plastic high volume stuff. Given that the two seem to have become more integrated on a business level that wouldn't surprise me.
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Alpha Legion have Lord Arkos in Forgeworld, and he is pretty neat; although they need to remove his buff from The Faithless, and swap it to Alpha Legion. The Faithless were an Alpha Legion warband after all.

Did Lord Argos ever get a model?

I've looked on the FW web and can't find anything.





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