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Forgeworld - too many great units!

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Yes yes I'll be the first to admit that I'm jumping aboard the bandwagon I know, but I DID buy the old Nurgle Demon Prince last year already and he's even halfway painted up as a Word Bearer but then I thought "Black Legion is awesome, too..." and now I'll go and read the Talon of Horus and well we all know what's going to happen next.


ANYWAY! I've always loved Forgeworld units and even though I have sold all of my Space Marines I still have that Sicaran sitting on the shelf because it is just so awesome. Did sell the Decimator though curses...


So now that all of a sudden most FW units are absolutely viable for us I want to buy another, or 2, but the problem is you can only include a couple in the 1500 pts games we play without compromising other army elements. And a few players in my meta are somewhat competitive so that is a consideration, too.


What have you had the most success and fun with so far?


The most competitive player plays Eldar (of course) by the way, anything that might be especially effective against those filthy pointy-ears? He likes his Wraith-constructs, almost always brings 5 flamers in a Serpent and often the Wraith Jet. Both hit hideously hard but you probably already know that.


Off of the top of my head I like the:






Infernus Predator (because someone here suggested that it's awesome now)

Vindicator Laser destroyer


Blood Slaughterer


I want to play a brutal looking legion, elite and powerful, with units that my opponents have to be wary of. I don't really like waves of Cultists but I suppose one or 2 small units won't hurt, holding backfield objectives or some such.


Thanks for chiming in!

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Well at the moment I`m currently in the process of building up my version of the black legion Iron Pact from the previous imperial armour book so for me I`ll be looking at lots of heavy tanks, transports and termies :biggrin.: if your going for brutal though I`d certain suggest going with the world eaters, especially with the rules that are coming out for them and the amount of Khorne units that forgeworld have done :happy.: that's just my two cents though :)

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I really like quad-bolter rapier betteries. They were good in 7th and they're fantastic in 8th. They fairly durable and provide a really good amount of fire support. Laser destroyers look good aswell but I havn't tried them.


My favourite however is the Typhon heavy siege tank. The dreadhammer is a beast of a gun which can all but annihilate any unit you point it at with 2D6 shots, S 10 AP -5 D 3. With its 22 wounds, T 9 and 2+ save it is just a monster to deal with. I love that it also gets better at close combat as it gets damaged, especially since wounds it does in the fight phase can restore wounds on a 5+. Throw some sponson lascannons on it and you have a mobile fire support base that doubles as a line breaker unit all whilst absorbing the brunt of your enemy's fire. 

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I disagree on the Typhon. while I wont say its as useless as others say, it definitely suffered from the changeover to 8th. 2d6 shots is fairly weak compared to the 7" plate it used to have. If going for anti-tank I think the Cerberus is a far better buy and its a lot cheaper. A typhon is 500+ points if I remember right, not really worth it for a 1500 point game. I don't think any superheavy except maybe a knight would be.


Actually though, if elder is your primary concern I think world eaters or Iron warriors will be your legion and put that sicarian in the list, maybe put two. Its one of the best all round tanks for the legions, and with its bonus vs flyers its even better against common armies like tau and elder. Also anything with Soulburners is pretty nice. After trying to deal with three decimators with two each this past weekend with my guard even with the point increase in the FAQ those things are stupidly broken. So you don't have to go look them up, they auto-wound for every hit and get 2d3 shots each gun.

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Well at the moment I`m currently in the process of building up my version of the black legion Iron Pact from the previous imperial armour book so for me I`ll be looking at lots of heavy tanks, transports and termies :D if your going for brutal though I`d certain suggest going with the world eaters, especially with the rules that are coming out for them and the amount of Khorne units that forgeworld have done ^_^ that's just my two cents though :)



Iron Pact? Is that a sub cult of the Black Legion? Have you decided on any specific units yet? I definitely want a unit of Terminators, too, apparently Slaanesh ones are pretty good now?


Khorne is cool but I dislike the old Berserker sculpts and while the World Eater color scheme is amazing, the fluff makes them too derwnged and insane for my taste. Not disciplined enough.



The hellblade looks quite solid too. Hard to hit, cheap, bonus to hit against fliers (mitigates move and shoot heavy weapon penalty) and has mortal wound delivery on wound rolls of sixes.



Would you pick the Hellblade over the Xiphon? They both look really cool but the Xiphon even a tad better. The idea of having something to hunt down the Wraithjet (keep forgetting the name) is very appealing though because he dearly loves it haha.



I disagree on the Typhon. while I wont say its as useless as others say, it definitely suffered from the changeover to 8th. 2d6 shots is fairly weak compared to the 7" plate it used to have. If going for anti-tank I think the Cerberus is a far better buy and its a lot cheaper. A typhon is 500+ points if I remember right, not really worth it for a 1500 point game. I don't think any superheavy except maybe a knight would be.


Actually though, if elder is your primary concern I think world eaters or Iron warriors will be your legion and put that sicarian in the list, maybe put two. Its one of the best all round tanks for the legions, and with its bonus vs flyers its even better against common armies like tau and elder. Also anything with Soulburners is pretty nice. After trying to deal with three decimators with two each this past weekend with my guard even with the point increase in the FAQ those things are stupidly broken. So you don't have to go look them up, they auto-wound for every hit and get 2d3 shots each gun.

A knight sounds excellent, too. The sheer implied threat it brings with its size alone is worth bringing it.


Why do you say World Eaters or Iron Warriors though? Isn't close combat still lagging behind shooting in this edition, and the internet seems to be full of disappointment regarding the IWs so far? Although ignoring cover seems nice because Dark Reapers and Guardians like to cover camp. Again the fluff though, I hate that part where Perturabo had his legionaires kill each other... they're supposed to be a brotherhood after all. Maybe I'll just pick up a Decimator again then, I wish I hadn't sold mine.


Man, just chatting about all those cool units gets me all thirsty for Xenos blood!

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The cover save thing was my reasoning for IW. As for the fluff, I find it amusing that the IW were one of if not the only legion who didn't really like their primarch. They were also borderline traitor which is why a high number of them stayed loyalist(of course being so spread out, many didn't know there was a Heresy until someone opened fire on them) and even ol Perty himself in the fluff mentioned regretting following Horus after the fact. Not really sure why I said WE, Im sure there was a reason. White and blue is a pretty combo though. They are also not all lunatics, someone has to drive the ships, make plans, do logistics and so forth. I have always viewed them more of mad in combat but just short tempered but functional when not in combat.

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I would go Xiphon over helblade, but the helblade looks cooler. Leviathans are fantastic, grav bombard and a cc weapon will have tanks and monsters shaking in their boots. Blood slaughterers are a ton of fun.


The Xiphon is probably more versatile, but the hellblade can lever in more easily into a list. Your choice. Also I think FW is refreshing the mold for the Hellblade since it isn't available on the website (but is in the cabinet at FW HQ according to a vendor at Claymore on Saturday).

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@Blackcadian Yeah, they are a sub cult of the BL, mainly used by Abaddon as a heavy assault force as well as ferrying around the Bringers of Despair and other heavily armoured infantry :) With regards to the units, It'll be very tank based (I`m currently collecting Land Raiders of varying types) along with terminators/chosen as well as lots of dreads :happy.:


Whilst I do understand what you mean with Berserkers not being disciplined enough, in the old fluff (and old fantasy fluff :whistling:) Khorne was known as the god of rage, warfare, slaughter and martial challenge. So much so that khorne followers would not kill those who could not fight back due to the lack of a challenge so if you wanted to do a chaos warband that followed the martial challenge aspect of Khorne, it certainly wouldn`t be out of place :yes:


I`d recommend having a look at Krautscientist's thread here on B&C if that idea is of interest to you, I`m sure you`d get plenty of inspiration there :)

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The cover save thing was my reasoning for IW. As for the fluff, I find it amusing that the IW were one of if not the only legion who didn't really like their primarch. They were also borderline traitor which is why a high number of them stayed loyalist(of course being so spread out, many didn't know there was a Heresy until someone opened fire on them) and even ol Perty himself in the fluff mentioned regretting following Horus after the fact. Not really sure why I said WE, Im sure there was a reason. White and blue is a pretty combo though. They are also not all lunatics, someone has to drive the ships, make plans, do logistics and so forth. I have always viewed them more of mad in combat but just short tempered but functional when not in combat.


Hmmmm I just went back and read the preview of the Iron Warriors, they sound pretty cool actually, and that relic armor... Is there any good book/story about them to get me motivated? I know BL has a short story about that Warsmith Hanzo or something, but I don't know if it's any good. Thanks for the cool insights! Please go ahead if you have more to share.



I would go Xiphon over helblade, but the helblade looks cooler. Leviathans are fantastic, grav bombard and a cc weapon will have tanks and monsters shaking in their boots. Blood slaughterers are a ton of fun.


I actually find the Xiphon cooler I think, althought the Helblade looks way meaner. I just compared the point costs to the Heldrake, too, and wow, why would I ever take a drake in comparison to those 2?

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@Blackcadian Yeah, they are a sub cult of the BL, mainly used by Abaddon as a heavy assault force as well as ferrying around the Bringers of Despair and other heavily armoured infantry :) With regards to the units, It'll be very tank based (I`m currently collecting Land Raiders of varying types) along with terminators/chosen as well as lots of dreads ^_^


Whilst I do understand what you mean with Berserkers not being disciplined enough, in the old fluff (and old fantasy fluff :whistling:) Khorne was known as the god of rage, warfare, slaughter and martial challenge. So much so that khorne followers would not kill those who could not fight back due to the lack of a challenge so if you wanted to do a chaos warband that followed the martial challenge aspect of Khorne, it certainly wouldn`t be out of place :yes:


I`d recommend having a look at Krautscientist's thread here on B&C if that idea is of interest to you, I`m sure you`d get plenty of inspiration there :)

Land RaiderS hahaha, sounds great! Still not convinced regarding the World Eaters although you make a compelling case for them. Gah GW, why does the fluff and background have to be so damn good?! I like most armies a lot!



Final note - what do you all think about the Scorpius? 6D3 shots with S6 -2 should be pretty nasty against silly Eldar, no? Wounding most of them on 2s.

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If you wanna go for broken stuff, get kharybdis. It's is expensive in far future of 40k, and also in modern day, but that thing hits like a truck. It is essentially a large dreadclaw with +60% wounds, higher T and far more weapons and more powerful weapons. And it can take 20 models inside. All this is only for +50% to the price of dreadclaw. I don't own it and I haven't used it, but on paper kharybdis looks broken assuming dreadclaw is properly priced.


As added bonus kharybdis looks awesome on fly stand. And if flying metallic version of ancient sea monster at your enemy isn't chaos, then nothing is.

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Yeah Kharybdis are beasts it's even more hilarious that they can literally go after small enemy squads by its self and stand a good chance of wiping them out in close combat alone (one with more than 10 wounds dishes out 8 Str 9 ap -2 D2 hits ) not counting the amount of firepower it can dish out or it's awesome melta charge which can deal serious wounds to vehicles. Fill it up with a few squads buffed by a stategem and they will murder anything they get near :D I will be taking one for Death guard and most likely another chaos legion force (probably iron warriors) I plan on starting Edited by Plaguecaster
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@Blackcadian I know what you mean there, I`ve pretty much wanted a force of every single army GW has done which isn`t helping my hobby butterfly problem :sweat: As for the Scorpius, that does sound pretty good especially against eldar or guard for that matter :) although given the Sicarian Arcus that FW has just released... :wub:

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@Blackcadian I know what you mean there, I`ve pretty much wanted a force of every single army GW has done which isn`t helping my hobby butterfly problem :sweat: As for the Scorpius, that does sound pretty good especially against eldar or guard for that matter :) although given the Sicarian Arcus that FW has just released... :wub:

Hehe, glad to hear I'm not the only one!


Personally I find the missle launcher atop the Sicaran chassis looks really out of place :/ I already didn't like the assault cannon, but would consider the Venator, not sure how effective it might be though. Thanks for your opinion on the Scorpius, I just realized my other frequent gaming buddies play Nids and Guard, sooo I think I'll have to order one

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I came close to getting a Venator but the single shot thing throws me off. A Cerberus at least gets 2d3 shots with its double version. I went with a Leviathan instead with twin bombards. From what I have read, they are flat out nasty vs enemy vehicles in practice as well as on paper. I am with you guys, the missile launcher on the new Sicarian looks pretty out there. I might think about it in the future, maybe give it a test run at some point with my current sicarian with a scorpius turret. I have too much work to do on my current stuff to be experimenting right now.


Edit: Screw the silly looking Arcus, check out the preview pics of the Sicarian Omega Tank Destroyer. There we might have a good option, just need to see the rules. And yes half the reason I use models is how they look.

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I definitely agree with @Galron in regards to the Cerberus and Leviathan for your tank hunting needs :) although in that regard I`d recommend looking at the laser destructor rapier batteries :happy.: although for going against infantry the deredeo might well be a good shout for you, especially with it's invun save for units nearby :biggrin.:

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I came close to getting a Venator but the single shot thing throws me off. A Cerberus at least gets 2d3 shots with its double version. I went with a Leviathan instead with twin bombards. From what I have read, they are flat out nasty vs enemy vehicles in practice as well as on paper. I am with you guys, the missile launcher on the new Sicarian looks pretty out there. I might think about it in the future, maybe give it a test run at some point with my current sicarian with a scorpius turret. I have too much work to do on my current stuff to be experimenting right now.


Edit: Screw the silly looking Arcus, check out the preview pics of the Sicarian Omega Tank Destroyer. There we might have a good option, just need to see the rules. And yes half the reason I use models is how they look.


The Leviathan look insane, that'd truly be a frightening centerpiece. At the moment I'm just having trouble fitting it into my list though. I'm actually being offere one right now as a trade for a Storm Raven I don't need anymore, but it's a recast so I'm wary. I won't be able to bring tons of Forgeworld models to my games so I think I'd rather have the real ones.


Found a pic of the Omega, it, uh, is not my cup of tea^^


I definitely agree with @Galron in regards to the Cerberus and Leviathan for your tank hunting needs :) although in that regard I`d recommend looking at the laser destructor rapier batteries ^_^ although for going against infantry the deredeo might well be a good shout for you, especially with it's invun save for units nearby :D

I think against most of my buddies tank hunting will be the least of my troubles actually. They play mostly infantry heavy, or bring a Wave Serpent in case of the Eldar which might be too durable for even dedicated anti tank to bring down in one turn. I'll probably just screen my important stuff with Cultist and take the inevitable punch from the Wraithguard flamers and shoot them afterward. The Serpent itself is a minor concern then.


PS: The Deredeo is so ugly :(((

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Can someone give me some feedback on the Storm Eagle? I am looking at one for my Death Guard. With stock loadout it clocks in at 295 points, which is a lot. Is it worth it? 

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I'm also so torn atm of choosing either Fire Raptor or the Storm Eagle.

Fire Raptor brings huge amount of firepower while making it also priority target for the enemy.

Storm Eagle also brings good deal of firepower too but it is not really comparable with Raptor in that regard. Storm Eagle being flying land raider (I love this name for it!) with 20 transport space is very valuable in being able to decrease the amount of deployment drops. This unit can quite easily guarantee one first turn if rest of the army is built in specific way, 5-6 drop deployment should be easy enough. Additionally with the likely first turn one can fly it to optimal position to allow one to disembark the contents for scary 2nd turn assault on enemy.

While writing a question came to me: How the rolls of 1 cause casualties on embarked units when transport is destroyed? Answer is that all the models disembark (one unit at a time I believe) but then rolls are based only on model count and every roll of 1 is slain model and owner chooses naturally, so the likelihood that one would be forced to remove HQ models as casualties is essentially zero. And this kind of settles the thing for me, I'll be getting a storm eagle. I can still proxy it as Fire Raptor in casual games anyway.

Thanks guys! :teehee:

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