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Forgeworld - too many great units!

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I came close to getting a Venator but the single shot thing throws me off. A Cerberus at least gets 2d3 shots with its double version. I went with a Leviathan instead with twin bombards. From what I have read, they are flat out nasty vs enemy vehicles in practice as well as on paper. I am with you guys, the missile launcher on the new Sicarian looks pretty out there. I might think about it in the future, maybe give it a test run at some point with my current sicarian with a scorpius turret. I have too much work to do on my current stuff to be experimenting right now.


Edit: Screw the silly looking Arcus, check out the preview pics of the Sicarian Omega Tank Destroyer. There we might have a good option, just need to see the rules. And yes half the reason I use models is how they look.


The Leviathan look insane, that'd truly be a frightening centerpiece. At the moment I'm just having trouble fitting it into my list though. I'm actually being offere one right now as a trade for a Storm Raven I don't need anymore, but it's a recast so I'm wary. I won't be able to bring tons of Forgeworld models to my games so I think I'd rather have the real ones.


Found a pic of the Omega, it, uh, is not my cup of tea^^


I definitely agree with @Galron in regards to the Cerberus and Leviathan for your tank hunting needs :) although in that regard I`d recommend looking at the laser destructor rapier batteries ^_^ although for going against infantry the deredeo might well be a good shout for you, especially with it's invun save for units nearby :D

I think against most of my buddies tank hunting will be the least of my troubles actually. They play mostly infantry heavy, or bring a Wave Serpent in case of the Eldar which might be too durable for even dedicated anti tank to bring down in one turn. I'll probably just screen my important stuff with Cultist and take the inevitable punch from the Wraithguard flamers and shoot them afterward. The Serpent itself is a minor concern then.


PS: The Deredeo is so ugly :(((

You take that back :D The Deredero is a gorgeous model especially when converted to be a proper Chaos Dreadnought
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Pictures or it is the untruth! I'm on the fence with that thing, the rules are so good but... there's a line for that kind of thing. As in making purchases just because of that^^

Well I just think the normal weapons don't look that great which can easily be replace with the forgefiend ones with a bit of converting



Plus I thinks it's the head it's just too small whic is why if you can get hold of the original FW chaos dreads they look far better ( Iv got the DG, IW and WB so will be converting one of each with the nicer heads :D)



Edited by Plaguecaster
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It might not be as sexy as the Leviathan, but the Deredeo can look alright. Just don't give it a derpy pose...

Sorry about the blurry pics...



It's a pretty plane mini if you don't add any detail to it, but conversely there is plenty of space to add whatever kind of detail fits with warband's theme :tu:

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I love using forgeworld rules, but not a fan of buying or working with resin models. Here's some of my conversions over the years!

Dreadclaw, using the tried and true "flip a pod" technique.



Blood slaughterer, using some non GW spider legs, a DE talos torso, and mauler lasher arms



Misname predator executioner



Helblade (though I might put on some rockets and lascannons to upgrade it to a Xyphon)



Vindicator destroyer (Yay, they FAQed it back in!). This thing is a BEAST at killing vehicles/monsters. One of the most consistent damage dealers.



Khorne Blood (blight) drone. Unfortunatly got a little wimpy in 8th. Its not a flying battlecannon anymore.



Leviathan dreadnought. I originally made him as a contemptor, but he was way too big. Now he's a butcher leviathan!



Laser destroyers. I need to make some quad bolter versions of these. The treads are from manics forgefather line.



Easy contemptor conversion from the calth box.



Decimator or Dakkadread or (contemptor or stock helbrute). I've been playing too much mechwarrior online...



Fireraptor. I need to replace the autocannnos with bolters though, and maybe find a place to put some lascannnons.


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