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Rubric Marine/Primaris Conversion?


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So I've been collecting a 1k sons army long before the new Rubric models were released (love them) but have yet to make the jump to buy multiple boxes of troops.  However, with the release of the more truescale Primaris models, I'm equally in love with those.  The size especially just looks awesome to me.. especially after we've had the grossly outdated csm model for so long.  


So my question is, has anyone considered a 1k Rubric marine conversion using parts from the rubric kit and the primaris?  I know the aesthetic design is significantly different, but would a rubric head/should pad swap look odd on the primaris body?  I'm thinking some greenstuff could help make the primaris look more 1k son-ish.  Does anyone have a picture of the basic rubic next to a primaris for size comparison?  


From a lore standpoint, would it be out of the question for a rubrics spirit to be transferred into a larger suit of armor to justify the use of the primaris' for conversions?  I'm not a steep stickler about lore accuracy, but I do like to keep things reasonable (by 40k standards of course).  


I appreciate any feedback! 



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So I've been collecting a 1k sons army long before the new Rubric models were released (love them) but have yet to make the jump to buy multiple boxes of troops.  However, with the release of the more truescale Primaris models, I'm equally in love with those.  The size especially just looks awesome to me.. especially after we've had the grossly outdated csm model for so long.  


So my question is, has anyone considered a 1k Rubric marine conversion using parts from the rubric kit and the primaris?  I know the aesthetic design is significantly different, but would a rubric head/should pad swap look odd on the primaris body?  I'm thinking some greenstuff could help make the primaris look more 1k son-ish.  Does anyone have a picture of the basic rubic next to a primaris for size comparison?  


From a lore standpoint, would it be out of the question for a rubrics spirit to be transferred into a larger suit of armor to justify the use of the primaris' for conversions?  I'm not a steep stickler about lore accuracy, but I do like to keep things reasonable (by 40k standards of course).  


I appreciate any feedback! 


Hola, dude. For the record, Rubric Marines are scaled to the new stuff, so you're already fine size-wise, without converting. Rubric Marines are in scale with the new Death Guard / Plague Marines, and barely any smaller than Primaris Marines. Rubric Marines (and Deathwatch Marines, for the record) tower above 'normal' Space Marines, even the recent HH plastics. 







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I know the aesthetic design is significantly different, but would a rubric head/should pad swap look odd on the primaris body?  I'm thinking some greenstuff could help make the primaris look more 1k son-ish.  Does anyone have a picture of the basic rubic next to a primaris for size comparison?  




You would definitely would have to sculpt all the trims, otherwise the head and shoulders would look odd. I'm just to do a Black Legion Exalted Champion conversion based on a Primaris scuplting the trim ist shear pain with my beginner skills. So a whole squad or two would be a lot of work.


Edit: And as ADB stated above they are more than fitting anyways :)

Edited by Aasfresser
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