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Ideas for Nightlord's Armies


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Fluff wise it makes total sense, but rules wise it would open up some possibilities for abuse I think. 


EDIT: I'm trying to come up with a way to abuse the Slaanesh Stratagem more than Frontline gamings' 10 combi plasma terminators and I do not seem to manage it. What do you guys think? 

10 Combi-plasmas firing twice really hurts, but I think it's just too expensive and one hit wonder kind of solution. Bare minimum squad is 500 pts. Then for maximum effect you really want to cast prescience on it and maybe also warptime to get them to melee. You may want to cast warptime also so that enemy cant so easily pick all closest dead models away and deny you the rapid fire from 2nd round of shooting, assuming he expects you to use the stratagem.

Good things about this 500 pts minimum + possible 150 pts for Terminator Sorcerer blob is that enemy will certainly shoot and charge it next turn, leaving your other units unharmed.

One other way to boost this strategy would be to load up 2x5 Chosen with full combi-plasma on Dreadclaw and deep strike them too. This way you saturate the targets for enemy, as he may want to kill the terminators first.


Quick example list (roughly 1900 points allowing equipment tweaking):



Lord with Jump pack

Sorcerer in terminator armour



2x5 Chosen (5xCombi-plasma) all in dreadclaw

10 Terminators (10x Combi-plasma)



3x10 Cultists


*Fast Attack*



*Heavy Support*

Predator (4 Lascannon)

5 Havocs (4 M.Launchers)


You deploy Cultists, Predator, Havocs and Lord on table (6 units, 6 drops), with Dreadclaw+Chosen, Terminators + Sorcerer in reserves (5 units, 3 drops). 9 drops in deployment in total so maybe you can even get 1st turn. Still I think this is too much of a one hit wonder kind of list, but should be still fun and fast to play as one either you or enemy explodes.

Other option could be also to take 2x10 Terminators with combi-plasmas and deep strike to 2 different sides, while getting rid of the chosen and dreadclaw and maybe predator and instead take one rhino so you have better chance of going first.

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Cool list Ghorgul! I think you're right about the enormous points costs and it probably not being worth it. But what the ten man squad really shows is that you can massively abuse a stratagem. 



Fluff wise it makes total sense, but rules wise it would open up some possibilities for abuse I think. 


EDIT: I'm trying to come up with a way to abuse the Slaanesh Stratagem more than Frontline gamings' 10 combi plasma terminators and I do not seem to manage it. What do you guys think? 

Standard combi bolters + power axes would actually be pretty brutal as well with VOTLW because you're wounding everything that's less than T8 on 4s. 


80 shots with a 97% hit rate gives you 38 wounds (12 unsaved) on anything >T4 and <T8, 16.5 wounds on marines,  41 wounds on orks, 42 wounds on guardsmen. If you fancy spending a few more points then you can add a couple of heavy flamers on top of that.



Wauw. You are so right. 40 shots without prescience puts 4,44 wounds on a knight. Do that twice with the stratagem, add the other shooting units you've got due to not spending 170 points on plasma and you can kill a knight in one go. Prescience adds 1.11 wound so that might not be worth it.. 

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Really awesome strats guys. Any ideas for normal CSM with plasma rifles/pistols? I think we can do some serious damage with these + a few squads of raptors with plasmas would also be devastating right? I just feel with this new Codex that chaos cultists arent necaserily better than normal marines. Back in 7th the points you paid for marines made it a much better idea to take big squads of cultists. Now i think 10 cultists max is enough and more as a meat shield unit. The stuff you can do with the normal marines imo make them much better troops choices.


What do you think?


Also how awesome is VotLW now :smile.: I really dont think CP's are meant for all the rerolling we c at the minute. Strategems are on their way up and i think you will see them more and more as codexes come out. With the amount of great strategems we have, rerolling stuff seems like a waste!

Edited by XstaSea
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Yeah the rerolls was really just a simple universal stratagem for everyone, really doesn't compare to say firing twice or getting +1 to wound for a whole unit.


Don't agree about cultists though, 10 is not enough for meatshield, they will die too quickly. 20 or even 30 is still fine as a mass horde to block deep strikers and shield your more valuable troops. Plus as a horde they are still decent at dishing out a lot of hits. That being said I do agree with you that our standard marines are more useful, which makes me especially happy because I always ran two squads of 10 back in 7th and now I can continue to do that without it being a bad choice.

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Cool list Ghorgul! I think you're right about the enormous points costs and it probably not being worth it. But what the ten man squad really shows is that you can massively abuse a stratagem. 



Fluff wise it makes total sense, but rules wise it would open up some possibilities for abuse I think. 


EDIT: I'm trying to come up with a way to abuse the Slaanesh Stratagem more than Frontline gamings' 10 combi plasma terminators and I do not seem to manage it. What do you guys think? 

Standard combi bolters + power axes would actually be pretty brutal as well with VOTLW because you're wounding everything that's less than T8 on 4s. 


80 shots with a 97% hit rate gives you 38 wounds (12 unsaved) on anything >T4 and <T8, 16.5 wounds on marines,  41 wounds on orks, 42 wounds on guardsmen. If you fancy spending a few more points then you can add a couple of heavy flamers on top of that.



Wauw. You are so right. 40 shots without prescience puts 4,44 wounds on a knight. Do that twice with the stratagem, add the other shooting units you've got due to not spending 170 points on plasma and you can kill a knight in one go. Prescience adds 1.11 wound so that might not be worth it.. 


Prescience is useful for when you want to use the unit to mow down a big squad of chaff units. You can shoot fifty conscripts clean off the board with combi-bolters, heavy flamers and the buffs.

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