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Well you gents are my last hope, nobody on Dakka or Advertisingbook have responded:

​I'm hoping someone who has one of these can do me a favour and take a couple of measurements, as I'm interested to see if using parts from the Redemptor could be a shortcut to building a truescale Dreadnought without having to scratchbuild. I'd like to know the length & width of the sarcophagus "plate" specifically, the distance across the front at "eyeslot" level from outer edge to outer edge of the torso plating(not including the protruding tabs on the top facing), and also the total height of the model sans base(assuming you've assembled yours in a fairly upright pose).


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The sarcophagus plate is 27mm by 10mm.  The distance is 50mm from the edge of the left armor to the edge of the right armor at eyeslot level.

Sorry that I can't give an exact height of the model because it's difficult to measure to the highest point and may vary a bit by how the legs and torso are posed, but I get 85mm to the top of the exhaust stacks.  The Icarus rocket pod on the top adds some height to that - maybe 5 to 10mm.

The sarcophagus plate is 27mm by 10mm.  The distance is 50mm from the edge of the left armor to the edge of the right armor at eyeslot level.

Sorry that I can't give an exact height of the model because it's difficult to measure to the highest point and may vary a bit by how the legs and torso are posed, but I get 85mm to the top of the exhaust stacks.  The Icarus rocket pod on the top adds some height to that - maybe 5 to 10mm.


​Fantastic, it's actually bigger than I was estimating, hah, still that means I can maybe get a process down to make a truescale Contemptor out of one as well. Thanks chief, much appreciated.

I got one, I was expecting a large kit, it's MASSIVE! I did a doubles event with a mate who took Guard and it towers over the Leman Russ!




Hah, aye I was surprised by just how HUEG it is, but having spent far too much time and money trying to find a way to truescale the existing oldschool box-nought I can say that bigger is absolutely better for me - it's far, far easier to cut something down to size than it is to equally and proportionally increase something's size in all three dimensions. Mine arrives today providing the postie isn't feeling lazy, can't wait to get going

​EDIT: I spoke too soon, it's even HUEGer than my initial surprise indicated, looks like I'm still stuck building a truescale dread from the basic kit with an unholy amount of spacers. Still, this should serve as a solid basis for a truescale contemptor so the money's not wasted(*I self-justify, desperately* :P).

Edited by Yodhrin

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