BrightStarNova Posted August 9, 2017 Share Posted August 9, 2017 Who would fit this motivation: A citizen of the imperium was poor but wanted a better future. One day he discovered that the Imperium had been lying to him that there was nobody to follow other than the emperor. He wanted strength, wealth, power, love, luxury, financial security, to eat good foods and have fun. Who would he turn to? I am guessing Slaanesh. A different scenario: A citizen had been bullied most of his days and kept down, forced to keep his opinions to himself and to toil to provide for other citizens of the imperium he knew were not good people so that they could have luxury. Particularly citizens who were nothing but parasites on the hive, or corrupt establishment officials that did nothing but impoverish the people while collecting absurd taxes. So much so that one meal for one of the elite cost more than a citizen of the middle or under hive would earn in a year. Who would he turn to? A different scenario: A woman wanted to help people through the use of medicine and herbal science. They were on a feudal world. The woman was burned as a heretic for trying to create new ideas, by the local Imperial Cult. A man knew the truth of that and was furious about what the people had done. He wanted to help the woman but had no way to do so. Meanwhile the Imperial government did nothing except create insane laws and levy absurd taxes while savages from the wastelands invaded the society either openly or through infiltration. The local Imperial administration on the planet did nothing to stop the savages. The slaughtered millions of people in hives across the world and the imperial governer did nothing since didnt care as long as he/she was safe. The man wanted to help and protect the people but knew the imperial fores wouldn't step in if that didnt affect the Imperial Tithes. He wanted the strength to help protect innocent people, and take revenge upon the savages and mutants of the wasteland. Who would he turn to? A different scenario: What if all of those happened to the same person on the same world. Who then would they turn to? Sorry. Those are rough draft motivation ideas. * Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiny Tim Posted August 9, 2017 Share Posted August 9, 2017 just go on being disgruntled forever until they die for all those scenarios or turn to the dark gods not really one in particular but the only way they could be informed about the chaos gods is if there is a cult or incursion already working its way through the society they live in and there is also the variables of the nature of the cult if its just rebels with no help or pre contacted cultists of a chaos warband on its way to destroy those worlds and then comes the variable of the god which would be random or undivided Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrightStarNova Posted August 9, 2017 Author Share Posted August 9, 2017 That was no help at all. * Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
foamy248 Posted August 13, 2017 Share Posted August 13, 2017 I think Tiny Tim means that there are also lots of external influences at play (like existing cults, for example). So, it's really up to you tbh, as there are a multitude of scenarios that could change the citizen's allegiance (the citizens could also turn to Chaos Undivided, and worship the pantheon as a whole). If you really want specifics (and are assuming that the citizens are fully aware of the pantheon's nature and the nature of each of the gods), I would say that the first two would turn to Tzeentch - idk, but I reckon the offer of knowledge and power would sway them. The third would probably turn to Khorne, given he seeks strength/revenge/martial power? Hope that helps :) Doctor Perils 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apostle of the 30th Host Posted August 15, 2017 Share Posted August 15, 2017 Who would fit this motivation: A citizen of the imperium was poor but wanted a better future. This is probably about 90% of the citizens of the Imperium - it just doesn't seem to progress much further due to oppression, ignorance, propaganda or lack of opportunity. However... One day he discovered that the Imperium had been lying to him that there was nobody to follow other than the emperor. How did he discover this? This does matter in terms of motivation, as it would really depend on which god he got caught up in. Other factors influencing choice include what existing cults are on the planet (if the local cult on the planet worships Khorne - or a variation of - and he gets in with them then there won't be much choice), and if the citizen is a Psyker (i.e. if he discovers latent psychic powers, thus gaining that knowledge, it may influence who he turns to). Furthermore, as an ordinary citizen of the Imperium, the Chaos gods don't care about his worship, beyond that it exists. He would have to find them, they would never reveal themselves to him as there is no value in it. He wanted strength, wealth, power, love, luxury, financial security, to eat good foods and have fun. Really, it could be any (or all) of the four. There is no universal answer to this question, it all depends on motivation and any back story you might have. For example: Khorne - Strength and Power (physically) Tzeentch - All of them (its not about the aims, but the plotting) Nurgle - less so than the others for those specific points, but if he wanted to live long enough to enjoy them this could be an option Slaanesh - All of them (to excess) Undivided - Covers everything, and is perhaps the most likely option. Khorne for Strength; Slaanesh for Love, Luxury, Money etc.; Nurgle for the longevity to enjoy it; Tzeentch for the Power and plotting to achieve it. Who would he turn to? I am guessing Slaanesh. Yes, if you wanted a really basic answer, Slaanesh is probably most associated with all those things you listed but, equally, I get the impression you asked this looking to get that answer, which while it is not wrong, is just the most basic interpretation. There are so many different motivations that can lead to those same desires there cannot be one definitive answer. If, however, you just want confirmation that that makes sense for Slaanesh, then yes, it would work fine. But if you're using this to work out your own background then you need to work on the build-up more than the end result, which really is only about 20% of good writing. A different scenario: A citizen had been bullied most of his days and kept down, forced to keep his opinions to himself and to toil to provide for other citizens of the imperium he knew were not good people so that they could have luxury. Again, basically every citizen in the Imperium. That is the nature of the setting, they are all exploited so that the top class on any one planet can live a life of luxury. If is not explored much, although many novels do a fantastic job, but the economics and social problems are a huge part of the setting!! Particularly citizens who were nothing but parasites on the hive, or corrupt establishment officials that did nothing but impoverish the people while collecting absurd taxes. So much so that one meal for one of the elite cost more than a citizen of the middle or under hive would earn in a year. Like I said, before, this isn't a unique or special occurrence that could tip an ordinary person into Chaos worship. Imperial society is filled with exploitation and corruption. there is a huge economic divide and is so common I don't even know if anyone would care. They are more focussed on surviving than wondering what the rich are doing, and it is quite likely that they don't even know, due to not having the opportunity to ever witness it. Additionally, the oppression and ignorance etc., would make it unlikely that they would just turn to Chaos for that. The most likely outcome would be the start of a 'cult' but not one who worshipped Chaos as they are unlikely to even know about the gods. Nevertheless, a secret society or political party could easily play up the oppression to gain a mass of followers and try to overthrow the government. They may do so with the best intentions, but may then fall to Chaos for other reasons. For example, the head of the party this citizen gets involved with may be a Chaos agent (therefore the god depends on the leader and who he directs them too). You see what I am saying? In the scope of the universe, a single citizen being unhappy about widespread social issues is worthless, the gods don't care and there is no means for them to just decide to worship one without that knowledge (how do they get it?). To be honest, they are just as likely to worship the emperor more, believing that he does not know and praying that he delivers them from oppression. Who would he turn to? If you absolutely need a specific answer, Tzeentch I would say, as they will be plotting to bring it down. But any would do, and it is more about what this citizen is exposed to then their motivations as without that knowledge - which they don't have without existing cults, which would then influence the god - nothing would happen. A different scenario: A woman wanted to help people through the use of medicine and herbal science. They were on a feudal world. The woman was burned as a heretic for trying to create new ideas, by the local Imperial Cult. A man knew the truth of that and was furious about what the people had done. He wanted to help the woman but had no way to do so. Meanwhile the Imperial government did nothing except create insane laws and levy absurd taxes while savages from the wastelands invaded the society either openly or through infiltration. The local Imperial administration on the planet did nothing to stop the savages. The slaughtered millions of people in hives across the world and the imperial governer did nothing since didnt care as long as he/she was safe. The man wanted to help and protect the people but knew the imperial fores wouldn't step in if that didnt affect the Imperial Tithes. He wanted the strength to help protect innocent people, and take revenge upon the savages and mutants of the wasteland. Who would he turn to? Again, not just a simple answer. The Emperor most likely. In that situation, an Inquisitor, Arbites Judge, someone of similar authority would have 'removed' the governor from his position and declared martial law. If necessary, reinforcements - either a guard regiment or Space Marine company - would be called to clear the mutants. That is a big deal. No one cares about some burnt heretic (propaganda would tell them its fine and she was a Chaos worshipper), but those invasions would be dealt with. I suppose, assuming she was actually a heretic, she could have been a Nurgle worshipper and if he was to discover her studies, and thus that Nurgle exists, he may try to summon a plague or something. Still, assuming she was innocent, nothing would come of it as yeah, he is angry, but only at the governor. Doesn't mean he has the power or opportunity to act on it, and if he did, it is unlikely to be via Chaos without prior exposure (which would suggest she was a heretic after all). Just an angry, worthless citizen, who would likely be put down the minute he spoke out. A different scenario: What if all of those happened to the same person on the same world. Who then would they turn to? A gun? Because that is the most unfortunate person ever. In all seriousness though, all that stuff happens to everyone. Its not the events that trigger it, and they have no influence on which god is chosen. All that would do is make them ripe for extremism or indoctrination into an existing cult, who would then direct their ideas and beliefs. The imperium hides the fact that Chaos exists, most citizens will never know, and those that do are often silenced. Just being unhappy with life if not a good enough reason. What you need to think about is the cult that exists on the planet and how it came to be (not through ANY of those motivations as, again, they aren't enough to magic that knowledge out of thin air). Those events are perfect for recruiters, but they need to exist first - probably through infiltration - so just pick your favourite god and CSM Warband. i.e. Word Bearers send cultists to this planet to start cults and prepare the planet for invasion. Those motivations allow them to recruit. When the invasion starts, they rise up and assist. Cultists are a tool. No one cares who they worship, half of them might not even realise, and most Chaos Legions will kill or enslave them after anyway. They are just expendable bodies. All they need is to be unhappy enough to want to rise against the government and then be indoctrinated. Simple as that. Put a cult on that planet and millions will join for those reasons and many more - likely through deception. They are being used. A Dark Apostle may promise option one power etc if they serve him, but really they are just meatshields. Sorry. Those are rough draft motivation ideas. * Replied directly in the quote :) BrightStarNova, Olis and Sandlemad 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrightStarNova Posted August 15, 2017 Author Share Posted August 15, 2017 That was a BIG help more. I didn't mean to seem rude. * Apostle of the 30th Host 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted August 15, 2017 Share Posted August 15, 2017 A fairly comprehensive answer, 30th Host. Very much akin to something I would have said. :tu: Apostle of the 30th Host 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apostle of the 30th Host Posted August 15, 2017 Share Posted August 15, 2017 That was a BIG help more. I didn't mean to seem rude. * Oh good, I am glad it helped No worries, we all find it hard to say what me mean sometimes. I also don't mean to shoot your ideas down or anything, I know it is frustrating to just get a 'no, that doesn't make sense', so I have tried to explain where I can. Assuming your are trying to write a piece of fluff about an ordinary imperial citizen falling to Chaos I would try to work your way through this checklist, even if you just bullet point it. This is how I would do it anyway, so hopefully if gives you some guidance. 1. The Planet - Where is it? - What is it called? - Day-to-day life on the planet (This is your motivation - Who rules it? What are the conditions like? What is good/bad about it? Armed forces? Notable places?) - Anything particularly special about it? 2. The Enemy - Pick your Legion/Warband/Renegade Chapter (i.e. who wants the planet to fall?) - Allegiances? (Abaddon? One of the Gods? Undivided? Other?) - Why? (What are the motivations of the Chaos Space Marines? Just want to destroy it? Take it themselves? Steal something from it? Revenge? If aligned with a particular god - or zealously undivided like the Word Bearers - are they doing it to please them? Part of a Ritual etc.?) 3. The Cult - A lot of this info will be influenced by point 2 - Who set them up? Why? What is their purpose? Which god, if any, do they worship? Alternatively, are they connected to Chaos at all? Maybe they just want a revolution and think they can rule the planet fairly and bring equality to all. What happens when the revolution starts and they get branded traitors? Who do they turn to then? Maybe it was a Chaos plot after all, and insurgents serving a Warband planted the seeds to watch the war start then slowly turn them to Chaos. *Many cults actually worship the Space Marines themselves as the chosen of the gods. - Leader? - Numbers? - How do they hide themselves? (Do they have cover, political party or secret society for example?) - Gaining entry? (Is there a trial? Do all members have a marking identifying them as members?) 4. Your 'citizen' - Who are they? - What do they do? - What do they want in life? (Noble or Selfish intentions? Power or change, for example) - Motivation? (What pushes them over the edge? Yeah, conditions are bad, but in a society where they are indoctrinated to accept certain inequalities, what really turns them against the Imperium?) - How do they get in touch with the Cult? Maybe they complain to a fellow worker who invites him to a secret meeting. Or perhaps the cult comes to him - they saw what happened to them and have come to give the chance for revenge). - How are they recruited into the Cult? (This is the big one! And there are so many options... If they just want power, it is all too easy to persuade them to join a cult with a few compliments and a promise of wealth a position in the new order - even if it is most certainly a lie. If it is for religious regions - they turn against the imperial cult are welcomed by the cult who gives them new purpose - you just need to base that on real world cults and how they suck people in. It is, again, all too easy to change someone's entire belief system if it is shaken and they may just give themselves fully to Chaos and willingly die for their masters. Alternatively, maybe they are unaware of the nature of the cult - perhaps they are drawn into a radical political party that they believe can bring real change through violent revolution, not realising who they are serving and what will truly happen once they have won. Maybe they are forced into the cult? Mutation, latent psychic powers, if anyone found out they would die. Should they hand themselves in? Or hide? What do they find in the shadows of the sewers? Others like them! Why should they be persecuted for being different? Perhaps, they should be in charge... In this last one, you could skip point 2, they may not even worship Chaos knowingly, or have any ties to Chaos Space Marines, they just want to survive). You see how that flows? You have your basic facts about the planet, why Chaos has an interest in it (if any), how the cult came to be on the planet, what upsets your character and makes them a target for recruitment, how they get in touch with them, and then, finally, how they are recruited. That should fill in all the details between your character being upset by something and becoming a cultist. A fairly comprehensive answer, 30th Host. Very much akin to something I would have said. Thanks mate! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor Perils Posted September 7, 2017 Share Posted September 7, 2017 The others have posted some very comprehensive answers to your questions. I'll actually answer with another, very general, question: "How do these events make them feel ?" For instance, the second person you speak about could easily have several ways of feeling: either he feels anger and outrage, enough to turn to Khorne to kill all the elite; on the other hand, he may feel like the repression should be overthrown through a coup, which could lead him to Tzeentch; perhaps instead he feels afraid for his life, and he may feel lonely, in which case Grandfather Nurgle might be of comfort; and finally, he might feel envy for the riches of the elites, in which case he may ask the Dark Prince's help in achieving the same greatness... The ways of Chaos are manifold, and the emotions and feelings of mortals are both what fuel it and what lures them to that side :) foamy248 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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