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How to use the leftover models

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With the new codexs causing a lot of restructuring in our armies and lists, especially the elites section (that's what i've found). I was wondering if anybody had come up with interesting/cool ways to reorganise their army.


For example with the loss of command squads, I've been left over with a couple of veterans there, also I had a Pedro Kantor model painted up in Salamander colours (originally as another company captain but that's not important). So what i've done is put those three guys together in a mini "kill team" who do the sabotage missions for the army.**


Granted this is more of a fluff discussion than a army on the field discussion, but I'm interested if anyone else has come up with fun new units or explanations as to why marine X is no longer fighting with marine Y.


** I may need to find a fourth member for this squad just so I can get them up to the conventional 4 man deployment of Special Forces in the real world

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The Storm Angles have always treated the Codex as a good suggestion to seriously consider, org charts as ephemeral and fluid, and formations as something to be assembled ad-hoc to achieve their present objectives. Marines fighting in the same squad for an extended period of time is really more the exception than the rule and more often than not an artifact of them having similar or complementary talents to their regular squad mates.
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Thx for raising this topic.  Just sharing here.






1st, I'm using my 30k Shattered Xth as Chaos Space Marines (Nurgle).  Fluff-wise:


After the confusion and chaos/Chaos sown by the Warmaster during the Horus Heresy, a remote group of Legion X/Iron Hands received conflicting reports of what was happening due to all the misinformation at the time.  The Emperor/Warmaster was betrayed!  Their Primarch was recruited/slain by his best friend!  Rather than base their actions on unreliable data, these Space Marines decided to stay dormant (both literally and figuratively) by going into deep hibernation (by bionically stimulating their Sus-an Membranes and cryo-stasis technologies provided by nearby Mechanicum allies) until they receive clear orders from the only 2 people they knew they can trust: the Emperor or the Primarch.


For 10,000 years, they remained asleep.  Now, someone...or something woke them up...but what?


The idea came from a 30k friend who posited, "The Iron Hands Legion Tactic...that's like Mark of Nurgle backwards, right?"  At 1st I lol'd, then realised he was 100% right, so even at the end of 7th I ran my 30k army as MoN CSM for a bit with the above fluff.  With HH Book VI: Retribution, which focused on the Shadow Wars era during the Heresy where no one knew whom to trust, I actually thought the idea of an Iron Xth splinter who decided to wait until they got their orders seemed fitting...they just didn't expect it to take so long.


THEN in Gathering Storm and Dark Imperium, it turns out a 30k army appearing in 40k wasn't so unusual after all.  The Necron Lord Trayvon the Infinite unleashed a 30k Ultramarines army around the same time he released Inquisitor Greyfax.  It's suggested many of the Primarus Marines came from the Scouring era.  Now many of us 30k players played against 40k armies, but it's like GW went out of its way to explain it in the fluff, in case any 30k player here had the same idea but skipped over those 40k books (don't blame you, HH books are really hard to match).


Here's my "Daemon Prince", btw:




I pride myself on anatomical accuracy to the fluff






2nd, just a side-step on this topic.


A new actual Necromunda game was just announced and I'm really excited.  Maybe you feel the same way and can't wait to get started, even though the models aren't all out yet; as of this writing, only Goliath and Escher have been shown.  I'm House Orlock, and I found a pretty good proxy in the form of Catachans:




I've been told the guy on the far right looks like Player 1 from Contra



My suggestion based on my experiences working with these: DON'T go with the normal Catachans.  Go with the Catachan Command Squad, because their sculpt is a lot better.  Also gives you more interesting bits.


I'll likely be kicking myself when I see how awesome the actual new Orlock models will be.

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