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Sword Brethren Terminators


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Hi guys and gals! Long time lurker here. Finally decided to sign up and post pics of my recently converted Sword Brethren Assault Terminators. These were made using a variety of parts including deathwing knights torsos, forge world shoulders (recasts), and spellcrow hammers and shields. These also show off my first attempt at green stuffing shackles. Overall, I believe they turned out really well. Please let me know what you think.


20170806 081027


20170806 024406

Edited by DarkApostle85
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Nice start, the Spellcrow bits look really good.


Another tip for making shackles that I sort of stumbled into is cutting a segment from a plastic tube the width you want, then slice it down the middle to make two halves.


Then you can fix it around the wrist, add a little GS for the lock and hinge and your off the the races.


I had to find another way to make the shackles because my GS attempts weren't going as well as I liked. I think yours are fine, but if you have a bunch of Mk IVs to work on, that's a lot of GS work.


I'm looking forward to seeing some paint on them.



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Another tip for making shackles that I sort of stumbled into is cutting a segment from a plastic tube the width you want, then slice it down the middle to make two halves.


When you say plastic tube are you referring to plasticard tubing? If so, what diameter did you use?


Paint will be a few weeks away. I've ordered a bottle of createx auto air candy pigment black to try out. I'm wanting to do these in a metallic scheme simply because I like that look.


I've also ordered a meter of 1.5mm chain to test out. Even though the chains on the terminators turned out fine, they look a little small to my eye.


Thank you so much for the tips and suggestions. Any other comments and suggestions are welcome and much appreciated.

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When you say plastic tube are you referring to plasticard tubing? If so, what diameter did you use?

Correct, plasticard tubing.

The two diameters I appear to have is, 3/16" (4.8 mm) and 5/32" (4.0 mm).

Here's a picture of Mordred's crozius for my scratch built Grimaldus.


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When you say plastic tube are you referring to plasticard tubing? If so, what diameter did you use?

Correct, plasticard tubing.

The two diameters I appear to have is, 3/16" (4.8 mm) and 5/32" (4.0 mm).

Here's a picture of Mordred's crozius for my scratch built Grimaldus.


That looks so much better than my meager attempt. Consider that stolen, sir!

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