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The B&C Death Company Deploys on the 4th September


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Once more our Death Company will take to the field, with a final chance to grasp salvation from the jaws of damnation. Will you let them endure the trial alone?



++ 04/09/2017 ++


Edited by Jolemai
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Reclusiarch leading the Death Company into battle

In order to keep the Black Rage in check, on the eve of battle the Blood Angels bend their thoughts to prayer and to the sacrifice of their Primarch so many centuries ago. Chaplains move from Frater to Frater, blessing each in turn and noting those amongst the brotherhood whose eyes may appear a little glazed, or whose speech is slurred or over excited. Some, almost all, overcome the ancient intrusion into their minds. Much of the Frater’s training is directed at controlling it, beating it down into the depths of their being, but for some the imprint of Sanguinius is too strong, the memories too loud and demanding. As the Reclusriach Jolemai dictates the moripatris - the Mass of Doom - the chosen ones fall into the arms of their priests, and are taken away to form the Death Company.

To join the Death Company is to consign oneself to destruction. These Frater seek only to atone for their failure; a last chance at salvation is far preferable to the slow slide into blood-madness. Their armour is repainted black, and decorated with red saltires that symbolise Sanguinius’ wounds at the Arch Procrastinator’s hands. Honour scrolls are affixed to their wargear, commemorations of their actions in life and affirmations of their worth, even in these dark times.

It is to the Chaplains that the task of leading these lost souls normally falls, for their zeal can cut through the madness of their Death Company brethren and help shepherd them toward the foe. However, strong-willed Blood Angels heroes, and even the gold-armoured Moderators, have demonstrated the ability to direct these fallen warriors into the fight. It is the duty of these individuals to ensure that their comrades’ tragic sacrifice counts for all that it possibly can. After all, every Blood Angel who succumbs is a heroic protector of Humanity, and has more than earned the opportunity to attain peace. Furthermore, the Death Company can be a fearsome and tide-turning weapon if properly deployed.

However, the Death Company never take to the field alone...

To add, should anyone have any incomplete vows from any relevant B&C event in the past, please report to your nearest Reclusiarch for voluntary admission into the Death Company.


Edited by Jolemai
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Anyone have anything set aside for this? Alternatively, what's on your paint desk gathering dust right now?


Think I might have to enter the Death Company with a failed Whirlwind vow from the days of yore...

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Anyone have anything set aside for this? Alternatively, what's on your paint desk gathering dust right now?


Think I might have to enter the Death Company with a failed Whirlwind vow from the days of yore...


I have a drop pod and storm hawk that have not been edge highlighted. A land raider where i have to add some scratches/dirty up inside and finish fine detail work on the outside (you'll see).


I also have a half painted raider I got for cheap that could use finishing up. Oh, and 1 foot DC and one Company Ancient I need to finish up.

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The Black Rage is obviously clouding my memory... It's 3 months long, right? Maybe I could get 7 terminators done that I need for my 1st company BA 2k list.

Yep, it will run from the 1st September until the 30th November.

Few things need some painting. Current queue stands at.

2 x DC


Sang Priest

TDA captain

TDA Chaplain

It will follow the same ruleset as last year so that's all doable (DC as a secondary vow, the rest as a primary)

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Anyone have anything set aside for this? Alternatively, what's on your paint desk gathering dust right now?


Think I might have to enter the Death Company with a failed Whirlwind vow from the days of yore...

I have a drop pod and storm hawk that have not been edge highlighted. A land raider where i have to add some scratches/dirty up inside and finish fine detail work on the outside (you'll see).


I also have a half painted raider I got for cheap that could use finishing up. Oh, and 1 foot DC and one Company Ancient I need to finish up.

Would be to see pictures but the stuff in the first paragraph sounds too far gone. The other Land Raider and Ancient would be suitable primary vows, with the DC as a secondary.


Last year's event:



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Can anyone enter or is it failed vows only?


As previously, anyone.


The failed vow bit is for the Death Company - usually its ranks are filled with ETL Oath Breakers but as there was no ETL this year this option is for those wishing to try any previous failed vow ever.

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I have a drop pod and storm hawk that have not been edge highlighted. A land raider where i have to add some scratches/dirty up inside and finish fine detail work on the outside (you'll see).


I also have a half painted raider I got for cheap that could use finishing up. Oh, and 1 foot DC and one Company Ancient I need to finish up.

Would be to see pictures but the stuff in the first paragraph sounds too far gone. The other Land Raider and Ancient would be suitable primary vows, with the DC as a secondary.


Last year's event:





Well, i mean I knew this but I was going to put them all into it. Kind of like "These two guys fulfill my vow but I am also going to finish these things that I put off doing" kind of thing.

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I've had a half finished Angel Vermillion on my desk for months and am one assault marine away from finishing my Crimson Tears 2nd Company (well, and a Devastator, but he's currently being painted), so those will both be entered.


Good to hear, but as these (i.e. single line troopers) aren't valid units, they would be secondary vows and you need at least one primary (as per last year's rules). Have you painted all your GBBO models already? What about Ancients?

I've got an assault cannon razorback or 3 with only a base coat, that I think will serve for primary vow(s). I've been on a sizable magnetization kick that has resulted in many, many unpainted arms, weapons and backpacks, good for a secondary vow(s).


Sounds good. My Assback is near the top of my painting list too but I don't think it will appear for this event...

I've got some stuff I need to slap some paint on. A squad of TDA and a DC dread for starters.


Perfect :tu:


Best not overdo it though, this is a casual event for shineys after all :)

I have a 10 man DC Squad to paint up. Also a couple of chaplains. And a 10 man terminator squad (cyclone missile launchers).


Loads! By all means go for it if you want. Think I did twenty 2nd edition Marines in 2015 0.o

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I think I'm going to attempt my unfinished tactical TDA squad and if there is room to move forward I will.

Will be nice to have some Carmine Blades on the next event :tu:

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I think I need to join this I have so much backlog of things to finish and even start yet for every one I finish I seem to buy two more for its place lol.

More than welcome :)


I'll do a tl:dr for those unfamiliar to the event soon, but basically you'll have three months to knock out an Index-legal Faction BA unit and get a badge for your signature. It's up to you how many units you pledge :)

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