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Chaos Lord on a Juggernaut in the new codex?

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Has anyone seen a leak of the Chaos Lord on Juggernaut? I know a lot of space marine chaplains/librarians on bikes have been cut from their new codex and I was wondering if this is the case with the JuggerLord. I had some ideas of taking the AoS Blades of Khorn box and making a World Eaters force. Those models are so pretty and they just need some backpacks. Then take the guys on Juggernauts and make them count as bikers. Thanks in advance!

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I can confirm that the AoS Khorne guys make great models for 40K Khorne. I've used the AoS boxset and Blood Warriors as Khorne bezerkers by swapping arms and heads, and adding backpacks. You do have to do some modifications to the feet; as they're all wearing boots. I just trimmed mine so it looks more like some kind of relic power armour, although you could swap out the feet completely if you had more time / skill...

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The AoS khorne guys aren't my jam. Ideally, I'd like some mk 4 BP/ccw arms and the "Fett pattern" (T visors) zerker helmets to de-bunny to use on b@c bodies.


I don't like spikes and horns and excessive crenalations and mutations. I always would joke that my guys scored more hits and made more saves in close combat because they weren't wearing robes, furs, chainmail, chains or trophy spikes like some Ork with dreams of being a barbarian pimp or something.

Edited by Trevak Dal
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