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Special Characters and the Timeline

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I'm curious as to what's happening/happened in the fluff to our beloved special characters. Creed is frozen and Kell is dead, but what about the others? The timeline's moved on 150 years now, and although I know the Imperium has life lengthening techniques, it seems inappropriate for some characters. So is everyone just dead now? Are we gonna get a new batch of special characters come codex? Harker I'd imagine is dead for sure....Straken probably. Pask might be commanding his tanks from a custom wheelchair. Yarrick was already really old, I can't imagine he'd be in action now.

I also think this points to a guard reboot sometime in the next year or so. After all, if we need new special characters, surely that means new models.  

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Yarrick is immortal because the orcs think he is.

This is now my canon.


GW used to do a lot of historical heros. Such as lord solar macharius, who's fluff described his death.


Heck I had a rule book for a certain army in a certain other gw game about 40k but not in space... the 5th edition had about a dozen special characters some which had models that where all dead by the time of the settings "present". All of these characters were deleted for the 6th edition rule book. Not sure when gw did this for the 40k books.


So by that standard technically yeah, all the current IG characters are dead by the latest date of the setting... so no telling what they will do.


Heck has anybody seem a scrap of fluff regarding creeds fate after the fall of cadia?

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Its possible they pokeballed Creed so that they could re introduce him in 8th without having to worry about the +150 years thing.


This is an interesting point though I never really stopped to think what they implications were for the humble guardsmen. I have to say I'd be pretty bummed if Yarrick got dropped. I was bitterly disappointed when I got back into the game and saw Lord Solar M. had been killed off.


He's in my painting queue to become a Tempestor Prime with command rod. ;)

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Yarrick is just my favourite, no competition. I'll be really bummed if he's killed off but I think there's hope. He ran off chasing some Ork with the Black Templars so they can use the travelling through the Warp time thingy to keep him alive. For me he's the Iconic Guard Character who's been around forever, they can't get rid of him! Especially with Warzone Armageddon being a thing now.


The rest of the Guard Characters I have no real attachment too. They got rid of the interesting ones a couple of editions ago (can you imagine the rage about Conscripts if Chenkov was still an option!?) and I'd be happy to see them back or to get a few new characters. I'm surprised there hasn't been a Tempestus special character to be honest.

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Id like to see a MT character they seem somewhat bland without one. Especially given this is where aspiring commissars are recruited from!


I thought Yarrick was back at Armageddon? Its so hard to keep track of him and Thrakka! Haha

Prognosis for Armageddon is not good, but then I read Mordians one... :(

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