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Xeno forum sub event


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Just wondering, how many of you would like to join a Xeno sub forum event?  I known imperial and chaos are not allowed, but genestealer cults can get guard units.  So your guard are welcome to the event.  I was thinking of running a event with this structure, thoughts? 


Month 1: 1 unit of choice

Month 2: 1 unit of choice

Month 3: 1 unit of choice

Month 4: 1 unit of choice

Month 5: 1 unit of choice

Month 6: 1 unit of choice


So we have awards like best converted, best painted, best overall, best story.  Only require are a wip pic at the start, and final picture once painted. 

Finally, an army wide shoot after the 6 month mark.  Thoughts? 

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