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Ideas for a plastic Warpsmith?

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I was browsing the GW mail order pages today and found the Warpsmith model... and noted that it is made of the "finely detailed" garbage that is GW's resin. Profanities followed.


So once I calmed down a bit, I started thinking... Why not make my own Warpsmith? Carve, cut, and glue plastic bits to suit.


Has anyone here done something like this? If so, what parts did you use?

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Not done it myself, but I feel like the Space Wolves Iron Priest makes a sensible starting point given it's plastic and techpriesty sort of nature. Quick swap of the pistol and the hammer head into an axe gives you loadout of the warpsmith model, and removing the wolf-specific iconography won't be too tough either.

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It's made with more resin than plastic admittedly, but I gave it a shot with my warpsmith conversion from last year, corrupted Hadur Cobannus who's now in service to the Night Lords. The backpack and its mechatendrils were built with tyranid, necron, and various chaos bits, while the axe came from beastmen gors.


Edited by Isengrin
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Even though it's resin the warpsmith isn't actually that bad of a model especially for conversions I did this conversion ages ago with where I carved up the normal warpsmith and mixed him with gal vorbak, aspiring champion, Varangiard and other bits

med_gallery_59703_12491_64948.jpg originally for a post heresy 30k force I think I'll be dusting him off as a fw Hellwright with the new edition

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It is a weird list of bits, but I made mine out of a champion head, the body and back pack from the new plague marines, an arm from the plastic chaos 'lord' in power armor, and some terminator legs. The mechadendrites were donated by a Horrorclix Carnage-bot.


Edited by Azekai
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Wow, great work, guys! Great thread, too, as I'm planning to build a couple of warpsmiths and the dark Mechanicum guy from the FW book at some point.


KrautScientist has a great warpsmith. I hope he doesn't mind me linking it, but his work is a great inspiration, one of the most well-known chaos plogs out there.



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@ Juggernut: Aw, mate: Cheers for the shout out! I am still really happy with that model, to be honest.

I would be remiss not to mention Biohazard's excellent Warpsmith. No photos, unfortunately, as I am on my phone, but the model can be found in his World Eaters thread.


EDIT: There you go:


Thanks guys,

Kraut, I knew you'd mention the helmet :biggrin.: lol! Hopefully this version is more to your liking?

Malchy, that's some high praise indeed and thank you very much. Although as to the last comment, I've seen your work and it is phenomenal so don't put yourself down. :thumbsup:

Midnight, cheers buddy, I like the SD trim, this is from the Rhino kit I believe, I really just wanted something to break up the Red a bit and I think these will work nicely. It looks decent enough on my Rhino anyway. :thumbsup:


Isn't he lovely? ;)


There's also GuitaRasmus' older Warpsmith -- I've always considered this guy a particularly neat idea:



Edited by KrautScientist
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