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Dual wielding Chainswords(where's my Melta-bombs?)


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Yesterday as I was reviewing the troops I came to the realization that the old load out for my Sword brethren w/ Lightning claws only yields a single additional attack granted, those attacks re roll wounds .It then struck me that dual chain swords is an option and the chainsword grants an extra attack so for giggles I modelled a sword brother w/ a crazy Darth maul type chainsword that one of the kids had fashioned from out the bits box .Then to give the squad a little extra anti tank OOMPHH! I gave him a Melta-bomb in his right hand.All good until after a second look at the Sgt.Equipment list in the index and realized meltabombs aren't an option any longer.THIS IS HERESY! Anyone know where they went? I would assume they are an option in the codex but we know about assumptions. HELP!
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With two chainswords, your Templar will be shot to pieces before he brings the enemy within reach of his blades.


Which begs the question: Isn't it time Games Workshop add a bolt pistol-chainsword combination weapon as a Black Templars upgrade, so a Charging Templar can provide his own suppressive fire and prevent cowardly shooters from keeping themselves beyond reach of his blades?

Edited by Bjorn Firewalker
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Unbelievable. You'd think after so much fail and sad GWwould get something right.ONCE.W/out having to FAQ everything they put to print! Ahhh..maybe they'll catch it before 9th edition comes out.

With two chainswords, your Templar will be shot to pieces before he brings the enemy within reach of his blades.

Not until the other 19 guys in front of him bite it first! OPERATION MEATSHIELD is a GO! And the dual Chainsword themselves aren't fantastic even on a Vet.Sgt.(I mean Sword brother!) but 4 attacks if he does see combat will make him positively mediocre!

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With two chainswords, your Templar will be shot to pieces before he brings the enemy within reach of his blades.


Which begs the question: Isn't it time Games Workshop add a bolt pistol-chainsword combination weapon as a Black Templars upgrade, so a Charging Templar can provide his own suppressive fire and prevent cowardly shooters from keeping themselves beyond reach of his blades?

In all honesty storm shields only improve the survival of vets by a smidge in most cases

Besides if he is shooting plasma, meltas and lascannons at my vets i figure one of the two of us has failed as a commander.


Either he failed at target priority or i failed at making him choose other targets

Edited by skoll
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