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To chop all the weapons of my Zerkers or not?


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If it isn’t worth the work to you, don’t do it. I’m not a fan of the GW Berzerkers kit, so IMO it’s worth the effort to make them look cooler. But bits cost money, and you already have the berzerkers built, so maybe just use ‘em as they are.
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Had a Khorne army years ago, sold it, started another Khorne army when I got the Daemonkin codex two Novembers ago.  Put together and painted roughly 40 berzerkers with another 20 cleaned and ready for primer, paint and assembly.  8th edition comes out and berzerkers can have the sword/axe combo, plasma doesn't blow up in your face and power fists aren't the lousy initative 1 anymore.

So lot's and lot's of pistol arms got taken off of my berzerkers and I magnatized everything.  If I ever want to use pistols again (which was probably a waist of magnets because I can't see myself ever putting pistols back on), I can.

On the down side it does take a lot of extra arms and shoulder pads

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My Berzerkers we're mostly a fun modelling project although I do use them in just about every game now. I used Raptor bodies and legs with the rubble trimmed off to make some running poses (an idea I borrowed from some fellow heretics here on the BnC) and I gave them the FW Nostraman Chainglaives as counts-as chain axes. Since they are two handed weapons in my opinion it would be silly and gamey to stick chainswords on them as well so I run them as chain axes and bolt pistol. I like the way the models came out so I have no regrets about them being unoptimized.
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The sword/axe combo is definitely superior on berzerkers. With that said, I'd very much suggested making you army visually appealing to how you want them to be.


For the ones that you'll have holding pistols, maybe you could put a chainsword holstered at the waist. If you're going to replace the pistols with chainswords, maybe glue a pistol on to their thigh like it's maglocked there. Just my two cents.

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