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Mixed loadout Crusader squads in 8th?


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OK so I've been considering heading back to my 3rd Ed roots with SM and putting together a modest(like, 1000pts or less most likely) truescale Black Templar force, and I just want to make sure I'm not missing something in my thinking here - I'm a background & models guy first and foremost so that's entirely possible, but I still like to play for the win once models are on the table.

​One thing that put me off collecting BT in the past beyond my initial shoddy-as effort back in the days of the Armageddon campaign book was the rules really seemed to penalise you for making "proper" Crusader squads, ie ones with some variation in armament, it was either go all CCW or focus on MSU if you wanted ranged. I'm looking at the 8th rules in the Codex and it  ​seems like mixing the loadout up a bit isn't actually that big of a deal; while it's not going to be "optimal", you're not going to end up unable to charge because of bolters or find your shooting totally ineffectual because you moved, and you get a double-tap from your bolters or an extra-strength shotgun blast to make up for not having the additional attack from the chainsword.

​At least, that's how I've read things - am I correct or having a derp?

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Nope, that's correct. Something I will be trying out on larger squads to see how it works for me. It gives you some ranged punch while not taking a huge loss in CC, especially if you have a captain or Helbrecht nearby. 

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On squads of at least 10 Combat SM I run 2 Bolguns on Neophytes, they do well as I get closer to charge distance and they'll be the first to take wounds as not really needed afterwards.

I also take some Flamers or Meltas but not where I have the Boltguns as I want the bulk to be Chainswords, it really depends on your ideal target but yeah, you can mix and match anything between Initiates and Neophytes.

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