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I'll certainly give it a try on the knee, erring towards doing a black shoulderpad, as it will tie nicely between grey hunter and wolfguard, plus FW never told us the markings for veterans :)


Okay question time. 


Tried to put transfers on my wolves last night, but curved plate is a pain in the bum and I have pits sticking out. Can I still use microsol on it to soften it down or is it too late now that the decal has dried?? ( I have not yet put a top coat of gloss varnish on it)

  • 3 weeks later...



I dumped all my plastic on ebay so offloaded a lot of my 40K Wolves. This has basically cut my infantry by half. As I retained all the resin.

The only items left are 1 pack of Long, 1 pack of Blood claws, 1 pack of grey hunters and 1 old school Space Wolves captain. (I also have 10 of the metal SW terminators which I forgot to ebay)


These models may go under the scalpel, or remain as-is but get brand new paint jobs, I haven't decided yet


So this is what I have kept


Not in the pics are the 40K thunderwolves (18 including metal thunder squirrel) the ebay stuff which never sold (thankfully these were the squads I was going to regret parting with most) All my 40K HQ models. My 4 Knights and 5 BoP tartaros terminators, 30 Indomitus terminators and 5 old school wulfen


28861322368_7eb9ae1d24_c.jpgthumbnail (84) by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

Most of my fully assembled models


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Heavy support and seekers. Still another 29 Space Wolves to add to this pile


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TT combat scenery, lovely stuff at a decent price. Back most item looks suitably T-Son to use as a big objective in a game :)


40924535710_67c784f86f_c.jpgthumbnail (85) by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

Cataphractii terminators. TH/SS models will need to be taken apart and redone, as this armament is not 30K legal.


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Skimmers WIP


40924535150_e9383c0d84_c.jpgthumbnail (81) by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

Fire Raptor, Assault Ram, Fell Glaive, Lightning, 2 razorbacks (about to get chopped up to become rhino/ razorbacks for both systems), 2 predator executioners, 1 vindicator, 1 whirlwind & 1 scorpius whirlwind.


27865943437_6f899e132e_c.jpgthumbnail (76) by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

Sicaran, broken Fire Raptor, Typhon, Land Raider Achilles, Land Raider Phobos, Land Raider with Chapter House kit (thought it was a mark 2 when bought off of ebay) 2 Spartans, Fellblade, Storm Eagle, Fire Raptor, Mastodon,


28861321818_7743509315_c.jpgthumbnail (79) by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

20 tactical veterans to run as grey hunters, 30 assault marines to run as skyclaws or as wolf guard with jump packs, 10 seekers, run as wolf guard with combi weapons, 20 breahers, run as wolf guard with shields and various weapons


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Russ, HQ units and 5 tartaros terminators with combi meltas and chainfists


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The venerables. Sons of Ymir.

What colour do I do the gem on the axe?


Red or green. Have done a wash of Lamenters yellow to give the gem a warm look


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Also a few wee bits I am working on for ETL


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I got the metallics done on the plates for my knights and the weapon arms more or less done for the leviathans


I was going t do the base colour on the plates, but that didnt work out, as you can see I am a messy painter.


New plan is to varnish and mask the metallics, then do the armour plates again with the airbrush.


Hoping as the main bodies are all metal construction, they will get done pretty fast.


What symbol should I put in the cog on the Atropos' chest plate?


41283233800_1ddb1e149e_c.jpg20180629_202744 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


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2 knights and 2 Leviathans.


The 2 Knights are:


Cerastus knight Atropos: unknown name, unknown pilot. Master of the Forges


Cerastus Knight Lancer, unknown name, nicknamed Gyrfalkon for its rapid assaults,  unknown pilot


This will be added to my existing leviathan and 2 knights, so 3 leviathans and 4 knights overall :smile.:


The completed 2 knights are:


House Morhain: The Black Knights


Cerastus Knight Acheron, dubbed the  Serpents Breath, piloted by Uhtred Ragnarsson, Castellan, Gatekeeper


Cerastus Knight Castigator, Dubbed the Kings Sword, piloted by xxxxxxxxxx High King of House Morhain

Edited by Dantay VI
  • 6 months later...

Happy new year to everyone.


Sorry for being away for so long 


Also many thanks for all the well wishes with regards to my son.


He is now thoroughly enjoying his new school and has earned he is in a safe place so all is good there.


Unfortunately or me I have not picked up a model in months let alone paint. I have been signed off work with depression and mustering the energy to do anything constructive.


However, I am trying to change that, so I am turning to you guys.


First off Rogal Dorn...


I decided to take a change in tack and do a character model for a change of pace.

Badly fr me, as I stuck the Raptor in place behind Dorns head it fell off and I have lost it. Not only that but I have only now managed to find a single raptor wing :sad.:


Do I not bother with the raptor, or do I try to make one using the aquila from the rhino kit??? 


So going back to previous posts


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I did some gold on the leviathan. Do you think I could put a decal over it and then use mask to protect the areas I want left gold. Or do you think I should go with a black/ red outline design akin to FearPeteySodes amazing Levuathan?


Also I have no made any more progress on my 2 knights


46620075321_3224930618_b.jpgknight1 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


I want to put pilots in, and the ideas I have, mean using figures on thrones,,,, Any idea how easy it would be to remove the original throne mechanicums??


46620075681_567328fc8a_b.jpgthrone mechanicum by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


Thanks for looking :smile.:

  • 3 weeks later...

Well Flickr as changed, so running pictures through BnC for now.


May go back to Imgur, any suggestions on a decent free picture hosting website from anyone?


Thanks Bjorn for your encouragement


A wee plug for Lidl. They got these for £2.49 each or 2 for £4. I think an absolute bargain

Cutting wheels

Diamond cutting bits




Well did a bit of cutting and chopping. Basically cracked my knights torso's open to put 2 pilots in. Also done a mech pilot for the Atropos.


Knight pilots

My long suffering veterans have had some work done on their bases. I bought the Egyptian roller from Greenstuffworld, and used the very last of my milliputt to try out.
Quite like the result and with some debris on the base, I could be able to make a good number of bases

Veteran bases

Beyond that I managed to get the pilots and gunners sorted out for the Javelins. 1 pair have Salamanders torso's and the other Space Wolves torsos... I imagine the Salamander guys are basically SW big game hunters and will be drake slayers :)

Javelin 2

Javelin 1

Trying to get old kits ut of the way I also git the Arcus 90% done, hat the way the turret sits, so want t do something to raise it slightly and give it a better fit. The Land Raider mark 2B is also done and sporting an assault cannon razorback turret for fun.

Sicaran Arcus

Raider mark 2b

For air cover I got the xiphon sprayed and will update the cockpit soon :) Another flyer in my SW armada.


And lastly vehicle wise, I got the 2 razorbacks out of the freezer and split them apart, then rebuit them with SW specific parts and added multi meltas. These are removable for 40K play where hey are illegal.
These can now run as razorback or rhino's

Veteran rhinos

Now with all the armour progressing nicely, on to the juicy stuff
Got this little lunatic finished off at long last.


I used Haldor Icepelts head, and the axe head popped off, disappearing without trace. I found this blade laying on the desk, so stuck it on, and I think it looks pretty good. Just not sure what to call him, or run him as.  Any thoughts??
Todays bit of fun were these guys

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Indomitus termi's

As you can see it is a fair mash up of bis and are in very early stages... The FW varagyr will get their legs retweaked and the furs will be ground down and off and you can see there is a lot of potential and work in the others.

thumbnail (22)


For example the Tartaros guys are based on Deathguard models, the armour between the legs, will be shortened and reshaped to look like the imagery in Inferno. If I cannot do it then it will be gone and replaced with fur pelts.

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The arm weapons may stay to represent combi weapons and the scythes will be converted to big 2 handed axes or harpoons (as described in A Thousand Sons) and bolters or combi bolters maglocked to the armour.


Another set based on Deathguard Grave Wardens are these guys.

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Grave Warden Legs, SW terminator torso's and Grave Warden arms. Trying to work out the best weapon loadout.. Do I go with claws and fists or combi-bolters and fists?
The remaining Grave Warden bits are used with the standard cataphractii parts. 

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The belts are incomplete as I have KF studio bits that I may use here.

What I need help with though is how to wolf these up and tidy up the top sections?

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Also how to disguise the big gaps at the back?

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And these guys will be in Indomitus, as I am 95% sure I am short of Cata arms and pads.

Indomitus termi's

Again, not sure of weapon load out, any thoughts??
With regards to sizing thre is not a huge amount of difference in size between the larger Varagyr and the modified terminators

thumbnail (16)


And finally
I applied some gold to these 2 guys

Vindicator laser destroyer

Sicaran Venator

WIll work on decal designs and see how they go....


Thanks for looking :)

  • 1 month later...

So while trying to work out what to do, I decided to work on a command squad, Hvarl's Headtakers so to speak.


As Hvarl is in Tartaros plate, so his squad will do the same,so decided to use the DeathGuard DeathShroud as a base.

Also decided t use the scythes, as big executioners axes.


A lot are warped and will get straightened out, ear days yet.




















Also started faffing around with the Praetor model.

Hate what they did with his lower half




So began attacking him





Fun times ahead!!

Oh wow, I had no idea that the SW praetor is that poorly detailed in certain spots.


I had a quick look over your models just now, great stuff all around. I'm excited to see what you make of the Wolf Lord!


Yes it is a bit bad on the praetor isn't it?

I double checked that it wasn't a dodgy model, as mine was an ebay purchase, and my friends was from FW. He said his was the same.

There is still a ton of grinding to do on him. Planning to remove his head and cut the right arm at the elbow.


Plan is to have him facing forward and rotate the right arm close to 90 degrees, a bit like fw Abaddon. will also re-do the fur.


The Deathshroud are phenomenal models and I am considering repeating the trick again, but making 2 of them Rune priests. I need to see if Kva Who was Divided wore power armour or terminator armour, as I could use 2 Tartaros as his body guard.


FYI, the black head is Hvarls and it looks good, but my favourite is the primaris head with the mohican



Awesome progress on your army Dantay - oh, and Freki and Geri are just cuuute


Thank you Atia, and Russ' pups are cute. In a savage kind of way.

  • 2 months later...

While offshore I opted to try and finish up loose ends, so I brought out my old veteran squad and the deathsworn.


I have bought some laser printer decal paper, as I tried the inkjet and really struggled with the decal sealant. Plus I can print at work.







Got the bases done bar some sand, will do some decals for the arm guards and power fist, maybe something for the pack markings also.


I do have a question though, I am starting to think there is too much going on colour wise which is taking away from the grey of the armour. Shoud I re-do the helms and make them grey rather than the brown leathery colours,but keep the specked helm look?


Deathsworn are done bar a decal for the knee pad, which is why it is so shiny, as been glossed in preparation










Again, a quick question, I gt some pigment powder, how do I apply it and get it to stick?


Lastly. Been trying some colour shift paint from greenstuffworld. This is toxic purple. Was going to go for purple with a green colour shift for Alpha legion. It looks better in person, but not 100% sure.


Its for the corpses on Rogal Dorn's base..





second picture is on the left side which I did green, the centre is gloss black, the right side was done with hexed lichen purple.


Before coming offshore I was working on a few side projects:














Thanks for looking

Lol, you mean Hvarl?


He is not that bad a model, just swapped the head and rotated the arm 90 degrees. The dead guy is from the Khârn model and I made a mold of Angrons cloak, which I need to trim down.





Hvarls head ended up on this guy :)



Still a lot of work to be done though...

Edited by Dantay VI

Lol, okay.


The head swap helped lots, was from the grey slayer with the really cool armour and rotating the arms.


Meant I had to tray and save the torso, with this.




I plan to resculpt all of the fur too.


Talking of Ragnar... I got the blackstone fortress chaos lord and I have been thinking about converting him into a Ragnar model, so we shall see ;)

  • 2 months later...

I managed to get through the ETL, but along the way, the Russ I had painted and given to my son got totalled in a room move.


Russ' repurposing.


Been noodling around with my Ragnar update, borrowing heavily from Russ, could almost be a mini-Russ aka young king :D







Tearing my sons room apart when he moved out of it to his new bedroom, I manged to find about 80% of Russ.


What are your thoughts, I am debating over trying to GS a wolf head for the left shoulder guard,but worried it would over-wolf the model, however it is an iconic part of the Ragnar model... hmmm. Also d I go with the plastic head and maybe try a top knot or use the dremel and carve out Ragnars original head?




Let me know.


Old Hvarl, turned Kings Guard... Used to have the master of Executions axe, but I swapped it out for Russ'. This snapped in about 5 places and took a lot of swearing and patience to rebuild. I suspect it is the swearing which is holding the axe together :D







The missing hand will be left empty as the axe is that big, it will need to be swung 2 handed


Because I got rid of the executioners axe, I decided to re-jig this dude.





Still in 2 minds about which axe head to run with, but happier with the haft now.


Lastly another Russ donor recipient.


Hvarl got a new cloak. While I like the Angron cloak with the skulls on it, I feel the Russ cloak suits the model more and th way the back is curved allows for more detail to be seen.




Your Ragnar looks most promising. As for the head, his current one will be fine if you green stuff more hair on the left side of what he had now- no more of that half-baked "long hair on one side, shaved on the other" look I see on certain FEMALE porn stars and Emperor's Children CAPT Eidolon.
  • 2 weeks later...

Your Ragnar looks most promising. As for the head, his current one will be fine if you green stuff more hair on the left side of what he had now- no more of that half-baked "long hair on one side, shaved on the other" look I see on certain FEMALE porn stars and Emperor's Children CAPT Eidolon.



LOL I see what you are saying. I am trying to cut the wolf pad and head free of the body, but I am having a hard time chewing through the metal. Any ideas what would be best for chopping him up.


As a side project, I am putting togther a 20 man grey slayer squad, which can be broken up into 2 x 10 man Wolf guard packs.


I have the pack 90% done but the Thegn....


Which weapon looks best?










Thanks for looking

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