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Seems the spear (or harpoon from the Karadron Overlord kit) is really popular.


I was going to go with sword but changed it over. I am not sure what it should count as.... Frost weapon of some sort I guess, its not heavy-duty enough to proxy as a power fist :D


I put a sword on his back and would love to add an axe, just not sure  where.



















Considering swapping this to power fist for more close combat Ooomph!!




Need to add some comms stuff





Banner bearer


Thanks for looking :)

  • 2 months later...

Jings 2 months since I last posted on here.


I do not know about anyone else, but I have been feeling quite out of sorts hobby-wise and struggling to remain motivated.


This might be a bit heretical, but I hate building models... I'd gladly pay someone to do it for me. So many ideas,but hate trying to cack-handedly try to execute them.


That said I need t get my mojo back and start painting. To try and push this along I signed up to Lil Liegends on Patreon and been enjoying his work,some of it really insightful. So I have started to revamp my paints. I ordered a big bunch of scale color 75 stuff and some Wilder aqua line water based oil paints.

Will have to see how it goes, hopefully well.


Anyhoo, as you cant paint until you build stuff I have taken a stab at a few things. Done my first primaris models, the vanguard half of shadowspear. Nothing ground breaking, a few arm and head swaps, but pretty much stock. I am really not sure how I feel about them,wolf them up or keep them all business and go minimal?


Wispy, f you read this I love what you have done with the intercessors.


So this is where I am at.



Sniper team and Librarian (Rune Priest)



Captain and Infiltrators, some of which are really goofy looking (Sarge) any ideas for them gratefully received, superglued so can be snapped apart



Jump gunners and stabby lootenant.


On the Hresy front, been working on 20 mrk 3 marines which came airbrushed grey and ace scenic bases...Would love to know how they were done especially the bases (brilliant ebay purchase)



Praevian, which will be given a big-ass hammer so he can run as Iron Priest



And lastly a vigilator (will fix his droopy barrel) can't decide on head and whether to stick with original mark 4 legs or use Kroms mark 6 legs (late heresy as not seen on Prospero during the burning)








1 to 6, you choose....

It's a shame you dont like the building aspect. You're

clearly very good at it and have loads of ideas. You've made some lovely characters here. Hopefully you just need a break from building, you've been doing a lot of it.


Spear is a great idea for the Viking hunter. Maybe a Wolf Claw profile would be a fun way of using it in game, despite it not looking like a wolf claw.


Your Ragnar is brilliant. Really does look like a mini Russ which fits his young king billing. Looks the spit of Russ on the cover of Prospero Burns. Love it.

  • 1 month later...

I went with the Primaris head on Kroms legs fr the Vigilator.


Thanks Krakendoomcool.I am going to try and change the left shoulder pad for the original Blackmane pad, to make him more like the original Ragnar, but it is hard work cutting through the metal.


The ideas are good, but I am very cack-handed at bringing them to fruition, which disappoints me a bit.


Anyhoo before moving on to new models, I am going to finish off some half done projects from 2019


So back to my 20 man 30K tactical squad. That can also be split down to 2 bare bones grey hunter squads.


Got them all to the same level of completion, which meant finishing up a lot of odds and sods.




I managed to get some Windsor & Newton, water mixable oils, so tried these out for pinwashing and also putting a coating over the detalls on the pauldron and helmets to provide some "age". For all 20. The pinwashing took HOURS!! because f all the recesses on mark 3. I nearl lost the will to live.











Then added a simple packmarking to all the Wolves, may add a rune or 2 to each of them when I go home and have my decal to hand.


The red is a bit bright, but it looks like freshly spilled blood, so quite happy with it.





May need to dull the red down as the ink has left it a little glossy, will see tomorrow.

Also need to do something to "rough up" the grey as it looks way too pristine


Also did the dragon designs on my Deredeo




A productive few days.


What do you think??

  • 7 months later...

Holy cow, its been a long break. A bit of hobby burn-out I guess.

I have been doing a few bits and pieces, but nothing really warranting putting a post up.


Until now anyway.


I have decided to give my Wolvess a little bit of a reboot.


So along with Shadow Spear I have Ragnar, incursors and the indomitus box-set, which is a nice starting point for creating a 40K Wolves army.


To try and alleviate some of the boredom of painting grey I am wanting to try out new recipes and methods to see if i can find alternat ways of painting and maybe up my skill level a bit.


I have started a little bit of conversion work with the Indomitus stuff to bring it more in line with the Space Wolves.


Here is what I have so far.


cappy 1

cappy 2




lootenant 2


The Judiciar is made to look like he has been bitten by the Wulfen curse but beaten it back, he is no longer allowed to speak because of what the curse has done to him and he is now the executioner for those who fall too far to the curse and cannot be redeemed. I know most wolf players have gotten rid of the sword, but man it is gorgeous and one of the things which makes the model stand out, so I chose to keep it.
The Wolf Priest, I have shortened the crozius as it is too long and slender.
The Captain needs a new belt
The Bladeguard Ancient may become a Rune Priest. After taking the banner off and fitting a Wolf banner, it snapped off. Now all I can see is a Gandalf like character shouting YOU CANNOT PASS... I have since given him a sword instead of a heavy pistol.
These are all now at home, as I cannot take bits and glue and clippers offshore in my baggage, so I have focussed on some painting.
Before going to work I broke out the airbrush.

Rag 1

rune priest



Its so baby-blue that it hurts my eyes to look at.
So I tried a super thin coat of skavenblight dinge (by thin I mean like dirty dishwater)
And for soem it worked a teat, for others the effect was minimal.
Since then I have started putting in the base colours, because I am hoping that by using water based oils, I can darken the armour up with pin washes and staining.
This is where I am finally at:










Still a long way to go.


Thanks for looking :)


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