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Fluff reasons for TS colour change?

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Is there a credited reason why the Thousand Sons changed from the crimson red to the blue and gold scheme between Heresy and 40K?


All the other legions have a reason for doing so that I can remember:

Black Legion - wash away sins stuff

Word Bearers - show change in persona

World Eaters - CBA to clean armour

Death Guard - just green due to infection

Emperor's Children - garish for reasons


Did the TS just do it cause "Tzeentch colours"?

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They didn't actually change - Magnus's RUBRICS are still red, Ahriman's splinter Warband the prodigal sons are blue, which the studio team uses to depict them.
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[spoiler ALERT: This post contains information from the Ahriman trilogy, the novel BATTLE OF THE FANG, and the campaign book from the Fenris War Zone campaign WRATH OF MAGNUS.]  


1.  At the end of book 1 of the Ahriman trilogy, Ahriman defeats Amon in a sorcerous duel, and after that there's this passage:  


"Amon's shriek rose through the air, higher and higher. . . . Amon's voice rang in Ahriman's head.  A gale was rising, spiralling into a cyclone around the glowing form of Amon.  White light flared around Amon.  Ahriman felt his brother's last breath as his flesh became dust, like a peal of thunder on a desert horizon.  Amon's armor came apart, each component pulling away from the other, spilling grey dust into the turning wind.  The vortex enveloped Ahriman and lifted him from the ground.  The separate pieces of Amon's armour orbited Ahriman, aligning over his splayed body.  Then,m one plate at a time, they slid into place over Ahriman's flesh.  Finally Amon's horned helm slipped over Ahriman's skull.  He saw the world bathed in data and overlaid with auras bleeding from the warp.  He floated down to the floor.  Every eye was on him, both living and dead.  The minds of the living sorcerers were teetering on the edge of indecision.  The dead simply waited.  He felt his tongue move in his mouth, the settling beat of his hearts, the slight shifting of his muscles.  He closed his eyes for a second.  Now it is done, he thought.  Now there is only one way, and that way is forward.  Ahriman raised his hands.  Flames leapt from the floor.  Red lacquer peeled from the armour of every Rubricae and sorcerer.  The tatters of paint spun in the flames.  Polished silver armour plate reflected the fire for a long moment, shimmering like hte surface of burning oil.  Then the flames flickered blue, and the silver armour became poolished sapphire.  Ahriman looked across the ranks of blue armour.  Somewhere at the back of his mind, he heard a raven call." 



2.  Magnus' Rubricae are blue and gold in BATTLE OF THE FANG.  


3.  Magnus' Rubricae are blue and gold in WRATH OF MAGNUS.


The fact that Magnus' Rubricae are blue in both BATTLE OF THE FANG and WRATH OF MAGNUS is something I've puzzled over myself for a while.  I am not aware of any reason why Magnus' Rubricae should be blue and gold.  If the blue color comes from the Rubric itself, as has been suggested, then why were Amon's Rubricae red until Ahriman turned them blue?  In the Ahriman trilogy, Ahriman did not have Rubricae followers of his own until the events of that trilogy--from the time he went into exile after the failure of the Rubric until the start of the Ahriman trilogy, he was concealing his identity and did not have any Rubricae followers.  


Do we juts chalk this confusion up to canon conflict?

Edited by Vorenus
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I have no idea if this is relevant, but in A Thousand Sons, when Arhiman returns to his body after a warp flight

to kill Wyrdmake,
he describes the blue and gold bands of his staff turning black as an omen. I assume those colrs have some specific meaning.
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Because Ahrimans own rubrics are red as well until that point also if memory serves. There could be a variety of reasons. I like the idea that this was the moment that Ahriman have in, he didn't think he did but he did.
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